FluentFiction - Croatian

Farewell at Kornati: A Family's Heartfelt Goodbye

FluentFiction - Croatian

17m 38sFebruary 26, 2025

Farewell at Kornati: A Family's Heartfelt Goodbye

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  • Zima je stigla na Kornate, a vjetar je šibao preko kamenih obala.

    Winter had arrived at the Kornati, and the wind whipped over the stone shores.

  • Nebo je bilo sivo, ali more je bilo duboko plavo.

    The sky was gray, but the sea was deep blue.

  • Ivana, Boris i Anica stajali su zajedno na obali, držeći urnu s pepelom svoga oca.

    Ivana, Boris, and Anica stood together on the shore, holding an urn with their father's ashes.

  • Kornati su bili njegova omiljena destinacija, mjesto gdje je pronalazio mir i radost.

    The Kornati were his favorite destination, a place where he found peace and joy.

  • Sad su se njegovi najmiliji okupili da ga isprate na njegovo posljednje putovanje.

    Now his loved ones had gathered to see him off on his final journey.

  • Ivana, najstarija sestra, gledala je prema moru, osjećajući težinu zadatka pred njima.

    Ivana, the eldest sister, looked out to the sea, feeling the weight of the task before them.

  • Bila je uvijek praktična, zaštitnička prema mlađim sestrama i bratu, ali ovaj put nije mogla sakriti zabrinutost za budućnost obitelji nakon očeve smrti.

    She had always been practical and protective of her younger siblings, but this time she couldn't hide her concern for the family's future after their father's death.

  • Boris, srednji u obitelji, pokušao je ublažiti atmosferu s ponekom šalom, no i on je bio izgubljen, ne znajući svoj put.

    Boris, the middle child, tried to lighten the atmosphere with a few jokes, but he too was lost, unsure of his path.

  • Anica, najmlađa, bila je ona koja je spajala obitelj, ali sada se osjećala razapeto između ostanka u Hrvatskoj i nove prilike u inozemstvu.

    Anica, the youngest, was the one who held the family together, but now she felt torn between staying in Croatia and a new opportunity abroad.

  • Anica je duboko udahnula.

    Anica took a deep breath.

  • Značila je otkriti novosti o poslu, ali nije znala kako će brat i sestra reagirati.

    She was about to share the news about a job, but she didn't know how her brother and sister would react.

  • "Ovo su bila tatina najdraža mjesta", napokon je progovorila, držeći urnu čvrsto.

    "These were dad's favorite places," she finally spoke, holding the urn tightly.

  • "Zaslužio je biti ovdje."

    "He deserved to be here."

  • „Da, uvijek je volio Kornate,“ rekao je Boris s osmijehom, pokušavajući prikriti svoju tugu.

    "Yes, he always loved the Kornati," Boris said with a smile, trying to hide his sadness.

  • „Sjećate se kako je uvijek pričao o ribarenju ovdje?“

    "Do you remember how he always talked about fishing here?"

  • Ivana je kimnula, suze u očima.

    Ivana nodded, tears in her eyes.

  • „Da, uvijek nas je vodio ovdje kad smo bili mali.

    "Yes, he always brought us here when we were little.

  • Ovo mjesto je posebno.“

    This place is special."

  • Kako su pripremili ceremoniju, Anica se osjećala sve uplašenije oko onoga što mora reći.

    As they prepared the ceremony, Anica felt increasingly anxious about what she had to say.

  • Dok su pustili pepeo u zrak, vjetar ga je nježno odnio prema moru.

    As they released the ashes into the air, the wind gently carried them toward the sea.

  • Bio je to dirljiv trenutak, ispunjen sjećanjima i ljubavlju.

    It was a touching moment, filled with memories and love.

  • Tada je Anica skupila hrabrost.

    Then Anica gathered her courage.

  • „Imam nešto što moram reći“, izrekla je.

    "I have something I must say," she uttered.

  • Glas joj je drhtao.

    Her voice trembled.

  • „Dobila sam priliku za posao u inozemstvu.

    "I've received a job opportunity abroad.

  • Nisam znala kada se trebam odlučiti... ali sada mislim da je važno da znate.“

    I didn't know when I should decide... but now I think it's important that you know."

  • Boris je prvi progovorio, iznenađen.

    Boris was the first to speak, surprised.

  • „Stvarno? Kako lijepo! Ali... hoćeš li otići?“

    "Really? How wonderful! But... are you going to go?"

  • Ivana ju je promatrala, oči su joj bile pune razumijevanja i tuge.

    Ivana watched her, her eyes full of understanding and sorrow.

  • „Anica, ovo je tvoja šansa.

    "Anica, this is your chance.

  • Tata bi bio ponosan na tebe, bez obzira što odlučila.“

    Dad would be proud of you, no matter what you decide."

  • Prošli su trenutci tišine.

    Moments of silence passed.

  • Svi su osjećali promjenu koja dolazi, ali tijekom teških trenutaka, ljubav između njih postala je još jača.

    Everyone felt the change that was coming, but through difficult times, the love between them only grew stronger.

  • „Uvijek ćemo biti tu jedno za drugo“, rekao je Boris, privlačeći sestre u zagrljaj.

    "We will always be there for each other," Boris said, drawing his sisters into an embrace.

  • „Bez obzira gdje bili.“

    "No matter where we are."

  • Anica je kroz suze osmjehnula.

    Anica smiled through her tears.

  • „Znam da nas tata gleda i da će uvijek biti s nama.“

    "I know dad is watching us and will always be with us."

  • S osjećajem nove snage i podrške, Anica je znala da fizička udaljenost neće oslabiti njezine veze s obitelji.

    With a sense of new strength and support, Anica knew that physical distance would not weaken her ties with her family.

  • U stvari, bila je uvjerena da ih iskrenost samo jača.

    In fact, she was convinced that honesty only strengthened them.

  • Dok su napuštali Kornate, zimski vjetar je bio hladan, ali srce joj je bilo toplo.

    As they left the Kornati, the winter wind was cold, but her heart was warm.

  • Pješčano staza ispred njih činila se kao put prema novim početkom, pun obećanja i nade.

    The sandy path ahead seemed like a road to new beginnings, full of promise and hope.