
Finding Solace in Togetherness Under the Storm
FluentFiction - Croatian
Finding Solace in Togetherness Under the Storm
Ante je uvijek volio biti pripremljen.
Ante always liked to be prepared.
Bunker pod zemljom bio je njegov bijeg od neizvjesnosti svijeta izvan.
The underground bunker was his escape from the uncertainty of the world outside.
Svjetlo je bilo slabo, zidovi odarmirani betonom hladni, ali Ante se osjećao sigurno.
The light was dim, the walls made of reinforced concrete were cold, but Ante felt safe.
Lišće drveća izvan bunkera bilo je žuto i crveno, miris jeseni bio je u zraku, a to je značilo samo jedno - vrijeme je za pripreme za zimu.
The leaves of the trees outside the bunker were yellow and red, the scent of autumn filled the air, and that could mean only one thing - it was time to prepare for winter.
"Sutra stiže oluja," rekao je Ante Miri i Ivani, dok su sjedili za malim stolom u središtu bunkera.
"Tomorrow the storm arrives," said Ante to Mira and Ivana as they sat at the small table in the center of the bunker.
"Moramo se pobrinuti da imamo dovoljno svega.
"We need to make sure we have enough of everything."
"Mira je bila skeptična.
Mira was skeptical.
"Nismo li već napravili popis?
"Haven't we already made a list?
Sve bitno je tu," rekla je tiho, gledajući police na kojima su bile uredno složene konzerve i staklenke.
Everything essential is here," she said quietly, looking at the shelves where cans and jars were neatly arranged.
"Da, ali što ako smo nešto zaboravili?
"Yes, but what if we've forgotten something?"
" Ante je uzdahnuo, prisjećajući se prošlih vremena kada nije bio spreman.
Ante sighed, recalling past times when he wasn't prepared.
Ivana je bila optimistična.
Ivana was optimistic.
"Možda nam treba i nešto da podigne moral?
"Maybe we need something to lift our spirits?"
" predložila je.
she suggested.
"Mala kutija keksa ili bilježnica s olovkom, za crtanje ili pisanje?
"A small box of cookies or a notebook with a pencil for drawing or writing?"
" Ante je zastao, razmišljajući.
Ante paused, thinking.
"Možda," rekao je konačno.
"Maybe," he said finally.
"Ali najprije osnovne stvari.
"But first, the basics."
"Nastavili su dan provjeravajući zalihe.
They continued the day checking the supplies.
Voda, konzervirana hrana, baterije.
Water, canned food, batteries.
Sve je bilo tu, ali osjećao je da nešto nedostaje.
Everything was there, but he felt something was missing.
Kasnije te večeri, dok su sjeli za večeru, Ante je osjetio nelagodu.
Later that evening, as they sat down for dinner, Ante felt uneasy.
Njegova potreba za kontrolom sada je izgledala kao teret.
His need for control now seemed like a burden.
U trenutku istine, kada je vani bjesnila oluja, okupljeni oko stola shvatili su da je njihovo zajedništvo najveća sigurnost.
In a moment of truth, when the storm raged outside, gathered around the table, they realized that their togetherness was their greatest security.
Ivana je iz torbe izvadila kutiju domaćih keksa koje je donijela.
Ivana took out a box of homemade cookies she had brought from her bag.
"Na, za sve nas," rekla je veselo, dok ju je dodavala.
"Here, for all of us," she said cheerfully as she passed it around.
"Dobro je što smo zajedno," rekao je Ante, osjećajući toplinu koja nije dolazila samo od juhe u tanjurima.
"It's good that we're together," said Ante, feeling warmth that didn't come just from the soup in their bowls.
"Možda ponekad pretjerujem s brigama, ali važno mi je da svi budemo dobro.
"Maybe I worry too much sometimes, but it's important to me that we're all okay."
"Mira se nasmijala.
Mira laughed.
"Brigaš se jer ti je stalo.
"You worry because you care.
I to je u redu.
And that's okay."
"Oluja je vani jenjavala, ali unutra, u bunker, sve troje su osjetili kako se oluje strahova i nesigurnosti također smiruju.
The storm outside was subsiding, but inside the bunker, all three felt the storms of fear and uncertainty calming as well.
Ante je shvatio da u svemu ovome, povjerenje i zajedništvo su uvijek najvažniji.
Ante realized that in all of this, trust and togetherness are always the most important.
Dok su molili za sve one kojih se sjećaju tijekom Dana mrtvih, i dok im je miris svijeća i keksa ispunio prostor, postali su svjesni koliko ih povezuje.
As they prayed for all those they remember during All Souls' Day, and as the scent of candles and cookies filled the space, they became aware of how much connects them.
U bunker, male brige postale su stvar prošlosti, a važnije je bilo što ih ujedinjuje.
In the bunker, small worries became a thing of the past, and what united them was more important.
Zajedno, bili su spremni za sve što dolazi.
Together, they were ready for whatever comes.