Mystery in Dubrovnik: A Trio's Daring Quest for the Lost Artifact
FluentFiction - Croatian
Mystery in Dubrovnik: A Trio's Daring Quest for the Lost Artifact
Ljetno sunce bilo je visoko na nebu iznad starog grada Dubrovnika.
The summer sun was high in the sky above the old city of Dubrovnik.
Usku ulicu popunjavali su turisti sa svih strana svijeta.
The narrow street was filled with tourists from all over the world.
Među njima su bili Ana, Ivan i Marija, tri najbolja prijatelja.
Among them were Ana, Ivan, and Marija, three best friends.
Ana je bila povjesničarka.
Ana was a historian.
Voljela je istraživati povijest starog grada.
She loved exploring the history of the old city.
Ivan je bio fotograf.
Ivan was a photographer.
Hvatao je trenutke svojim fotoaparatom.
He captured moments with his camera.
Marija je radila kao vodičica.
Marija worked as a tour guide.
Poznavala je svaki kutak Dubrovnika.
She knew every corner of Dubrovnik.
Jednog dana, Ana je došla s uznemirujućom viješću.
One day, Ana came with disturbing news.
U Kneževom dvoru nestao je dragocjeni artefakt.
A precious artifact had disappeared from the Rector's Palace.
Radi se o staroj zlatnoj kutiji iz vremena Dubrovačke Republike.
It was an old gold box from the time of the Dubrovnik Republic.
Bez njega, izložba ne bi bila potpuna.
Without it, the exhibition would not be complete.
U troje su se dogovorili da će pronaći nestali artefakt.
The three agreed to find the missing artifact.
Krenuli su u potragu.
They began their search.
Prvo su posjetili trg Luža.
First, they visited Luža Square.
Pitali su trgovce jesu li vidjeli nešto sumnjivo.
They asked the merchants if they had seen anything suspicious.
Nitko nije vidio ništa neobično.
No one had seen anything unusual.
Nakon toga, otišli su do glavne ulice Stradun.
After that, they went to the main street Stradun.
Ivan je uslikao svakog prolaznika.
Ivan photographed every passerby.
Marija je razgovarala s gostima kafića.
Marija talked to the café guests.
Na kraju su primijetili starijeg čovjeka kako se brzo udaljava.
Finally, they noticed an older man quickly walking away.
Imao je veliku torbu.
He had a large bag.
Pratili su ga.
They followed him.
Put ih je odveo do starog akvedukta izvan zidina.
The path led them to an old aqueduct outside the city walls.
Ivan je tiho uzeo fotoaparat i snimio čovjeka.
Ivan quietly took his camera and photographed the man.
Marija je pažljivo prišla bliže.
Marija carefully approached.
Čovjek je otvorio torbu.
The man opened the bag.
Unutra je bila zlatna kutija.
Inside was the gold box.
Ana je brzo pozvala policiju.
Ana quickly called the police.
Čovjek je pokušao pobjeći, ali Ivan i Marija su ga zadržali.
The man tried to escape, but Ivan and Marija held him back.
Policija je stigla na vrijeme.
The police arrived in time.
Artefakt je spašen.
The artifact was saved.
"Uspjeli smo!
"We did it!"
" viknula je Ana s osmijehom.
Ana shouted with a smile.
Ivan je uslikao trenutak sretan što je sve prošlo dobro.
Ivan photographed the moment, happy that everything had gone well.
Marija je odahnula.
Marija sighed with relief.
U nastavku su proveli dan uživajući u Dubrovniku.
They spent the rest of the day enjoying Dubrovnik.
Iako je priča počela s tajnom i opasnošću, završila je s prijateljstvom i pobjedom.
Although the story began with mystery and danger, it ended with friendship and victory.
Tri prijatelja su još jedanput dokazala da zajedno mogu sve.
The three friends proved once again that together they could do anything.
Stari grad Dubrovnik blistao je na suncu, a zlato kutije sjajilo je u Kneževom dvoru, gdje mu je i mjesto.
The old city of Dubrovnik shone in the sun, and the gold box gleamed in the Rector's Palace, where it belonged.