FluentFiction - Estonian

A Heartfelt Christmas Reunion in the Psychiatry Ward

FluentFiction - Estonian

14m 12sDecember 13, 2024

A Heartfelt Christmas Reunion in the Psychiatry Ward

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  • Maarja astus sisse psühhiaatriaosakonda, hoides kergelt kingipakki.

    Maarja stepped into the psychiatry ward, gently holding a gift package.

  • Ta tundis end kohmetuna, ümbruskond oli võõras.

    She felt awkward, the surroundings were unfamiliar.

  • Kuid see polnud asjatu külaskäik.

    But it wasn't a pointless visit.

  • Maarja soovis oma venna Juhaniga taas kontakti leida.

    Maarja wished to reconnect with her brother Juhan.

  • Osakond oli kaunistatud valgusketiga, mis helendas kargelt lumise maastiku taustal akna taga.

    The ward was decorated with a string of lights that glowed crisply against the snowy landscape outside the window.

  • Nurga peal seisis kuusk, tagasihoidlik, kuid piisavalt armas.

    In the corner stood a spruce, modest but charming enough.

  • Maarja lootis, et need jõulud tähendavad uut algust.

    Maarja hoped that this Christmas would mark a new beginning.

  • Maarja tervitas sõbralikult õde Riini, kes vastu naeratas.

    Maarja greeted Nurse Riin cheerfully, who smiled back.

  • "Tore, et tulid," ütles Riin, "Juhan vajab sind."

    "Glad you came," said Riin, "Juhan needs you."

  • Juhan istus oma toas, pilk kauguses.

    Juhan was sitting in his room, staring into the distance.

  • Maarja astus ettevaatlikult sisse.

    Maarja entered cautiously.

  • "Tere Juhan," alustas ta kergelt, "mul on sinust nii kahju, et ei ole varem tulnud."

    "Hello Juhan," she began softly, "I'm so sorry I haven't come sooner."

  • Juhani pilk muutus hetkeks pehmemaks, ent kerge pinge jäi õhku.

    Juhan's gaze softened for a moment, but a slight tension remained in the air.

  • "Ma ei tea, Maarja," vastas Juhan lõpuks, "kõik on muutunud."

    "I don't know, Maarja," Juhan finally replied, "everything has changed."

  • Maarja istus Juhani juurde.

    Maarja sat down next to Juhan.

  • Kuid vaikust oli raske murda.

    But the silence was hard to break.

  • Kedagi polnud valmis sel päeval rääkima.

    No one was ready to talk that day.

  • Maarja aga tundis, et ei saa veel alla anda.

    However, Maarja felt she couldn't give up yet.

  • Nad istusid seal, vaikuses, ööni.

    They sat there in silence until night.

  • Maarja teadis, et peab jääma kauemaks, peab leidma õige hetke.

    Maarja knew she had to stay longer, had to find the right moment.

  • Jõuluhommikul, kui osakonnas korraldati jõuluüritus, otsustas Maarja osaleda.

    On Christmas morning, when a Christmas event was organized in the ward, Maarja decided to participate.

  • Ligimestel olid kaetud laud ja käes toorikud piparkoogiteost.

    The tables were set with gingerbread dough pieces for everyone.

  • "Ole koos meiega," palus Riin naeratades.

    "Join us," Riin urged with a smile.

  • Maarja ühines.

    Maarja joined in.

  • Maarja ja Juhan kasutasid aega koosolemise õppimiseks.

    Maarja and Juhan used the time to learn to be together.

  • Jookide ja toitude sõprusloomise vahel avas Juhan end esimest korda.

    Amidst drinks and friendly food-making, Juhan opened up for the first time.

  • "Ma tundsin end hüljatuna," ütles ta, pisaratevool tõesti iseeneslikult.

    "I felt abandoned," he said, tears flowing freely.

  • "Aga mul on hea meel, et sa siin oled."

    "But I'm glad you're here."

  • Maarja võttis Juhani käe enda omasse.

    Maarja took Juhan's hand in hers.

  • "Palun andesta, et olin eemal," sosistas ta.

    "Please forgive me for being away," she whispered.

  • "Ma luban, et püüan paremini."

    "I promise to try harder."

  • Nad istusid, jutustasid igaüks omast vaatevinklist.

    They sat, each telling their side of the story.

  • Päeva lõpus lubasid nad hoida ühendust ja töötada koos oma suhte kallal.

    By the end of the day, they promised to keep in touch and work on their relationship together.

  • Maarja lahkus tundega, et ka tal on olnud muutus - pere on kõige olulisem, ja seda ei tohi unustada.

    Maarja left with the feeling that she, too, had changed—the family is most important, and it must not be forgotten.

  • Juhan hakkas taas uskuma, et on võimalik kuuluda kuhugi.

    Juhan began to believe again that it is possible to belong somewhere.

  • Need jõulud olid tõesti erilised, täis lubadusi ja lootusi.

    This Christmas was indeed special, full of promises and hopes.

  • Maarja ja Juhan mõlemad teadsid, et ees ootab pikk tee, aga nad olid valmis käima seda teed koos.

    Maarja and Juhan both knew there was a long road ahead, but they were ready to walk it together.