Loneliness No More: A Friendship App Born in Ülemiste City
FluentFiction - Estonian
Loneliness No More: A Friendship App Born in Ülemiste City
Karge talvehommik Tallinnas.
A crisp winter morning in Tallinn.
Ülemiste Citys vibavad karget tuult kõrged klaasist hooned.
In Ülemiste City, the tall glass buildings sway in the fresh wind.
Kohvikud soojendavad oma kutsuva valgusega kõrvalseinu.
Cafés warm their neighboring walls with their inviting light.
Ühes neist istusid kolm sõpra, kellede kohvikoosolek hakkas just hoogu võtma.
In one of these cafés sat three friends whose coffee meeting was just starting to gain momentum.
Katrin, säravad silmad täis energiat ja kirge, libreeris kohvitassi käes.
Katrin, with sparkling eyes full of energy and passion, swirled a coffee cup in her hand.
Temas põles soov rääkida ideest, mis oli juba mõnda aega tema mõtteid hõivanud.
A desire burned within her to talk about an idea that had occupied her thoughts for some time.
Marek tõi lauale kalkulaatori ja paberi.
Marek brought a calculator and paper to the table.
Tema ettevaatlik loomus ei lubanud liialt riskantseid ettevõtmisi.
His cautious nature did not allow for overly risky undertakings.
Liis seevastu sättis lauaplaadile märkmiku, valmis igaks ootamatuks inspiratsiooniks.
Liis, on the other hand, set a notebook on the table, ready for any unexpected inspiration.
"Ma tahan rääkida tehnikast, mis võiks ühendada inimesi rohkem," alustas Katrin.
"I want to talk about a technique that could connect people more," Katrin began.
"App, mis aitaks leida uusi sõpru ja toetada üksikute hääli tugivõrgustiku kaudu."
"An app that would help find new friends and support lonely voices through a support network."
Marek kortsutas kulme.
Marek furrowed his brow.
"Teame kõik, kui palju raha koos tehnoloogiaga kaob.
"We all know how much money gets lost along with technology.
Kas see oleks üldse võimalik?"
Would this even be possible?"
küsis ta, vaadates Katrinit ettevaatliku pilguga.
he asked, looking at Katrin with a cautious gaze.
Liis noogutas Mareki kommentaarile.
Liis nodded at Marek's comment.
"Katrin, meil on vaja arendada ka kogukonna suhteid, mitte ainult tehnoloogiat edendada."
"Katrin, we need to also develop community relationships, not just advance technology."
Vestlus tõusis kuumaks.
The conversation heated up.
Katrin tundis, kuidas nende kahtlused tema entusiasmi summutasid.
Katrin felt how their doubts were dampening her enthusiasm.
Hetkeks vaatas ta aknast välja, vahtides inimesi, kes kiirustasid külma trotsides tööd alustama.
For a moment, she looked out the window, staring at people who were rushing to start work, braving the cold.
Siis pööras ta pilgu neile.
Then she turned her gaze back to them.
"Ma tean, mida üksildus tähendab," ütles ta pehmelt.
"I know what loneliness means," she said softly.
"Olin kunagi ise tagasihoidlik ja sõpradeta.
"I was once shy and friendless myself.
See app võiks olla lahendus neile, kes tunnevad end üksikuna."
This app could be a solution for those who feel lonely."
Toas valitses vaikus.
Silence filled the room.
Katrini sõnad jätsid jälje.
Katrin's words left a mark.
Liis sirutas käe, puudutades Katrini oma.
Liis reached out, touching Katrin's hand.
Marek hingas sügavalt sisse, vaadates märkmelehti ja lõpuks sõpru.
Marek took a deep breath, looking at the notes and finally at his friends.
"Võib-olla saame alustada väiksemas mahus," pakkus ta.
"Maybe we can start on a smaller scale," he suggested.
"Me saame riskid poolitada ja liikuda edasi samm-sammult."
"We can split the risks and move forward step by step."
Liis naeratas.
Liis smiled.
"Ja me võiksime kaasata kohalikke sündmusi, kus inimesed ka füüsiliselt kohtuvad," lisas ta entusiastlikult.
"And we could include local events where people also meet physically," she added enthusiastically.
Katrin tundis, kuidas temasse valgus uus lootus.
Katrin felt a new hope filling her.
Ta mõistis, kui tähtis on nende kaht tähelepanekut koostööks arendada.
She realized how important it was to develop their two observations into cooperation.
Nende mõtted ja tunded ühinesid, et leida tasakaal ambitsiooni ja reaalsuse vahel.
Their thoughts and feelings merged to find a balance between ambition and reality.
Kohvikust lahkudes oli õhk täis ootust.
As they left the café, the air was full of expectation.
Nad kõndisid läbi lume, teades, et ees ootab uus ja põnev teekond.
They walked through the snow, knowing that a new and exciting journey lay ahead.
Ülemiste City oli täis innovatsiooni ja uusi algusi, just nagu nende loodav projekt.
Ülemiste City was full of innovation and new beginnings, just like their developing project.
Mõned päevad enne sõbrapäeva oli uus sõprus juba alanud, seekord ärialaselt.
A few days before Valentine's Day, a new friendship had already begun, this time in a business sense.