FluentFiction - Estonian

A Tallinn Reunion: Finding Family Amidst the Festive Lights

FluentFiction - Estonian

15m 13sDecember 6, 2024

A Tallinn Reunion: Finding Family Amidst the Festive Lights

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  • Keset Tallinna talveõhtut, jõuluturu melu valgustas Raekoja platsi.

    In the middle of a Tallinn winter evening, the hustle and bustle of the Christmas market illuminated Raekoja Square.

  • Värvilised tulekesed sillerdasid õhus ja lumekirme maapinnal helkis maagiliselt.

    Colorful lights shimmered in the air, and the thin layer of snow on the ground glittered magically.

  • Magus piparkoogiaroom segunes vürtsika glögi lõhnaga ning kõikjal liikus rõõmsaid inimesi, kes nautsid pidulikku õhkkonda.

    The sweet aroma of gingerbread mixed with the spicy scent of mulled wine, and cheerful people were everywhere, enjoying the festive atmosphere.

  • Indrek astus turu saginasse, tunnetades tungivat soovi olla taas osa oma perest.

    Indrek stepped into the busy market, feeling a strong desire to be part of his family again.

  • Viimased aastad oli ta pühendunud vaid oma karjäärile ja kodulinna, Tallinna, külastanud harva.

    In recent years, he had been dedicated solely to his career and had rarely visited his hometown, Tallinn.

  • Nüüd aga otsustas ta võtta aja maha ja olla kohal Maarika ja Toomase jaoks.

    But now he decided to take time off and be present for Maarika and Toomas.

  • Maarika, hoolitsev õde nagu alati, oli valmis Indrekut naeratades tervitama.

    Maarika, the caring sister as always, was ready to greet Indrek with a smile.

  • Ta oli hoidnud seda perekonna traditsiooni elus, vaatamata vanemate kaugusele.

    She had kept this family tradition alive despite their parents being far away.

  • Maarika uskus, et perekond peab kokku hoidma, eriti pühade ajal.

    Maarika believed that family should stick together, especially during the holidays.

  • Toomas seevastu seisis eemal, käed taskus.

    Toomas, on the other hand, stood at a distance with his hands in his pockets.

  • Tal oli raske Indrekut tervitada.

    It was hard for him to greet Indrek.

  • Noorem vend tundis end unarusse jäetuna, kuna Indrek polnud kohal olnud paljudele tähtsatele sündmustele.

    The younger brother felt neglected since Indrek had missed many important events.

  • "Indrek, oled lõpuks tagasi," ütles Maarika, kallistades teda tugevasti.

    "Indrek, you're finally back," said Maarika, hugging him tightly.

  • "On tore, et saad koos meiega jõule tähistada."

    "It's great that you can celebrate Christmas with us."

  • Indrek naeratas tänulikult, ent tundis oma noorema venna külma pilku.

    Indrek smiled gratefully but felt his younger brother's cold glance.

  • Oli aeg, et kõik kolm jagaksid hetke ausalt ja avatult.

    It was time for all three of them to share a moment honestly and openly.

  • Õhtul, kui nad jõuluturult sügavamale kitsamatesse tänavatesse jalutasid, hakkas Toomas lõpuks rääkima.

    In the evening, as they walked deeper into the narrower streets away from the Christmas market, Toomas finally started to speak.

  • "Sa lähed alati ära, Indrek.

    "You always leave, Indrek.

  • Millal sa aru saad, et me vajame sind siin?"

    When will you understand that we need you here?"

  • pöördus Toomas teravalt vanema venna poole.

    Toomas turned sharply toward his older brother.

  • Indrek peatus ja hingas sügavalt sisse.

    Indrek stopped and took a deep breath.

  • "Ma tean, et olen eksinud, Toomas," tunnistas ta vaikselt.

    "I know I've been wrong, Toomas," he admitted quietly.

  • "Aga olen siin nüüd ja tahan seda muuta.

    "But I'm here now and want to change that.

  • Sa oled mulle oluline."

    You are important to me."

  • Maarika vaatas murelikult vendade vahel toimuvat vahetust, aimates, kui palju see mõlemale tähendas.

    Maarika watched the exchange between the brothers anxiously, sensing how much it meant to both of them.

  • Indrek sirutas käe ja puudutas Toomase õlga.

    Indrek reached out and touched Toomas's shoulder.

  • "Andestame üksteisele ja liigume edasi?"

    "Shall we forgive each other and move forward?"

  • Toomas kõhkles vaid hetke, enne kui noogutas.

    Toomas hesitated for just a moment before nodding.

  • "Olgu.


  • Aga ära unusta meid jälle."

    But don't forget us again."

  • Õhtu lõppedes naersid nad taas, meenutades vanu lugusid ja tehes uusi plaane.

    By the end of the evening, they were laughing again, reminiscing about old stories and making new plans.

  • Maarika hääl oli rõõmus.

    Maarika's voice was joyful.

  • "Teeme sellest jõulutraditsiooni.

    "Let's make this a Christmas tradition.

  • Oleme siin igal aastal koos."

    We'll be here together every year."

  • Indreku südames oli soojust ja rahu.

    Indrek's heart was warm and at peace.

  • Ta mõistis nüüd, et töö ei asenda perekonda.

    He now understood that work cannot replace family.

  • "See kõlab ideaalselt," vastas ta ja tõotas endale, et leiab edaspidi alati aega, et olla kohal nende jaoks, keda armastab.

    "That sounds perfect," he replied, and promised himself that he would always find time in the future to be present for those he loves.

  • Jõuluturu tuled särasid säravamalt kui kunagi varem ja igal lumises sammus tundis Indrek, et on jälle truu poeg ja vend.

    The Christmas market lights shone brighter than ever, and with every snowy step, Indrek felt that he was once again a loyal son and brother.