Balancing Acts: Friendship and Deadlines in Tallinn
FluentFiction - Estonian
Balancing Acts: Friendship and Deadlines in Tallinn
On soe suvepäev Tallinnas.
It is a summer day in Tallinn.
Tiina ja Piret töötavad koos Freelancer’s Home’is.
Tiina and Piret are working together at Freelancer’s Home.
Kontor on hubane.
The office is cozy.
Seal on kaasaegsed lauad, ergonoomilised toolid ja palju potitaimi.
It has modern desks, ergonomic chairs, and many potted plants.
Suured aknad lasevad sisse loomulikku valgust, pakkudes maja alt avanevat rahuliku vaate linnaruumile.
Large windows let in natural light, offering a calming view of the urban landscape below.
Tiina on graafiline disainer.
Tiina is a graphic designer.
Ta on väga motiveeritud.
She is very motivated.
Ta tahab tõestada vanematele, et saab ise hakkama.
She wants to prove to her parents that she can handle things on her own.
Täna on tähtis päev.
Today is an important day.
Tiina töötab suure projektiga.
Tiina is working on a big project.
Uus ja prestiižne klient ootab tööd õigeks ajaks.
A new and prestigious client expects the work to be delivered on time.
Piret on Tiina parim sõber.
Piret is Tiina’s best friend.
Ta on copywriter.
She is a copywriter.
Piret on toetav ja hooliv.
Piret is supportive and caring.
Aga täna tunneb ta migreeni.
But today, she feels a migraine coming on.
Piret istub toolil ja hoiab pead.
Piret sits in a chair, holding her head.
"Ma ei saa...
"I can't...
Vabandust, Tiina," ütleb Piret vaikselt.
I'm sorry, Tiina," Piret says quietly.
Tiina tunneb survet.
Tiina feels the pressure.
"Ma saan hakkama," vastab Tiina, aga tema hääles on kahtlus.
"I can manage," Tiina replies, but there's doubt in her voice.
Tiina töötab edasi.
Tiina continues to work.
Arvuti ekraanil vilguvad värvid ja kujundid.
Colors and designs flash on the computer screen.
Väsimus ja stress kasvavad.
Fatigue and stress build up.
Tiina hingab sügavalt ja proovib keskenduda.
Tiina takes a deep breath and tries to focus.
Piret püüab endaga hakkama saada, aga migreen süveneb.
Piret tries to cope, but the migraine worsens.
"Tiina, ma pean pikali heitma."
"Tiina, I need to lie down."
Tiina seisatab.
Tiina pauses.
Ta mõtleb hetkeks.
She thinks for a moment.
Kas ta peaks jätkama tööd või hoolitsema sõbra eest?
Should she continue working or take care of her friend?
"Ma tulen kohe," ütleb Tiina ja aitab Pireti diivanile pikali heita.
"I'll be right there," Tiina says and helps Piret lie down on the couch.
Ta toob Piretile vett ja summutab toas valgust.
She brings Piret some water and dims the lights in the room.
Piret vaatab tänulikult.
Piret looks grateful.
"Aitäh, Tiina," sosistab ta.
"Thank you, Tiina," she whispers.
Tiina naaseb töölaua taha, aga ta on mures.
Tiina returns to the desk but is worried.
Ta ei suuda keskenduda.
She can't concentrate.
Mõtted uitavad.
Her mind wanders.
Kell tiksub edasi.
The clock keeps ticking.
Ta tunneb, kuidas aeg libiseb käest.
She feels time slipping away.
Lõpuks ta vajutab nupule ja paneb arvuti kinni.
Finally, she presses a button and shuts down the computer.
Tiina istub diivani kõrval ja hoiab Pireti kätt.
Tiina sits next to the couch and holds Piret's hand.
"Kõik saab korda," ütleb ta endale ja Piretile.
"Everything will be okay," she says to herself and to Piret.
Mõne aja pärast Piret liigub ja avaneb silmad.
After a while, Piret stirs and opens her eyes.
"Mul on parem," ütleb ta vaikselt.
"I feel better," she says quietly.
Tiina naeratab.
Tiina smiles.
"Ma proovin uuesti," ütleb ta ja naaseb laua taha.
"I'll try again," she says and returns to the desk.
Ta tunneb end värskena, hoolimata väsimusest.
She feels refreshed, despite the fatigue.
Tiina hakkab uuesti tööle.
Tiina starts working again.
Ta leiab inspiratsiooni ja loovus voolab.
She finds inspiration, and creativity flows.
Ta valmib projekt ja saadab selle kliendile tähtaegselt.
She completes the project and sends it to the client on time.
Järgmisel päeval on Piret täiesti terve.
The next day, Piret is completely healthy.
"Sa tegi suurepärast tööd," ütleb ta Tiinale.
"You did a great job," she says to Tiina.
Tiina tunneb end kindlana.
Tiina feels confident.
Ta mõistab, et tasakaal töö ja isikliku elu vahel on oluline.
She realizes that balancing work and personal life is important.
Sõbra toetamine ei tähenda karjääri saboteerimist.
Supporting a friend doesn’t mean sabotaging her career.
Ta saab hakkama ka rasketes olukordades.
She can handle even tough situations.
Piret ja Tiina naeratavad teineteisele.
Piret and Tiina smile at each other.
Nende sõprus on tugev ja nad on valmis uutele väljakutsetele.
Their friendship is strong, and they are ready for new challenges.