A Latte of Choices: Maret's Journey to Rediscover Creativity
FluentFiction - Estonian
A Latte of Choices: Maret's Journey to Rediscover Creativity
Talveõhtu varjud tantsisid õrnalt akna klaasil, kui Maret ja Toomas istusid hubases Tallinna kohvikus.
Winter evening shadows danced gently on the windowpane as Maret and Toomas sat in a cozy cafe in Tallinn.
Puidust lauad olid kaunistatud vilkuvate jõulutuledega ja nende ümber oli valatud värske kohvi aroom.
The wooden tables were decorated with twinkling Christmas lights and a fresh coffee aroma enveloped their surroundings.
Väljas kattis kerge lumi linna rahulikult.
Outside, a light snow quietly covered the city.
Maret segas mõtlikult oma latte't.
Maret stirred her latte thoughtfully.
"Toomas, ma olen peaaegu valmis kursuste valikutega, aga ikka tunnen end kõhklevalt," ütles ta.
"Toomas, I am almost ready with my course selections, but I still feel hesitant," she said.
Toomas naeratas laialt, võttes lonksu oma cappuccino'st.
Toomas smiled broadly, taking a sip of his cappuccino.
"Miks siis nii?
"Why is that?
Sa oled alati teada, mida tahad."
You've always known what you want."
"Ma tean, et inseneriõpe on minu tulevikuks hea valik," vastas Maret, "aga iga kord, kui sina räägid kunstist või loovusest, tunnen ma väikest tõmmet."
"I know that engineering is a good choice for my future," Maret replied, "but every time you talk about art or creativity, I feel a little pull."
Toomas naeris pehmelt.
Toomas laughed softly.
"Maret, sa oled alati olnud nii praktiline, aga võib-olla praegu on aeg natuke riske võtta."
"Maret, you've always been so practical, but maybe now is the time to take a few risks."
Maret vaatas aknast välja, jälgides, kuidas lumi tantsiskles õhus.
Maret looked out the window, watching the snow dance in the air.
Tal oli alati olnud kindel plaan jääda praktiliseks.
She had always had a clear plan to stay practical.
Kuid kuskil tema sees oli uudishimu, mis ei lasknud tal järele anda.
But deep inside her, a curiosity lurked that wouldn't let her give in.
"Ma kaalun loovkirjutamise või kunstikursuse võtmist," tunnistas ta lõpuks.
"I'm considering taking a creative writing or art course," she finally admitted.
Toomas kiitis heaks, "Mis sind peatab?"
Toomas approved, "What's holding you back?"
"Mis siis, kui ma ei suuda oma kohustusi täita?
"What if I can't meet my obligations?
Jääksin oma põhiainetes maha," rääkis Maret oma mure.
I would fall behind in my core subjects," Maret expressed her concern.
Toomas pani oma tassi alla ja vaatas Märet tõsimeeli.
Toomas placed his cup down and looked at Maret seriously.
"Kui sa midagi armastad, leiad sa aega sellele, usu.
"If you love something, you'll find time for it, trust me.
Sa saad tehtud, ja see rikastab sind kui inimest."
You'll get it done, and it will enrich you as a person."
See vestlus lükkas Maretit sügavamale mõtlema enda soovide üle.
This conversation pushed Maret to delve deeper into her desires.
Tõde oli, et tema südames kripeldas igatsus uurida midagi uut, kogeda midagi enamat kui lihtsalt inseneriõppe paberid ja numbrid.
The truth was, in her heart, there was a longing to explore something new, to experience more than just the papers and numbers of engineering.
Kui kohv hakkas jahtuma, leidis Maret end otsustajana.
As the coffee began to cool, Maret found herself as a decision-maker.
"Tead mis, Toomas," ütles Maret, tema hääl kindel ja kindel, "ma registreerun fotograafiaklassi.
"You know what, Toomas," said Maret, her voice firm and confident, "I'm going to enroll in a photography class.
Miks mitte?
Why not?
Kasvõi ainult hingetõmbeks."
Even just for a breather."
Toomas tõstis oma tassi nagu toosti jaoks.
Toomas raised his cup as if for a toast.
"Hea otsus, Maret.
"Good decision, Maret.
Oled julge."
You're brave."
Maret naeratas esimest korda tõeliselt vabalt, tundes ärevuse ja elevuse segu.
Maret smiled truly freely for the first time, feeling a mix of anxiety and excitement.
Ta võttis kätte oma kursuste registreerimislehe ja märkis fotograafia.
She picked up her course registration form and marked photography.
"Aitäh, et mind väljakutsusid, Toomas."
"Thank you for challenging me, Toomas."
Nii need kaks sõpra istusid seal, rääkisid elust, õppest ja unistustest, kui jõulutuled nende ümber õrnalt vilkusid, ja akna taga langes linge lumi.
So the two friends sat there, talking about life, studies, and dreams while the Christmas lights gently flickered around them, and light snow fell outside the window.
Maret oli leidnud uue suuna, tasakaalustades töö ja hinge.
Maret had found a new direction, balancing work and soul.