Love and Resilience: A Day in Tallinn's Historic Castle
FluentFiction - Estonian
Love and Resilience: A Day in Tallinn's Historic Castle
Mari ja Juhan seisid Toompea lossi peavärava ees.
Mari and Juhan stood in front of the main gate of Toompea Castle.
Päike paistis ja taevas oli selge.
The sun was shining and the sky was clear.
Mõlemad olid rõõmsad ja elevil.
Both were cheerful and excited.
Turismijuht, kes neid tervitas, näitas ilusat naeratust.
The tour guide, who greeted them, showed a beautiful smile.
Ta kandis kollaseid riideid.
He was wearing yellow clothes.
"Mari, vaata, kuidas loss särab päikese käes!"
"Mari, look at how the castle shines in the sun!"
sosistas Juhan.
Juhan whispered.
Mari naeratas ja noogutas.
Mari smiled and nodded.
Rühm hakkas liikuma.
The group started moving.
Kõigepealt läksid nad sisse suuresse saali.
First, they entered the large hall.
Saalis olid kõrged laed ja ilusad lühtrid.
The hall had high ceilings and beautiful chandeliers.
Turismijuht rääkis lossi ajaloost.
The tour guide spoke about the history of the castle.
Kõik kuulasid tähelepanelikult.
Everyone listened attentively.
Äkitselt hakkas Mari köhima.
Suddenly, Mari started coughing.
Alguses vaikselt, kuid siis läks see tugevamaks.
At first quietly, but then it grew stronger.
Juhan vaatas Mari ilmega täis muret.
Juhan looked at Mari with a face full of concern.
Mari silmad olid punased ja ta hingas raskelt.
Mari's eyes were red, and she was breathing heavily.
"Kas kõik on korras?"
"Is everything okay?"
küsis turismijuht.
asked the tour guide.
"Ei ole, ma arvan, et mul on allergiline reaktsioon," sosistas Mari vaevu.
"No, I think I'm having an allergic reaction," Mari whispered weakly.
Rühm peatus ja kõik vaatasid Mari poole.
The group stopped and everyone looked at Mari.
Juhan haaras Mari käest.
Juhan grabbed Mari's hand.
Nad liikusid kiiresti lossiõue poole.
They quickly moved toward the castle courtyard.
Turismijuht jooksis ette ja avas ukse.
The tour guide ran ahead and opened the door.
Õues oli õhk värske ja puhas.
Outside, the air was fresh and clean.
Mari hingas sügavalt sisse.
Mari took a deep breath.
Tema köha hakkas vähenema.
Her coughing began to subside.
"Ma arvan, et see oli tolm," ütles ta lõpuks.
"I think it was the dust," she finally said.
Juhan kallistas Mari.
Juhan hugged Mari.
"Nüüd tunnetad end paremini?"
"Do you feel better now?"
küsis ta.
he asked.
Mari naeratas väsinult.
Mari smiled tiredly.
"Jah, palju parem."
"Yes, much better."
Turismijuht pakkus vett.
The tour guide offered water.
"Võtke lonks," ütles ta lahkelt.
"Take a sip," he said kindly.
Pärast pausi otsustasid Mari ja Juhan jälle rühma juurde naasta.
After a break, Mari and Juhan decided to rejoin the group.
Turism jätkus ja Mari tundis end taas mugavalt.
The tour continued, and Mari felt comfortable again.
Lõpuks jõudsid nad lossi tippu.
Finally, they reached the top of the castle.
Vaated Tallinnale olid imelised.
The views of Tallinn were amazing.
Päike säras merel ja vanalinn võlus oma iluga.
The sun glimmered on the sea, and the old town captivated with its beauty.
"See loss on tõesti imeline," ütles Mari säravalt.
"This castle is truly wonderful," said Mari brightly.
"Oleme õnnelikud, et tulime."
"We're lucky we came."
Juhan noogutas ja hoidis Mari kätt tugevamalt.
Juhan nodded and held Mari's hand tighter.
Toompea loss jättis neile mõlemale unustamatu mälestuse.
Toompea Castle left them both with an unforgettable memory.
Nad olid rõõmsad, et vaatamata väikesele vahejuhtumile said nad seda kogeda.
They were happy they could experience it despite the little incident.
Lossi turismijuht naeratas lõpuks neile heakskiitvalt.
The castle tour guide finally smiled approvingly at them.
"Olen rõõmus, et tunnete end jälle hästi," ütles ta.
"I'm glad you're feeling better again," he said.
Mari ja Juhan lehvitasid hüvastijätuks ja lahkusid lossist, hoides endiselt üksteise käest kinni.
Mari and Juhan waved goodbye and left the castle, still holding each other's hand.
Nende päev lõppes rahuliku tundega ja lubadusega tagasi tulla.
Their day ended with a feeling of peace and a promise to return.