FluentFiction - Estonian

An Allergic Spring: How Friendship Blossomed at Kesklinna

FluentFiction - Estonian

17m 34sMarch 18, 2025

An Allergic Spring: How Friendship Blossomed at Kesklinna

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  • Kevad oli jõudnud Kesklinna Gümnaasiumi aula akendest sisenevatesse päikesekiirtesse.

    Spring had arrived in the sunbeams entering through the windows of Kesklinna Gümnaasium's auditorium.

  • Koridorid olid kaunistatud läheneva lihavõtte tähistamiseks värvikirevate munade ja naljakate jänkukujudega.

    The corridors were decorated with colorful eggs and funny bunny figures to celebrate the upcoming Easter.

  • Kool oli täis siginat-saginat, sest ees ootas suur kevadkontsert ja etendused.

    The school was full of bustle, as a big spring concert and performances awaited.

  • Kaie, üheteistkümnenda klassi õpilane, oli andekas ja kohusetundlik tüdruk.

    Kaie, an eleventh-grade student, was a talented and diligent girl.

  • Ta oli kooli näiteringi särav täht, unistades peatselt eesseisvatest rollijagamisest.

    She was the shining star of the school's drama club, dreaming of the soon-to-come roles.

  • Kuid kevadisel ajal olid tema allergiad hullemad.

    But during springtime, her allergies were worse.

  • Pollen õuest levis kõikjale, häirides õpilast enda võimet keskenduda.

    Pollen from outside spread everywhere, disturbing the student's ability to concentrate.

  • Ühel päeval, istudes klassiruumis bioloogiakursusel, tundis Kaie, kuidas nina sügelema hakkas.

    One day, sitting in biology class, Kaie felt her nose starting to itch.

  • Ta teadis, et varsti hakkab aevastamine, mille üle tal pole kontrolli.

    She knew that soon sneezing would begin, over which she had no control.

  • Verejooks liiga tugev, kõditavad pisarad ähvardasid silmi.

    The bleeding was too strong, tickling tears threatened her eyes.

  • Kuid Kaie tahtis tuge olla ja mitte kellelegi näidata, kui raske see tegelikult oli.

    But Kaie wanted to be strong and not show anyone how difficult it really was.

  • Raul, tema vaikne ja tähelepanelik klassikaaslane, märkas Kaie pingutust.

    Raul, her quiet and attentive classmate, noticed Kaie's struggle.

  • Raul polnud just klassi esinumbriks, kuid ta oli alati keel, abivalmis ja hooliv.

    Raul wasn't exactly at the top of the class, but he was always friendly, helpful, and caring.

  • Ta nägi, kuidas Kaie taskurätiku järele haaras, proovides võimalikult varjatult pühkida oma punaseks muutunud nina.

    He saw how Kaie reached for a tissue, trying to wipe her reddened nose as discreetly as possible.

  • Hiljem klassi lõppedes läks Raul Kaie juurde.

    Later, when class ended, Raul approached Kaie.

  • Ta teadis mõnd taimelist ravimit, millest vanaema talle oli rääkinud.

    He knew of a herbal remedy his grandmother had told him about.

  • Seda tunti kui rahustavat ja leevendavat.

    It was known to be calming and relieving.

  • "Kaie, kas sa oled kunagi proovinud kummeliteed?"

    "Kaie, have you ever tried chamomile tea?"

  • küsis Raul vaikselt.

    asked Raul quietly.

  • "Ei, ma pole.

    "No, I haven't.

  • Miks sa küsid?"

    Why do you ask?"

  • vastas Kaie, kerge huvi oma hääles.

    replied Kaie, with a hint of interest in her voice.

  • Ta oli natukene skeptiline, kuid hädas oma pidevate allergiatega.

    She was a little skeptical but troubled by her constant allergies.

  • "See võib aidata su allergiate vastu," ütles Raul, ulatades talle pakikese kuivatatud kummeliga.

    "It might help with your allergies," said Raul, handing her a packet of dried chamomile.

  • "Sa võid proovida.

    "You can try it.

  • Kerge keedetud vesi ja paar minutit tõmbamist."

    Just some warm boiled water and a few minutes of steeping."

  • Kaie tänas Rauli ning lubas proovida.

    Kaie thanked Raul and promised to try it.

  • Järgmisel päeval, kooliõhtul, toimus näiteringi proov aulast.

    The next day, in the evening at school, the drama club rehearsal was happening in the auditorium.

  • Kaie seisis laval, kui jälle tekkis aevastamise hoog.

    Kaie stood on stage when another sneezing fit began.

  • See hetk oli murettekitav.

    It was a concerning moment.

  • Aeg mängida oli kohe käes.

    It was almost time to perform.

  • Raul jälgis murelikult saalist.

    Raul watched worriedly from the audience.

  • Näis, nagu kõik ümberringi pöörleks, kuid siis võttis Kaie Raulilt saadud teepakikese välja.

    It seemed like everything was spinning around, but then Kaie took out the tea packet from Raul.

  • "Anna mulle viis minutit," ütles Kaie proovijuhtile, astudes lavalt alla ja läbi koridori suundudes kohvikusse.

    "Give me five minutes," said Kaie to the rehearsal director, stepping off the stage and heading down the corridor to the cafeteria.

  • Seal tegi ta kuuma kummelitee.

    There, she made herself a hot chamomile tea.

  • Paar lonksu tõi mahedust ja saatis lained lõõgastust tema kehasse.

    A few sips brought warmth and sent waves of relaxation through her body.

  • Kaie naasis lavale ja jätkas.

    Kaie returned to the stage and continued.

  • Ta tantsis ning laulis enesekindlalt.

    She danced and sang confidently.

  • Proovi lõpus aplodeeriti tormiliselt.

    At the end of the rehearsal, there was thunderous applause.

  • Pärast etendust leidis Kaie Rauli, kes istus koridoris, naeratades ja kergelt punastades.

    After the performance, Kaie found Raul, who was sitting in the corridor, smiling and slightly blushing.

  • "Aitäh, Raul," ütles Kaie.

    "Thank you, Raul," said Kaie.

  • "See aitas tõesti.

    "It really helped.

  • Ma võiksin seda harjutust nüüd üle elada."

    I could get through the rehearsal now."

  • "Pole tänu väärt," vastas Raul.

    "You're welcome," replied Raul.

  • Ta tundis suurt rahulolu ning veidi uut kindlust teistega suhtlemisel.

    He felt great satisfaction and a bit of new confidence in interacting with others.

  • Sellest päevast alates olid nad head sõbrad.

    From that day on, they were good friends.

  • Kaie õppis abi küsima, ja Raul sai aru, kui palju võib väike tegu kellegi jaoks tähendada.

    Kaie learned to ask for help, and Raul realized how much a small act could mean to someone.

  • Kevad kestis ja ajas õitsele lisaks lilletolmule ka uued sõprused ja rõõmu.

    Spring continued and blossomed not only with flower pollen but also with new friendships and joy.