Heartwarming Reunions in the Sunshine of Old Tallinn
FluentFiction - Estonian
Heartwarming Reunions in the Sunshine of Old Tallinn
Tallinna Vanalinnas paistis päike säravalt.
In the Old Town of Tallinn, the sun was shining brightly.
Kitsastel tänavatel oli mõnus kõndida.
It was pleasant to walk on the narrow streets.
Liisa astus aeglaselt mööda kiviteed.
Liisa walked slowly along the cobblestone road.
Ta tundis vanade majade lõhna ja kuulis kajakat.
She could smell the old houses and hear a seagull.
Liisa läks vanaema koju.
Liisa was going to her grandmother's house.
Täna oli perekonna kokkutulek.
Today was the family reunion.
Vanaema maja oli suur ja ilus.
Grandmother's house was big and beautiful.
Värav oli lahti.
The gate was open.
Liisa nägi oma sugulasi aias.
Liisa saw her relatives in the yard.
Seal olid Liisa ema, isa ja õed-vennad.
There were Liisa's mother, father, and siblings.
Kõik olid rõõmsad ja naeratavad.
Everyone was happy and smiling.
"Tsau, Liisa!"
"Hi, Liisa!"
hõikas vanaema rõõmsalt.
grandmother called out cheerfully.
Vanaema kallistas Liisat tugevalt.
Grandmother hugged Liisa tightly.
"Tore sind näha!"
"It's great to see you!"
Liisa astus majja.
Liisa stepped into the house.
Tuba oli soe ja hubane.
The room was warm and cozy.
Laual oli palju toitu.
There was a lot of food on the table.
Seal olid pirukad, salatid ja kook.
There were pies, salads, and cake.
Kõik lõhnas hästi.
Everything smelled wonderful.
Liisa kõht korises.
Liisa's stomach growled.
Peagi jõudis aeg süüa.
Soon it was time to eat.
Kõik istusid laua taha.
Everyone sat down at the table.
Vanaema rääkis vanu lugusid.
Grandmother told old stories.
Ta jutustas, kuidas ta noorena Tallinna Vanalinnas seikles.
She recounted how she had adventures in the Old Town of Tallinn when she was young.
Kõik kuulasid huviga.
Everyone listened with interest.
Pärast sööki mängiti mänge.
After the meal, they played games.
Lapsed jooksid õues.
The children ran outside.
Nad mängisid peitust ja naersid palju.
They played hide and seek and laughed a lot.
Täiskasvanud rääkisid ja jõid kohvi.
The adults chatted and drank coffee.
Õhtul läks päike looja.
In the evening, the sun set.
Õhk jahtus, aga südamed olid soojad.
The air cooled, but hearts were warm.
Perekond istus veel kaua koos.
The family sat together for a long time.
Nad laulsid vanu laule ja meenutasid ilusaid aegu.
They sang old songs and reminisced about good times.
Liisa vaatas oma perekonda.
Liisa looked at her family.
Ta tundis rõõmu ja rahu.
She felt joy and peace.
"Perekond on tõesti tähtis," mõtles ta endamisi.
"Family is truly important," she thought to herself.
Kui pimedaks läks, hakkasid kõik kodu poole minema.
When it grew dark, everyone began to head home.
Liisa tänas vanaema ja hüvasti jättes kallistas teda tugevasti.
Liisa thanked her grandmother and hugged her tightly while saying goodbye.
"Tule varsti jälle!"
"Come again soon!"
ütles vanaema.
said her grandmother.
"Igatsen sind juba!"
"I already miss you!"
Liisa lubas kindlasti tagasi tulla.
Liisa promised to come back for sure.
Ta lehvitas viimast korda ja hakkas mööda kiviteed tagasi minema.
She waved one last time and started walking back along the cobblestone road.
Ta tundis, kuidas süda oli täis armastust ja headust.
She felt her heart full of love and goodness.
Tallinna Vanalinna tuled põlesid eredalt.
The lights of the Old Town of Tallinn shone brightly.
Kodu oli justkui valguse saar ilusas öös.
Home was like an island of light in the beautiful night.
Ja nii lõppeski see eriline päev, mil kõik olid koos.
And so this special day ended, a day when everyone was together.