Love Mishaps in Magical Dubrovnik: A Dinner to Remember
FluentFiction - Croatian
Love Mishaps in Magical Dubrovnik: A Dinner to Remember
Dubrovnik je magičan grad.
Dubrovnik is a magical city.
Ivan i Marija hodali su uskim ulicama Starog Grada.
Ivan and Marija were walking through the narrow streets of the Old Town.
Sunce je zalazilo, a more sjajilo zlatnim odsjajem.
The sun was setting, and the sea was shimmering with a golden reflection.
Ivan je imao plan.
Ivan had a plan.
Htio je impresionirati Mariju.
He wanted to impress Marija.
Pokušat će naručiti večeru na savršenom engleskom.
He would try to order dinner in perfect English.
Sjeli su u mali restoran s pogledom na more.
They sat down in a small restaurant with a view of the sea.
Konobar je došao do njihovog stola.
The waiter came to their table.
"Hello, may I take your order?" rekao je konobar.
"Hello, may I take your order?" said the waiter.
Ivan je duboko udahnuo.
Ivan took a deep breath.
"Yes, please," rekao je samouvjereno.
"Yes, please," he said confidently.
"I would like a plate of onions and... ice cream with olives," rekao je Ivan s osmijehom.
"I would like a plate of onions and... ice cream with olives," said Ivan with a smile.
Bio je uvjeren da je najbolji.
He was convinced he had done well.
Konobar ga je pogledao iznenađeno, ali klimnuo glavom i napisao narudžbu.
The waiter looked at him surprised but nodded and wrote down the order.
Marija se nasmiješila, nesigurna što je Ivan zapravo naručio.
Marija smiled, uncertain of what Ivan had actually ordered.
Čekali su nekoliko minuta.
They waited for a few minutes.
Ubrzo je konobar donio narudžbu.
Soon, the waiter brought the order.
Pred njima je bio tanjur sirovog luka i zdjela sladoleda s maslinama.
In front of them was a plate of raw onions and a bowl of ice cream with olives.
Marija je široko otvorila oči od iznenađenja.
Marija's eyes widened in surprise.
"Ivane, ovo je..." rekla je tiho, pomalo zbunjeno.
"Ivan, this is..." she said quietly, a bit confused.
Ivan je pocrvenio.
Ivan blushed.
"Oh ne, mislio sam da sam naručio nešto drugo," rekao je zbunjeno.
"Oh no, I thought I ordered something else," he said, puzzled.
Marija se nasmijala, ali ne na loš način.
Marija laughed, but not in a bad way.
"To je u redu, Ivane.
"It's okay, Ivan.
Bitno je da smo zajedno," rekla je nježno.
What's important is that we're together," she said gently.
Ivanov izraz lica se opustio.
Ivan’s expression relaxed.
"Hvala ti, Marija," rekao je nasmiješeno.
"Thank you, Marija," he said, smiling.
"Možda, idući put, možemo naručiti zajedno," dodao je.
"Maybe next time, we can order together," he added.
I dok su gledali sunce kako zalazi, i dijelili tanjur sirovog luka i sladoled s maslinama, Ivan je shvatio jednu važnu stvar.
And as they watched the sun set, sharing a plate of raw onions and ice cream with olives, Ivan realized one important thing.
Nije važno hoće li naručiti savršenu večeru.
It doesn't matter if he orders the perfect dinner.
Važno je s kim je dijeli.
What matters is whom he shares it with.
Večer je završila s puno smijeha i ljubavi.
The evening ended with lots of laughter and love.
Dubrovnik je još jednom bio svjedok čaroliji ljubavi koja raste u nenadanim trenucima.
Dubrovnik once again bore witness to the magic of love growing in unexpected moments.
Priča je tu završila, ali njihova ljubavna priča tek je počela.
The story ended there, but their love story had just begun.