Unlocking Poetry's Magic in Trinity's Snowy Embrace
FluentFiction - Irish
Unlocking Poetry's Magic in Trinity's Snowy Embrace
Chuir Aoife agus Darragh coisbheart trom orthu féinagus thrasnaigh siad Spuaic Trinity College, an sneachta ag brú ar aghaidh.
Aoife and Darragh put on heavy footwear and crossed Spuaic Trinity College, the snow pressing forward.
Bhí Taibhleirgí Oilithireachta Nicolás sa leabharlann, agus bhí Aoife lán le díograis na filíochta.
The Taibhleirgí Oilithireachta Nicolás was in the library, and Aoife was full of enthusiasm for poetry.
Bhí Darragh lena taobh, beagán leisceach, áthasach mar sin féin as láthair an sneachta.
Darragh was beside her, a little reluctant, yet happy about the presence of snow.
Nuair a shroich siad an leabharlann, cuireadh fáilte rómháith leis na leabhair ársa sin, sraitheanna ar sraitheanna, buailte le táblaí lámhscríbhinní rí-mhisteach a dían roimh.
When they reached the library, they were warmly welcomed by those ancient books, rows upon rows, struck by tables of mysterious manuscripts unfolding before them.
Eiseann, spreagadh croí Aoife.
This inspired Aoife's heart.
"Feicfidh tú, Darragh," ar sí, "is féidir rud breá a bhaint go fóill."
"You'll see, Darragh," she said, "something wonderful can still be made."
Siobhan, a thaobhuigh Aoife, le gruaig lonrúil agus ag baint taitneamh as a lá féin, cé go raibh sí buartha faoi chúrsaí pearsanta nach raibh fágtha ar lár.
Siobhan, who accompanied Aoife, with shiny hair and enjoying her day despite personal matters left unresolved, urged Aoife to spend the full amount of time:
D'impigh sí Aoife an lánú ama a chaitheamh: "Tá tábhacht ag baint leis an inspioráid, ná lig d'ábhar eile cur isteach ort."
"Inspiration is important, don't let other things distract you."
Céim ar chéim, scaip Aoife agus Darragh thar na leabhair, ceann a bhí níos suimiúla ná an ceann roimhe sin.
Step by step, Aoife and Darragh spread over the books, each one more interesting than the last.
Bhí nóiseáin á gcroílárú ag Darragh, dichthe suite sa nuacht ar éigean.
Darragh was engrossed in his own notes, barely settled into the news.
B'é aighneas a dhath ag Aoife: conas tabhairt faoi féin-chreideamh.
Aoife had a debate of her own: how to embrace self-belief.
Ag cúinne folaigh, ní raibh lucht éisteacht - guth Aoife ag amachlann faoina eachtra, geallta don phianó uathúil.
In a secluded corner, without an audience - Aoife's voice was expounding on her adventure, dedicated to the unique piano.
Gheall sí fís neamhiomlán feargach ina nós féin; ní raibh ionann ar dhúshlán agus a bheith ann.
She promised an incomplete vision in her own manner; facing a challenge was not the same as existing.
Bhí eagla air, ach tógadh tabhairt foscúlacht.
He was afraid, but embraced the inner support.
Tháinig Aoife trasnoite, rud a las a samhlaíocht.
Aoife became immersed, which ignited her imagination.
B'é filíocht.
It was poetry.
"Is é seo," a dúirt sí go ciúin, a súile ag srannadh faoina dearadh práis, "mura ndéansainn..."
"This is it," she said quietly, her eyes lingering over a brass design, "if I don't..."
Lean níos faide é: córasach, áilleacht a thug ar a croí a dhul chun coinne leis an sprioc a bhí aici.
She continued further: systematically, beauty made her heart strive towards her goal.
Bhí Darragh faoi bleacht de dhíbirt nó coisín den sórt ar bith.
Darragh was almost disoriented or momentarily in a stupor.
Ní raibh sé seo i láthair annamh, cuimhnigh siad.
This was not an unusual occurrence, they remembered.
Ar an dea-scéal, bhí fhios ag Aoife go raibh bealach ar fáil cheana; d'fhéadfaidís anseo dá dhream a thost.
On the brighter side, Aoife knew there was already a path available; they could here silence their tribe.
"Éist, a Darragh," ar sí, taréis gur fágadh siobhláin ar maidin leis an fhíorucht ó Trinity laga.
"Listen, Darragh," she said, after the tomfoolery of the morning was left with the real thrill from Trinity's weakening.
"Feicfidh tú, is é seo an chéad choiscéim," ainnise.
"You'll see, this is the first step," she despaired.
D'fhág Aoife níos faoin bhfaisnéisíocht fuáfadach, cairde dabiest a thuit in éineacht leis, le Siobhan ag síorchur lena tacaíocht agus Darragh ag tabhairt intinn dó níos iarchúis.
Aoife left more into the blurred information, with Siobhan continuously providing her support and Darragh paying more attention afterward.
Nuair a bhris Aoife an doras, cloíte leis an suanáis, bhí sé soiléir: beagán cumhacht i gcomhar ní chuirfeadh deireadh leis an bhfiontar go dtí go mbainfeadh sí clú cáiliúil uirthi féin.
When Aoife broke through the door, cloaked in serenity, it was clear: a little power in collaboration wouldn't put an end to the journey until she achieved fame herself.
Síobadh abhaile, míonna breise spleodrach ina haer, bhí a fhios ag Aoife go raibh rogha acu anois.
Swept home, additional months thrilling in the air, Aoife knew they had a choice now.
Sí athlátaí Dublin i dtréimhe cairdiúil an linn úsáide na laethanta saoire.
She refocused on Dublin in a friendly phase during the holidays.