FluentFiction - Croatian

The Statue That Laughed in Dubrovnik

FluentFiction - Croatian

15m 26sMarch 21, 2024

The Statue That Laughed in Dubrovnik

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  • Sunce je visoko sjalo i svijetlilo kamenim ulicama starog grada Dubrovnika.

    The sun was shining high and bright on the stone streets of the old city of Dubrovnik.

  • Ana, turistkinja iz daleka, šetala je uskim uličicama, divila se staroj arhitekturi i povijesti što je svuda oko nje pulsirala.

    Ana, a tourist from afar, was strolling through the narrow streets, admiring the old architecture and history pulsating all around her.

  • Dok je Ana hodala, promatrala je prekrasnu crkvu, stare zidine i visoke kule.

    As Ana walked, she observed the beautiful church, old walls, and high towers.

  • Kroz gomilu ljudi, punu turista sa kamerama i vodičima, primijetila je figuru muškarca.

    Through the crowd of people, filled with tourists with cameras and guides, she noticed the figure of a man.

  • Stajao je nepomično, u starinskoj odjeći, kao da je vremenski stroj odjednom stvorio lik iz prošlosti.

    He stood still, in antique clothing, as if a time machine had suddenly created a figure from the past.

  • Ivan, mladić lokalac, stajao je tako i uživao u suncu koje ga je godilo na licu.

    Ivan, a local young man, stood there, enjoying the sun that warmed his face.

  • Ana se približila što je više mogla, s oduševljenjem gledajući statuu.

    Approaching as close as she could, Ana admired the statue.

  • "Ovo je najrealističnija skulptura koju sam ikad vidjela!

    "This is the most realistic sculpture I've ever seen!"

  • " pomislila je.

    she thought.

  • Prišla je bliže, razgledala detalje i počela govoriti samoj sebi, sve glasnije, kako bi istaknula svoje divljenje.

    She got closer, examined the details, and started speaking to herself, growing louder to express her admiration.

  • "Nevjerojatno," rekla je Ana.

    "Incredible," Ana said.

  • "Ova figura izgleda toliko stvarno.

    "This figure looks so real.

  • Pa, pogledajte samo izraz lica i način na koji svjetlost igra na teksturi odjeće.

    Just look at the facial expression and the way the light plays on the texture of the clothing."

  • "Ivan, čujući Anino divljenje, jedva je zadržao smiješak.

    Hearing Ana's admiration, Ivan could barely contain his smile.

  • Odlučio je nastaviti s igrom i ostao nepomičan.

    He decided to play along and remained motionless.

  • Ali, ubrzo nakon što je Ana počela lagano tapšati figuru po ramenu, Ivan se nije mogao suzdržati te je prasnio u smijeh.

    But soon after Ana began lightly tapping the figure on the shoulder, Ivan couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

  • Ana je skočila unazad iznenađena.

    Surprised, Ana jumped back.

  • "Oprostite!


  • " uzviknula je.

    she exclaimed.

  • "Mislila sam da ste statue!

    "I thought you were a statue!"

  • "Ivan se nasmiješio i odmahivši rukom rekao: "Nema potrebe za ispriku, često se ovdje slikam pa su mnogi zbunjeni.

    Ivan smiled and waved his hand, saying, "No need to apologize, I often pose for pictures here, so many people are confused."

  • "Njih dvoje su počeli razgovarati, Ana je bila iznenađena i oduševljena neočekivanim susretom.

    The two of them began to chat, and Ana was surprised and thrilled by the unexpected encounter.

  • Prijateljski razgovor brzo se pretvorio u sat vremena šetnje kroz grad.

    The friendly conversation quickly turned into an hour-long walk through the city.

  • Ivan joj je pokazao tajne kutke Dubrovnika, mjesta koja nisu bila na turističkim mapama.

    Ivan showed her the secret corners of Dubrovnik, places not found on tourist maps.

  • Pričao je o povijesti, o legendama, a Ana je sve upijala, sretna zbog ovog neočekivanog vodiča.

    He talked about history, about legends, and Ana absorbed it all, happy to have this unexpected guide.

  • Kako se dan bližio kraju i sunce polako počelo zalaziti iza starih zidina, Ana i Ivan su sjeli na jednu od okamenjenih klupa.

    As the day drew to a close and the sun slowly began to set behind the old walls, Ana and Ivan sat on one of the stone benches.

  • "Ovo je bilo jedno od najzanimljivijih putovanja u mom životu," rekla je Ana.

    "This has been one of the most interesting trips of my life," said Ana.

  • "Hvala vam što ste bili dio njega.

    "Thank you for being a part of it."

  • ""Drage volje," odgovorio je Ivan.

    "Happy to do it," replied Ivan.

  • "I hvala vama što ste zamijenili skulpturu za mene.

    "And thank you for mistaking me for a statue."

  • "S nasmijanim lica su se pozdravili, a Ana je krenula prema svom hotelu, bogatija za nezaboravno iskustvo i novog prijatelja u srcu Dubrovnika.

    With smiles on their faces, they said goodbye, and Ana headed back to her hotel, richer for the unforgettable experience and with a new friend in the heart of Dubrovnik.

  • Ivan je ostao sjediti na klupi, gledajući u zalazak sunca, razmišljajući o danu punom smijeha i neočekivanog prijateljstva.

    Ivan remained sitting on the bench, watching the sunset, reflecting on a day filled with laughter and unexpected friendship.