
Journey of Hope: A Sibling Quest Through Old Dubrovnik
FluentFiction - Croatian
Journey of Hope: A Sibling Quest Through Old Dubrovnik
Andrej i Mira koračali su tihim ulicama starog Dubrovnika.
Andrej and Mira walked through the quiet streets of old Dubrovnik.
Grad je bio sjenka nekadašnje ljepote.
The city was a shadow of its former beauty.
Kameniti zidovi obrastali su mahovinom, dok su požutjelo lišće prekrivale staze.
The stone walls were covered with moss, while yellowed leaves blanketed the paths.
Bio je jesenji dan, a zrak je imao mješavinu morske soli i svježine opadanja.
It was an autumn day, and the air carried a mix of sea salt and the freshness of falling leaves.
"Moramo pronaći mamu," reče Andrej tiho, no odlučno.
"We have to find mom," said Andrej quietly, yet decisively.
Mira ga pogleda očima punim nade.
Mira looked at him with eyes full of hope.
Uvijek je vjerovala u bolju sutrašnjicu.
She always believed in a better tomorrow.
Putovanje kroz napušteni grad bilo je opasno.
The journey through the abandoned city was dangerous.
Vode je bilo malo, a hrana rijetkost.
Water was scarce, and food was a rarity.
Unatoč tome, Andrej je bio odlučan.
Despite this, Andrej was determined.
Nosio je strah duboko u sebi, ali Mira mu je davala snagu.
He carried his fear deep inside, but Mira gave him strength.
"Neki ljudi kažu da su je vidjeli na drugom kraju grada," spomenu Mira.
"Some people say they saw her on the other side of the city," mentioned Mira.
Andrej ju je pažljivo slušao.
Andrej listened carefully.
Razmišljao je o izboru pred njima - sigurniji put ili kratak, ali opasan prolaz.
He contemplated the choice before them - a safer route or a short but dangerous passage.
"Ovaj opasan je previše rizičan, ali možda brži," rekao je.
"This dangerous one is too risky, but maybe faster," he said.
No, Mira je samo klimnula glavom.
Yet, Mira simply nodded.
"Zajedno smo," rekla je jednostavno.
"We're together," she said simply.
Odlučili su.
They decided.
Krenuli su opasnom stazom, kojom su dominirali ostaci prošlih sukoba i ruševine.
They took the dangerous path dominated by the remnants of past conflicts and ruins.
Svaki korak bio je oprezan, svaki zvuk ih je držao na oprezu.
Every step was cautious, every noise kept them alert.
Sreli su neobičnog čovjeka - prepredenog sakupljača.
They encountered an unusual man - a cunning scavenger.
Izgledao je kao da zna sve što se događa.
He seemed to know everything that was happening.
"Tražite nekoga?
"Are you looking for someone?"
" upitao je, gledajući ih oštrim očima.
he asked, watching them with sharp eyes.
Andrej je znao, morao je riskirati.
Andrej knew he had to take a risk.
Pokušao je pregovarati, koristeći posljednje zalihe hrane da bi došao do informacija.
He tried to negotiate, using the last of their food supplies to obtain information.
Ispalo je da su te informacije neprocjenjive.
It turned out that this information was priceless.
"Vaša majka je živa.
"Your mother is alive.
Ali je daleko," reče čovjek.
But she is far away," the man said.
Dok je Andrej upijao te riječi, Mira je osjetila novu nadu.
As Andrej absorbed these words, Mira felt a new hope.
Zajedno su odlučili nastaviti prema tome dijelu grada.
Together, they decided to continue towards that part of the city.
To im je dalo svrhu.
It gave them purpose.
Andrej je postao otvoreniji prema riziku, zahvalan na sestrinoj vedrini.
Andrej became more open to risk, grateful for his sister's cheerfulness.
Kad su krenuli dalje, znali su da ih čeka još mnogo izazova.
As they moved forward, they knew many challenges awaited them.
No, s nadom i ujedinjenim srcima, osjetili su da će obitelj opet biti zajedno.
But with hope and united hearts, they felt that their family would be together again.
Miris jeseni donio im je novi početak.
The scent of autumn brought them a new beginning.