Breathless Adventure: Survival in the Amazon Rainforest
FluentFiction - Estonian
Breathless Adventure: Survival in the Amazon Rainforest
Kevadel oli Amazonase vihmamets imekaunis.
In the spring, the Amazonase rainforest was breathtakingly beautiful.
Maarja vaatas enda ümber.
Maarja looked around her.
Ta nägi lopsakat ja elavat loodust.
She saw lush and vibrant nature.
Lindude laul kõlas kõikjal.
The song of birds echoed everywhere.
Maarja armastas oma tööd.
Maarja loved her job.
Ta oli seikleja ja teadlane.
She was an adventurer and a scientist.
Kuid teda vaevas astma.
But she was troubled by asthma.
Maarja eesmärk oli kogu vajalik teave koguda.
Maarja's goal was to gather all the necessary information.
Ta ei tohtinud lasta astmal ennast võitmata jätta.
She couldn't let asthma defeat her.
Toomas ja Karl, tema kolleegid, olid abiks.
Toomas and Karl, her colleagues, were helpful.
Kuid Maarja teadis, et nad olid sügaval vihmametsas, kaugel meditsiinilisest abist.
But Maarja knew they were deep in the rainforest, far from medical help.
Ühel päeval sisenesid trio metsasügavikku.
One day, the trio entered deep into the forest.
Maarja tundis õhupuudust.
Maarja felt short of breath.
Ta kartis, et astma hakkab taas võimust võtma.
She feared that asthma was starting to take over again.
Ent ta otsustas edasi liikuda.
Yet she decided to move forward.
Ta soovis oma töö lõpetada.
She wanted to complete her work.
Järsku Maarja peatus.
Suddenly, Maarja stopped.
Õhk jäi hingamisest kinni.
Her breath caught in her throat.
Ta köhis ja piinles.
She coughed and struggled.
Oli selge, et see oli tugev astmahoog.
It was clear that this was a severe asthma attack.
Maarja vajus maha, hingeldades.
Maarja collapsed, gasping for air.
Ta vajas kiiresti abi.
She needed help quickly.
Toomas ja Karl tegutsesid kiiresti.
Toomas and Karl acted swiftly.
Nad kasutasid oma hädaabi varustust.
They used their emergency equipment.
Maarjale anti inhalaator.
Maarja was given an inhaler.
"Rahulikult, hinga sügavalt," ütles Toomas.
"Stay calm, breathe deeply," said Toomas.
Maarja järgnes õpetusele.
Maarja followed the instructions.
Mõne aja pärast suutis Maarja taas normaalselt hingata.
After a while, Maarja was able to breathe normally again.
Nad liikusid tagasi turvalisuse poole.
They moved back towards safety.
Maarja mõistis, et tervis on tähtsam kui töö.
Maarja realized that health is more important than work.
Ta otsustas edaspidi oma tervist paremini hoida ja plaanida oma ekspeditsioone hoolikamalt.
She decided to take better care of her health in the future and plan her expeditions more carefully.
Maarja õppis tasakaalu leidma.
Maarja learned to find balance.
Ta teadis, et saab oma kirge järgida, kuid peab olema ettevaatlik.
She knew she could follow her passion but must be cautious.
Jaheda vihmametsa all olles tundis Maarja, et on tugevam kui kunagi varem.
Under the cool rainforest canopy, Maarja felt stronger than ever before.
Rahu oli tagasi.
Peace had returned.