FluentFiction - Croatian

Family Ties in Dubrovnik: A Heartwarming Slava Celebration

FluentFiction - Croatian

16m 34sJune 2, 2024

Family Ties in Dubrovnik: A Heartwarming Slava Celebration

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  • Svijetla jutra sunčala su se na kamenim ulicama Starog Grada Dubrovnika.

    The bright mornings shone on the stone streets of Old Town Dubrovnik.

  • Ivana je stajala na prozoru i gledala preko krova starinskih kuća.

    Ivana stood at the window, looking over the rooftops of antique houses.

  • Danas je važan dan.

    Today was an important day.

  • Danas je Slava, obiteljski praznik.

    Today was Slava, a family holiday.

  • Ivana je bila uzbuđena.

    Ivana was excited.

  • Slava je značila puno hrane, smijeha i pjesme.

    Slava meant lots of food, laughter, and song.

  • Obitelj se okuplja svake godine.

    The family gathered every year.

  • Dođu rođaci iz Splita, Zagreba, čak i iz inozemstva.

    Relatives would come from Split, Zagreb, and even from abroad.

  • Svi su zajedno, barem na jedan dan.

    Everyone was together, at least for one day.

  • U kuhinji je bilo užurbano.

    In the kitchen, it was bustling.

  • Mama je pekla kruh, baka je pripremala janjetinu.

    Mom was baking bread, and Grandma was preparing lamb.

  • Ivana je pomagala sestri rezati povrće.

    Ivana was helping her sister chop vegetables.

  • Mirisi domaćih delicija širili su se kućom.

    The scents of homemade delicacies filled the house.

  • "Svake godine je ovako lijepo," rekla je baka s osmijehom.

    "Every year, it's this lovely," said Grandma with a smile.

  • Gosti su polako dolazili.

    The guests slowly arrived.

  • Zvonili bi na vrata, Ivana bi ih srdačno dočekivala.

    They would ring the doorbell, and Ivana would warmly welcome them.

  • Tete, stričevi, bratići i sestrične - svi su ulazili s veseljem.

    Aunts, uncles, cousins—they all entered with joy.

  • Atmosfera je bila topla i radosna.

    The atmosphere was warm and cheerful.

  • Stara tamburica je zasvirala, a pjesma je ispunila sobu.

    The old tamburica started playing, and songs filled the room.

  • "Dobro došli, dragi moji!

    "Welcome, my dear ones!"

  • " povikala je baka.

    Grandma shouted.

  • Stari grad Dubrovnik bio je pun života.

    The old city of Dubrovnik was full of life.

  • Turisti su se divili starom zidinama, dok su domaći slavili svoj praznik.

    Tourists admired the ancient walls, while the locals celebrated their holiday.

  • Djeca su se trčkarala oko stola, stariji su se prisjećali starih vremena.

    Children ran around the table, and the elders reminisced about old times.

  • U jednom trenutku, mama je podigla čašu.

    At one point, Mom raised her glass.

  • "Nazdravimo za našu obitelj.

    "Let's toast to our family.

  • Za naše zdravlje i sreću!

    To our health and happiness!"

  • "Svi su se srdačno složili.

    Everyone wholeheartedly agreed.

  • Čaše su se sudarile, smijeh je bio glasan.

    Glasses clinked, laughter was loud.

  • Ivana je osjetila toplinu u srcu.

    Ivana felt warmth in her heart.

  • Voljela je trenutke kad su svi zajedno.

    She loved these moments when everyone was together.

  • Večer je donijela spokoj.

    Evening brought serenity.

  • Tamburica je još uvijek tiho svirala, ali glasovi su se smirili.

    The tamburica still played softly, but the voices had quieted.

  • Gosti su se polako počeli opraštati.

    Guests slowly began to say their goodbyes.

  • Ivana je ulazila u kuhinju da pomogne spremiti tanjure.

    Ivana walked into the kitchen to help clean up the plates.

  • "Noć je, Ivana.

    "It's night, Ivana.

  • Vrijeme je za san," rekla je mama, milujući joj kosu.

    Time for sleep," Mom said, stroking her hair.

  • Zadovoljstvo je ispunilo dom.

    Contentment filled the home.

  • Slava je bila uspjeh, obitelj sretna.

    Slava was a success, the family happy.

  • Ivana je znala da će se svi vratiti sljedeće godine.

    Ivana knew everyone would return next year.

  • Gledala je kroz prozor, prema starom gradskom zidu gdje su treperila svjetla.

    She looked out the window, towards the old city wall where the lights flickered.

  • U tom trenutku, osjećala je ljubav prema obitelji i ponos prema tradiciji.

    In that moment, she felt a deep love for her family and pride in her tradition.

  • Znala je da je upravo to ono što se zove dom.

    She knew that this was what home truly meant.

  • Slava je bila više od obične proslave, bila je trenutak povezanosti.

    Slava was more than just a celebration; it was a moment of connection.

  • Obratila je pogled prema nebu, gdje su zvijezde svjetlucale.

    She turned her gaze to the sky, where the stars glimmered.

  • Osjećala je mir, znajući da će uvijek biti zajedno, bez obzira na udaljenost.

    She felt peace, knowing they would always be together, regardless of distance.

  • I s osmijehom na licu, utonula je u san, zahvalna na današnjem danu.

    And with a smile on her face, she sank into sleep, grateful for the day just passed.