Wonders of Lahemaa: A Journey Through Viru Bog Trail
FluentFiction - Estonian
Wonders of Lahemaa: A Journey Through Viru Bog Trail
Hommikul säras päike üle Lahemaa rahvuspargi.
In the morning, the sun shone over Lahemaa National Park.
Katrin ja Mikko tulid autoga.
Katrin and Mikko arrived by car.
Nad tahtsid avastada Viru raba rada.
They wanted to explore the Viru bog trail.
Katrin kandis mugavaid rattasaapaid.
Katrin wore comfortable walking boots.
Mikko oli kaasa võtnud kaamerat.
Mikko had brought along a camera.
Esimene vaade rabale oli hingemattev.
The first view of the bog was breathtaking.
Sammud kajasid puidust raja pealt.
Their footsteps echoed on the wooden pathway.
"Katrin, vaata, see on älves!"
"Katrin, look, there's a moose!"
ütles Mikko ja näitas kaugusesse.
said Mikko, pointing into the distance.
Katrin peatus, vaatas ja naeratas.
Katrin stopped, looked, and smiled.
Nad otsustasid minna edasi.
They decided to continue on.
Järsku kõlas krõps.
Suddenly, there was a crack.
Mikko vaatas oma jalgu.
Mikko looked at his feet.
Üks laud tänavaliftuma.
One of the planks had lifted.
"Näe, siin on väike järveke," ütles Katrin ja viipas edasi.
"Look, there's a small lake here," said Katrin, gesturing forward.
Tee viis nad sügavamale rabasse.
The trail led them deeper into the bog.
Nad jõudsid vaatetorni juurde.
They reached an observation tower.
Torn oli kõrge.
The tower was tall.
Mikko ronis esimesena.
Mikko climbed first.
Katrin järgnes talle.
Katrin followed him.
Tornist avanes vaade lõputule soole ja metsadele.
From the tower, there was a view of the endless bog and forests.
"See on nii ilus," ütles Katrin vaikselt.
"This is so beautiful," said Katrin quietly.
Mikko tõmbas sügava hinge.
Mikko took a deep breath.
Nad veetsid tunde rajal, nautides loodust.
They spent hours on the trail, enjoying nature.
Varsti hakkas päike loojuma.
Soon, the sun began to set.
"Peame tagasi minema," ütles Mikko.
"We need to head back," said Mikko.
Nad hakkasid tagasi kõndima.
They started walking back.
Täiskuu tõusis.
The full moon rose.
Tagasi autoni jõudes vaatas Katrin tagasi rabale.
Upon reaching the car, Katrin looked back at the bog.
Mikko naeratas.
Mikko smiled.
See oli olnud suurepärane päev.
It had been a wonderful day.
Nii said Katrin ja Mikko rikkamaks ühe ilusa mälestuse võrra Lahemaal.
Thus, Katrin and Mikko gained a beautiful memory in Lahemaa.