
Ivana's Christmas Escape: A Journey to Self-Liberation
FluentFiction - Croatian
Ivana's Christmas Escape: A Journey to Self-Liberation
Ivana je sjedila na hladnoj, plastičnoj stolici u hodniku psihijatrijskog odjela.
Ivana was sitting on a cold, plastic chair in the hallway of the psychiatric ward.
Svjetla su bila jaka i bijela, prigušena melodija božićne pjesme dolazila je iz daljine.
The lights were bright and white, and a muted melody of a Christmas song was coming from a distance.
U zraku je bio miris dezinficijensa.
The air smelled of disinfectant.
Bio je Badnjak, ali odjel nije znao za slavlje.
It was Christmas Eve, but the ward knew nothing of celebration.
Ivana je osjećala mrak u sebi.
Ivana felt darkness within her.
Znala je da treba izaći.
She knew she had to get out.
Nije bolesna, uvjeravala je samu sebe.
She wasn't sick, she kept convincing herself.
Samo je trebala priliku.
She just needed an opportunity.
U glavi je već skovala plan.
She had already devised a plan in her mind.
Morala je pobjeći prije nego je zauvijek zaključaju.
She had to escape before they locked her away forever.
Marko, medicinski brat, prošao je kraj nje gužvajući papir.
Marko, the male nurse, passed by her, crumpling a piece of paper.
Pogledao ju je s osmijehom, ali Ivana se pravila da ga ne vidi.
He looked at her with a smile, but Ivana pretended not to see him.
Ona je znala da je on bio ljubazan, ali sada nije imala vremena za prijateljstva.
She knew he was kind, but she didn't have time for friendships right now.
Ana, njena cimerica, sjela je pored Ivane.
Ana, her roommate, sat next to Ivana.
"Sretan Božić", rekla je šapatom.
"Merry Christmas," she whispered.
"I dalje ideš svojim putem?
"Are you still going your way?"
" Ivana je kimnula.
Ivana nodded.
Osjećala se krivom što ostavlja Anu, ali znala je da mora.
She felt guilty for leaving Ana, but she knew she had to.
Došla je večer.
Evening came.
Odjel je bio još tiši, a osoblje se pripremilo za malu božićnu proslavu na kraju hodnika.
The ward was even quieter, and the staff was preparing for a small Christmas celebration at the end of the hallway.
Ljudi su dijelili kolače i toplu čokoladu.
People were sharing cakes and hot chocolate.
Bio je to njen trenutak.
It was her moment.
Ivana je duboko udahnula, srce joj je ubrzano kucalo.
Ivana took a deep breath, her heart was pounding.
Sjećaš se plana, pomislila je.
Remember the plan, she thought.
Ustala je polako, promatrajući osoblje.
She stood up slowly, observing the staff.
Svi su bili zauzeti.
Everyone was busy.
Počela je hodati prema izlazu.
She started walking towards the exit.
S vrata na kraju hodnika, pogledala je Marka.
From the door at the end of the hallway, she looked at Marko.
Bio je okrenut i razgovarao s Anom.
He was turned around and talking to Ana.
Sada, šaptala je sebi.
Now, she whispered to herself.
Ivana je otvorila vrata, hladan zrak ju je zapljusnuo.
Ivana opened the door, and the cold air hit her.
Izašla je van.
She stepped outside.
Vani je bila zima.
Outside, it was winter.
Snijeg je lagano padao, a svjetla grada sjala su u daljini.
Snow was falling gently, and the city lights shone in the distance.
Ivana je osjetila slobodu.
Ivana felt freedom.
Stvarnu, fizičku slobodu.
Real, physical freedom.
Ali nešto je nedostajalo.
But something was missing.
Njezin um je još bio zarobljen.
Her mind was still trapped.
Kako je hodala gradom, shvatila je da je oslobođenje tek počelo.
As she walked through the city, she realized that liberation had just begun.
Da bi stvarno bila slobodna, mora se pomiriti s vlastitim strahovima.
To truly be free, she must come to terms with her own fears.
Te noći, pod zvijezdama, Ivana je obećala sebi da će potražiti pomoć.
That night, under the stars, Ivana promised herself she would seek help.
Na svoj način, na svojim uvjetima.
In her own way, on her own terms.
Ivana je znala da je put dug, ali nije se bojala.
Ivana knew the path was long, but she wasn't afraid.
Božić je donio novu nadu.
Christmas brought new hope.
Bila je spremna za promjenu.
She was ready for change.
Počela je svoju novu priču.
She started her new story.