Mystery in the Snow: The Secret Room's Hidden Treasure
FluentFiction - Irish
Mystery in the Snow: The Secret Room's Hidden Treasure
Sa scoil chónaithe ársa, áit a raibh sneachta ag clúdach na talún, bhí brón agus imní ag sileadh tríd na hallaí.
In the ancient boarding school, where snow covered the ground, sorrow and anxiety were flowing through the halls.
Bhí an geimhreadh fuar ann agus na mic léinn ag éalú go dtí tearmainn an leabharlainne.
It was a cold winter and the students were escaping to the refuge of the library.
Bhí Aoife, duine de na príomhdhaltaí, ag siúl go bródúil trí na conairí, ach bhí faitíos ina croí.
Aoife, one of the top students, walked proudly through the corridors, but there was fear in her heart.
Bhí cloigín póca luachmhar imithe gan tásc ná tuairisc, rud a d’fhág go raibh an ceannaire scoile míshásta.
A valuable pocket watch had gone missing without a trace, a matter that left the head of the school unhappy.
Bhí Niamh, dalta fiosrach, ag féachaint go géar ar a cairde.
Niamh, a curious student, was keeping a close eye on her friends.
Bhí sí bródúil as a fiosracht.
She was proud of her curiosity.
Ach níor mhothaigh sí riamh go raibh sí chomh maith lena deartháireacha nó deirfiúracha.
But she never felt she was as good as her brothers or sisters.
Bhí sí meáite ar an rún a réiteach.
She was determined to solve the mystery.
Bhí an t-am teoranta, ní raibh aici ach go deireadh na seachtaine.
Time was limited, she had only until the end of the week.
Mura bhfuarthas an clog roimhe sin, bheadh an dormán iomlán i dtrioblóid.
If the watch was not found by then, the entire dormitory would be in trouble.
Thug sí a cairde Cillian lena hais.
She brought her friend Cillian beside her.
"An bhfuil teoirim agat?
"Do you have a theory?"
" a d'fhiafraigh sí, ag súil le freagra.
she asked, hoping for an answer.
Bhí Cillian eolach as a chlaochlú teoiricí as an aer.
Cillian was known for conjuring theories out of thin air.
"Caithfidh go bhfuil sé i bhfolach áit éigin sa leabharlann," ar sé.
"It must be hidden somewhere in the library," he said.
"Tá scéalta cloiste agam faoi sheomra rúnda.
"I've heard stories about a secret room."
"Shocraigh an bheirt acu dul i mbun fiosraithe iad féin.
The two of them decided to investigate themselves.
D’ionsaigh siad gach cúinne den leabharlann.
They searched every corner of the library.
Bhí na seilfí fliucha ón sneachta, agus fuaim na dtreacha ag béiceadh ó loscadh na gcoinnle.
The shelves were wet from the snow, and the sound of the winds howled from the burning candles.
Thug siad cuairt ar na hallaí staire ach ní raibh rian den chlog.
They visited the history halls but there was no sign of the watch.
Ní raibh Aoife sásta faoin rud seo.
Aoife was not pleased about this.
Bhí sí ag faire orthu go géar agus d’aithin sí a n-amhras.
She was watching them closely and recognized their suspicion.
Bhí drogall uirthi iad a chúiseamh, ach, gan rogha eile, bhí sí cinnte nach raibh nóiméad sa bhreis aici.
She was reluctant to accuse them, but, with no other choice, she was convinced she didn’t have a moment to spare.
Ach, díreach agus Aoife ar tí glaoch a chur ar an gceannaire, fuair Niamh rud éigin suimiúil.
But, just as Aoife was about to call the headmaster, Niamh found something interesting.
Chonaic sí cóin beag bréige ar dhoras seomra fáiltitheán.
She saw a small fake cone on the door of a reception room.
Le súil siar, d’aimsigh sí an cloigín póca luachmhar.
Looking back, she discovered the valuable pocket watch.
Bhí sé go maith i bhfolach, níos faide ná mar a shílfeadh duine.
It was well hidden, farther than one would think.
Chuir sí an clog ar ais gan trácht, i bhfolach.
She returned the watch without mentioning it, in secrecy.
Ní raibh ceachtar dá gcomrádaithe sásta leis an bhfreagra sin.
Neither of her comrades was satisfied with that resolution.
Ach faoiseamh mór a bhí ann don fhoireann.
But it was a big relief for the staff.
Níor oibrigh na teoiricí iontacha a bhí ag Cillian ach bhain Niamh amach a sprioc.
Cillian's grand theories hadn’t worked, but Niamh achieved her goal.
Mothú bródúil a bhí uirthi.
She felt proud.
Níor ghá di leanúint cosán a siblíní.
She didn’t need to follow the path of her siblings.
D’éirigh sí misniúil lena crógacht féin agus, cé gur fhan a triamh áit éigin sa dorchadas, bhí a fhios aici go raibh sí féin ina laoch go ciúin.
She grew confident in her own bravery, and although her triumph remained somewhere in the shadows, she knew she was quietly a hero.