Lost in Time: Budi's Journey Through Borobudur Temple
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Lost in Time: Budi's Journey Through Borobudur Temple
Budi berdiri di depan Candi Borobudur, kagum.
Budi stood in front of Borobudur Temple, amazed.
Udara pagi terasa segar.
The morning air felt fresh.
Matahari baru terbit.
The sun had just risen.
Budi mengikuti turis lain, mendengarkan pemandu menceritakan sejarah.
Budi followed the other tourists, listening to the guide recounting the history.
Dia sangat ingin tahu tentang candi ini.
He was very curious about this temple.
Setelah beberapa saat, turis boleh berkeliling sendiri.
After a while, tourists were allowed to explore on their own.
Budi melihat relief di dinding.
Budi looked at the reliefs on the walls.
Setiap gambar bercerita.
Every image told a story.
Dia begitu fokus, hingga tidak sadar terpisah dari rombongan.
He was so focused that he didn't realize he had separated from the group.
Budi berjalan sendiri.
Budi walked alone.
Lorong candi terasa seperti labirin.
The temple’s corridors felt like a labyrinth.
Suasana sunyi.
The atmosphere was quiet.
Hanya suara langkah kakinya dan burung-burung.
Only the sound of his footsteps and the birds could be heard.
Budi mencoba mencari jalan keluar, tetapi semua tampak sama.
Budi tried to find his way out, but everything looked the same.
Dia mulai cemas.
He started to get anxious.
"Di mana rombonganku?
"Where is my group?"
" pikirnya.
he thought.
Dia ingat pemandu mengatakan ada tanda-tanda kecil di dinding.
He remembered the guide mentioning there were small signs on the walls.
Tanda itu bisa membantu pengunjung menemukan jalan.
Those signs could help visitors find their way.
Budi melihat sekeliling.
Budi looked around.
Benar, ada tanda kecil berbentuk panah.
Indeed, there was a small arrow-shaped sign.
Dia mengikuti tanda itu.
He followed the sign.
Namun, setelah beberapa tikungan, dia masih belum menemukan rombongannya.
However, after several turns, he still hadn’t found his group.
Budi berhenti sejenak, menarik napas dalam-dalam.
Budi paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.
Dia harus tetap tenang.
He had to stay calm.
Dia mendengar suara gemericik air.
He heard the sound of trickling water.
"Mungkin ada kolam di dekat sini," pikirnya.
"Maybe there’s a pool nearby," he thought.
Dia mengikuti suara itu.
He followed the sound.
Ternyata benar, ada kolam kecil di tengah candi.
Sure enough, there was a small pool in the middle of the temple.
Di seberang kolam, dia melihat seorang petugas candi.
Across the pool, he saw a temple guard.
Budi segera menghampiri petugas itu.
Budi immediately approached the guard.
"Pak, saya tersesat.
"Sir, I'm lost.
Di mana rombongan tur saya?
Where is my tour group?"
" tanyanya.
he asked.
Petugas itu tersenyum ramah.
The guard smiled kindly.
"Mari, saya antar," katanya.
"Come, I’ll take you," he said.
Mereka berjalan menuju pintu utama.
They walked toward the main gate.
Di sana, Budi melihat rombongannya.
There, Budi saw his group.
Pemandu terlihat khawatir, tetapi segera tersenyum melihat Budi.
The guide looked worried but quickly smiled when seeing Budi.
"Kamu baik-baik saja?
"Are you okay?"
" tanya pemandu.
asked the guide.
Budi mengangguk.
Budi nodded.
"Aku hanya terlalu tertarik pada relief," jawabnya.
"I was just too fascinated by the reliefs," he answered.
Semua tertawa.
Everyone laughed.
Mereka melanjutkan tur dengan hati yang lebih tenang.
They continued the tour with calmer hearts.
Budi belajar pentingnya tetap dekat dengan rombongan.
Budi learned the importance of staying close to the group.
Dia juga mendapat pengalaman berharga, menjelajahi candi sendiri.
He also gained a valuable experience, exploring the temple on his own.
Petualangan Budi di Candi Borobudur menjadi kenangan tak terlupakan.
Budi’s adventure at Borobudur Temple became an unforgettable memory.
Hari itu, Budi belajar tentang sejarah dan juga tentang dirinya sendiri.
That day, Budi learned about history and also about himself.
Candi Borobudur, dengan segala keindahannya, berbisik kisah-kisah masa lalu yang tak pernah pudar.
Borobudur Temple, with all its beauty, whispers stories of the past that never fade.