Clover Quest: Beyond the Cliffs of Clare
FluentFiction - Irish
Clover Quest: Beyond the Cliffs of Clare
Lá breá gréine a bhí ann, agus bhí na carraigeacha ag lonrú faoi solas na gréine.
It was a beautiful sunny day, and the rocks were shining in the sunlight.
Bhí Niamh, Pádraig agus Caoimhe ag siúl go sona sásta ar imeall na hAillte i gContae an Chláir, áit a raibh na dathanna glas agus gorm ag meascadh le chéile ina radharc iontach.
Niamh, Pádraig, and Caoimhe were happily walking on the edge of the Cliffs in County Clare, where the green and blue colors were blending together in a wonderful sight.
An bhfeiceann sibh é sin?
Do you see that?"
" arsa Niamh ag léim suas san aer.
said Niamh jumping up into the air.
Bhí comhartha beag donn léi ar an talamh, agus pictiúr de phota óir air.
There was a little brown sign on the ground, with a picture of a golden pot on it.
Bhí finscéal na háite ag rá go raibh ór mór i bhfolach díreach faoi na seamróga ar an bhaile seo.
The local legend said that there was a great treasure hidden right under the clovers in this town.
"Ar ndóigh tá an pota óir ann!
"Of course there's a golden pot!
Ach cá háit go díreach?
But where exactly?"
" dúirt Pádraig ag dreapadh suas chun féachaint níos fearr ar an mbóthar.
said Pádraig climbing up to have a closer look at the road.
Caoimhe, a bhí i gcónaí réidh le haghaidh eachtraíochta, ghlac amach a compás óir.
Caoimhe, always ready for adventure, took out her golden compass.
"Leanfaidh muid an compás seo.
"We will follow this compass.
Deirtear go dtreoraíonn sé duine i gcónaí chuig an áit is sona sa saol.
It's said to always guide someone to the happiest place on earth."
"Chuaigh siad i mbun siúil tríd an réimse mór seamróga, le gach céim ag dul níos doimhne isteach sa tírdhreach draíochtúil.
They started walking through the vast clover field, each step going deeper into the enchanting landscape.
Thug an ghrian teasa dóibh agus shuigh sí go trom ina gcroíthe ach lean siad ar aghaidh gan stad.
The sun gave them warmth and it sat heavily in their hearts but they continued on without stopping.
Go tobann, chas Caoimhe go géar.
Suddenly, Caoimhe turned sharply.
"Ní fheicim na haillte a thuilleadh.
"I can't see the cliffs anymore."
"Agus ansin shiúil siad, agus gan aon smaoineamh acu cén treo ina raibh siad ag dul.
And then they walked, not knowing the direction they were going.
Bhí siad caillte i lár na seamróga, gan aon radharc ar na haillte ná ar an bhfarraige.
They were lost in the middle of the clover, with no sight of the cliffs or the sea.
Ní raibh iontu ach triúr comhghleacaithe ar lorg óir, ach anois caillte i measc na seamróg glasa.
There were only three seekers of gold, but now lost amidst the green clovers.
Bhí oíche ag teacht, agus bhraith na triúr an dorchadas ag clúdach an spéir.
Night was falling, and the three felt the darkness covering the sky.
Ach ansin, chonaic Niamh solas ag lonrú trí na duilleoga.
But then Niamh saw light shining through the leaves.
"An féidir é a bheith?
"Could it be?"
" arsa sí, agus í ag treorú a cairde i dtreo an tsolais gealaí.
she said, guiding her friends towards the bright light.
Agus ansin, os a gcionn, i gcoirnéal rúnda den réimse, bhí an pota óir.
And there, above them, in a secret corner of the field, was the golden pot.
Ach ní raibh sé líonta le boinn óir.
But it wasn't filled with golden coins.
Ina ionad sin, bhí sé ag cur thar maoil le seamróga lonracha.
Instead, it overflowed with shining clovers.
"B'fhéidir nach bhfuair muid an t-ór a bhí súil againn leis," arsa Pádraig, "ach tá áilleacht agus draíocht sa láithreán seo nach bhféadfadh ór ar bith a cheannach.
"Maybe we didn't find the gold we were hoping for," said Pádraig, "but there is beauty and magic in this place that no gold could buy."
"Agus sa deireadh, bhí sé soiléir do Niamh, Pádraig agus Caoimhe, nár chaill siad an slí ar chor ar bith, ach in áit sin fuair siad áit nua taobh istigh dá gcroíthe.
And in the end, it was clear to Niamh, Pádraig, and Caoimhe, that they hadn't lost their way at all, but instead found a new place within their hearts.
D'fhoghlaim siad go mb'fhéidir gurb é an t-ádh a d'aimseoidh tú sa lorg seachas an t-ór a gheobhaidh tú.
They learned that perhaps it's the luck you find in the search, rather than the gold you find.
Agus leis sin, d'fhill siad abhaile, níos saibhre óna gcuid taithí agus le cuimhní a mhairfeadh go deo.
And with that, they returned home, richer from their experience and with memories that would last forever.