
Weathering Snowstorms and Dreams in Zagreb's Museum
FluentFiction - Croatian
Weathering Snowstorms and Dreams in Zagreb's Museum
Zagreb je prekriven snježnim pokrivačem.
Zagreb is covered with a blanket of snow.
Hladni vjetar puše ulicama.
A cold wind blows through the streets.
Ivana i Marko hodaju prema Tehničkom muzeju.
Ivana and Marko walk towards the Tehnički muzej (Technical Museum).
Njihov korak je pomalo oprezan zbog klizavih pločnika, ali oboje su ushićeni.
Their steps are slightly cautious because of the slippery sidewalks, but both are excited.
Muzej nije samo zgrada sa strojevima za njih.
The museum is not just a building with machines for them.
To je mjesto gdje su provodili sate s djedom.
It's a place where they spent hours with their grandfather.
Ulaze u muzej, a topli zrak odmah ih obuzima.
They enter the museum, and the warm air immediately envelops them.
Unutra je gužva, puno ljudi došlo je na dan otvorenih vrata koji se održava uoči Nove godine.
It's crowded inside; many people have come for the open house held before the New Year.
Zvuk dječjeg smijeha i veselog žamora ispunjava prostor.
The sound of children's laughter and cheerful chatter fills the space.
Miris starog stroja i glatko, sjajno drvo vraća uspomene.
The smell of old machinery and smooth, shiny wood brings back memories.
Ivana je uvijek bila praktična sestra.
Ivana has always been the practical sister.
Nakon djedove smrti, osjećala je odgovornost.
After their grandfather's death, she felt a sense of responsibility.
Roditelji žele da Marko preuzme obiteljski posao, no ona zna koliko Marko voli inženjerstvo.
Their parents want Marko to take over the family business, but she knows how much Marko loves engineering.
No, boji se razočarati roditelje.
Yet, she fears disappointing their parents.
Marko, za razliku od Ivane, uvijek je bio pun mašte.
Marko, unlike Ivana, has always been full of imagination.
Njihov djed, bivši inženjer, potaknuo ga je da sanja velike snove.
Their grandfather, a former engineer, encouraged him to dream big dreams.
Sekreta planira učiniti otkriva njezinoj sestri.
He plans to reveal his secret to his sister.
Kreću prema djedovom omiljenom izložbenom postavu.
They head to their grandfather's favorite exhibit.
To je veliki model parnog stroja.
It's a large model of a steam engine.
Djed im je često pričao o njegovoj povijesti.
Their grandfather often told them about its history.
"Ivana," započne Marko dok stoje ispred modela.
"Ivana," Marko begins as they stand in front of the model.
Ivana osjeti srce kako ubrzava.
Ivana feels her heart start to race.
"Da, Marko?
"Yes, Marko?"
" pogleda ga s blago napetim osmijehom.
she looks at him with a slightly tense smile.
"Želim ići na studij inženjerstva," kaže tiho, ali odlučno.
"I want to study engineering," he says quietly but firmly.
U njegovim očima vidi ljubav prema strojevima i izumima.
In his eyes, she sees love for machines and inventions.
"Znam što roditelji žele, ali ovo je moj san.
"I know what our parents want, but this is my dream."
"Ivana uzdahne duboko.
Ivana takes a deep breath.
Gleda u veliki parni stroj i odjednom se sjeća s koliko strasti je njihov djed pričao o inženjerstvu.
She looks at the large steam engine and suddenly remembers the passion with which their grandfather talked about engineering.
Sretna sjećanja preplavljuju srce.
Happy memories flood her heart.
"Djed bi bio ponosan na tebe, Marko," napokon kaže.
"Grandpa would be proud of you, Marko," she finally says.
"Podržat ću te.
"I'll support you.
Razgovarat ćemo s roditeljima zajedno.
We'll talk to our parents together."
"Marko uzdahne s olakšanjem.
Marko sighs with relief.
Njegovo lice zasja osmijehom.
His face lights up with a smile.
Oni se zagrle čvrsto, osjećajući toplinu i ljubav međusobno.
They hug tightly, feeling warmth and love for each other.
Dok hodaju kroz preostale izložbe, Ivana razmišlja.
As they walk through the remaining exhibits, Ivana thinks.
Treba balansirati obiteljsku tradiciju i Markove snove.
She needs to balance family tradition and Marko's dreams.
Vidi brata kako s oduševljenjem promatra svaki detalj.
She sees her brother eagerly observing every detail.
Shvaća da mu treba dati slobodu da slijedi svoje srce.
She realizes that she must give him the freedom to follow his heart.
Kad izlaze iz muzeja, zvona crkve najavljuju dolazak nove godine.
As they exit the museum, church bells announce the arrival of the new year.
Ivana i Marko hodaju zajedno u noć prepunu novih mogućnosti.
Ivana and Marko walk together into a night full of new possibilities.
Njihova veza sada je jača nego ikada.
Their bond is now stronger than ever.
Ponovno su pronašli djedov duh u sebi, a duša inženjera u njima dalje živi.
They've found their grandfather's spirit within themselves again, and the soul of an engineer in them lives on.