FluentFiction - Croatian

A Heartfelt Valentine's Day at the Orphanage

FluentFiction - Croatian

16m 06sFebruary 13, 2025

A Heartfelt Valentine's Day at the Orphanage

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  • Zima je stigla u malo sirotište na rubu grada.

    Winter arrived at the small orphanage on the outskirts of grad.

  • Zgrada je bila stara, s blijedo žutim zidovima i škripavim drvenim podovima.

    The building was old, with pale yellow walls and creaky wooden floors.

  • Djeca su trčala hodnicima, njihovi glasovi ispunjavali su prostoriju srećom i smijehom, unatoč hladnim zimskim danima.

    The children ran through the corridors, their voices filling the rooms with joy and laughter, despite the cold winter days.

  • Bilo je Valentinovo i Ivana, volonterka vedrog osmijeha, bila je zauzeta ukrašavanjem dvorane srcima i papirnatim lancima.

    It was Valentine's Day, and Ivana, a volunteer with a cheerful smile, was busy decorating the hall with hearts and paper chains.

  • Mateo je sjedio u kutu, promatrao uzbuđenje.

    Mateo sat in the corner, observing the excitement.

  • Mateo je bio dječak velikog srca.

    Mateo was a boy with a big heart.

  • Uvijek je sanjao o obitelji i osjećaju pripadnosti.

    He always dreamed of a family and a sense of belonging.

  • Valentinovo je bio poseban dan, želio je pokazati Ivani koliko puno za njega znači.

    Valentine's Day was a special day; he wanted to show Ivana how much she meant to him.

  • Ivana je uvijek bila tu za njih, donoseći toplinu i ljubav.

    Ivana was always there for them, bringing warmth and love.

  • Ali Mateo nije imao novac za poklon.

    But Mateo didn't have any money for a gift.

  • Bio je frustriran, želio je pravu stvar, nešto što bi pokazalo njegovu zahvalnost.

    He was frustrated, wanting something real, something that would show his gratitude.

  • Dok je gledao djecu kako trče i igraju se, Mateo je smislio ideju.

    As he watched the children run and play, Mateo came up with an idea.

  • Odlučio je napraviti ručni poklon.

    He decided to make a handmade gift.

  • Počeo je tražiti po sirotištu materijale koje bi mogao koristiti.

    He started searching around the orphanage for materials he could use.

  • Pronašao je papire, ljepilo i stare boje.

    He found paper, glue, and old paints.

  • Mateo je marljivo radio.

    Mateo worked diligently.

  • Svakog dana nakon škole, sjeo bi u malu sobu pokraj kuhinje i stvarao.

    Every day after school, he would sit in the small room next to the kitchen and create.

  • Napravio je čestitku, ukrašenu crvenim i ružičastim tonovima, s jednostavnim natpisom: "Hvala ti, Ivana.

    He made a card, decorated with red and pink hues, with a simple inscription: "Thank you, Ivana."

  • " Na unutrašnjoj strani, napisao je: "Ti si naša obitelj.

    On the inside, he wrote: "You are our family."

  • "Došao je Valentinovo jutro.

    Valentine's morning arrived.

  • Mateo je sa čestitkom u ruci čekao pravi trenutak.

    Mateo, with the card in hand, waited for the right moment.

  • Ivana je bila zauzeta, ali Mateo je skupio hrabrost.

    Ivana was busy, but Mateo gathered his courage.

  • Prišao joj je, srce mu je ubrzano kucalo.

    He approached her, his heart beating fast.

  • "Ivana," rekao je tiho, "imam nešto za tebe.

    "Ivana," he said quietly, "I have something for you."

  • "Ivana se okrenula, iznenađena.

    Ivana turned around, surprised.

  • Mateo joj je pružio čestitku i njegovu nesigurnost zamijenio je osmijeh.

    Mateo handed her the card, and his uncertainty was replaced by a smile.

  • Ivana je pažljivo otvorila čestitku i pročitala poruku.

    Ivana carefully opened the card and read the message.

  • Suze su joj se zasvjetlucale u očima.

    Tears glistened in her eyes.

  • "Oh, Mateo," rekla je nježno.

    "Oh, Mateo," she said gently.

  • "Ovo je predivno.

    "This is wonderful.

  • Ti si pravi dar.

    You are a true gift."

  • "Pomilovala je Matea po glavi i zagrlila ga.

    She patted Mateo on the head and hugged him.

  • Mateo je u tom trenutku osjetio toplinu, onu pravu, koja dolazi od osjećaja pripadnosti.

    In that moment, Mateo felt warmth, the real kind, which comes from the feeling of belonging.

  • Srce mu je bilo ispunjeno ljubavlju.

    His heart was filled with love.

  • "Nisi sam, Mateo.

    "You are not alone, Mateo.

  • Mi smo obitelj," rekla je Ivana.

    We are family," Ivana said.

  • Te riječi za Matea su značile sve.

    Those words meant everything to Mateo.

  • Nije se više osjećao izgubljeno.

    He no longer felt lost.

  • Znao je da je voljen, da ima svoje mjesto, svoju malu obitelj unutar sirotišta.

    He knew he was loved, that he had his place, his small family within the orphanage.

  • Snijeg je polako padao vani, ali u Mateovom srcu, bilo je toplo.

    Snow was gently falling outside, but in Mateo's heart, it was warm.

  • Valentinovo je postalo više od praznika - postalo je simbol ljubavi i zajedništva za dječaka s velikim srcem.

    Valentine's Day had become more than just a holiday—it had become a symbol of love and togetherness for a boy with a big heart.