Virtual Harmony: From Screens to Stupas and Friendship
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Virtual Harmony: From Screens to Stupas and Friendship
Rizki menatap layar laptopnya.
Rizki stared at his laptop screen.
Hanya suara desingan kipas laptop yang menemani.
Only the whirring sound of the laptop fan kept him company.
Di jendela, taman kecil dengan bunga musim semi tampak cerah dan hijau.
Through the window, a small garden with spring flowers looked bright and green.
Di dinding ada poster besar candi Borobudur, target proyek sekolahnya dengan Ayu.
On the wall hung a large poster of the Borobudur temple, the target of his school project with Ayu.
Mereka adalah tim yang hebat meski belum pernah bertemu langsung.
They were a great team even though they had never met in person.
Rizki pemalu, lebih suka membaca daripada bicara.
Rizki was shy, preferring reading over talking.
Tapi Ayu, si ceria, selalu bisa mencairkan suasana.
But Ayu, the cheerful one, always knew how to lighten the mood.
Pagi itu, mereka siap mengunjungi Borobudur secara virtual.
That morning, they were ready to visit Borobudur virtually.
Rizki mengirim pesan, "Ayu, sudah siap?
Rizki sent a message, "Ayu, are you ready?"
"Laptop berdering.
The laptop rang.
Ayu menjawab dengan semangat, "Halo, Rizki!
Ayu answered excitedly, "Hi, Rizki!
Koneksi aman?
Is the connection stable?"
"Mereka memulai tur virtual.
They began the virtual tour.
Borobudur berdiri megah, dikelilingi hutan hijau.
Borobudur stood majestically, surrounded by green forests.
Reliefnya bercerita tentang kehidupan Buddha, hal yang selalu membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu Rizki.
Its reliefs told stories of Buddha's life, something that always sparked Rizki's curiosity.
"Apa kamu bisa bayangkan, kalau kita ada di sana?
"Can you imagine if we were there?"
" kata Ayu.
said Ayu.
Rizki ragu sejenak, lalu berkata, "Aku ingin merasakan kesejukan batuan itu, mendengar angin berbisik di puncaknya.
Rizki hesitated for a moment, then said, "I want to feel the coolness of the stones and hear the wind whispering at the top."
"Mereka mengagumi stupa dan arca dengan seksama.
They admired the stupas and statues closely.
Sosok Buddha tersenyum lapang terlihat damai.
The broad smile of the Buddha figure exuded peace.
Tantangan terbesar ketika mereka mencoba menyusun presentasi.
The biggest challenge came when they tried to prepare their presentation.
Ayu sibuk dengan kegiatan sekolah lain, sementara Rizki bimbang menyampaikan ide-idenya.
Ayu was busy with other school activities, while Rizki was unsure about conveying his ideas.
Suatu malam, Rizki mengumpulkan keberanian.
One night, Rizki gathered his courage.
Ia mengusulkan, "Bagaimana kalau kita buat video animasi tentang Borobudur?
He suggested, "How about we make an animated video about Borobudur?"
"Ayu setuju.
Ayu agreed.
"Ide bagus, Rizki!
"Great idea, Rizki!
Kita bisa menunjukkan relief dengan lebih hidup.
We could bring the reliefs to life."
"Tapi saat menjelang batas waktu, bencana datang.
But as the deadline approached, disaster struck.
Koneksi internet Ayu terputus.
Ayu's internet connection was cut off.
File presentasi terancam hilang.
Their presentation file was at risk of being lost.
Rizki berusaha tetap tenang.
Rizki tried to stay calm.
Dengan cepat, ia mengirimkan cadangan file melalui email.
He quickly sent a backup file via email.
Mereka melanjutkan dengan pertemuan darurat via telepon.
They continued with an emergency meeting over the phone.
Ayu berteriak senang, "Terima kasih, Rizki!
Ayu exclaimed happily, "Thank you, Rizki!
Ide cadanganmu menyelamatkan kita.
Your backup idea saved us."
"Presentasi mereka sukses besar.
Their presentation was a big success.
Guru memberikan pujian atas kreativitas dan kedalaman pengetahuan mereka.
The teacher praised their creativity and depth of knowledge.
Kebanggaan memenuhi hati Rizki, bukan hanya karena proyek berhasil, tapi juga atas keberanian dan kerja sama mereka.
Pride filled Rizki’s heart, not just because the project succeeded, but also due to their courage and teamwork.
Setelah proyek selesai, Rizki dan Ayu sering bertukar cerita.
After the project ended, Rizki and Ayu often shared stories.
Persahabatan mereka tumbuh kuat.
Their friendship grew strong.
Rizki belajar bahwa dengan berani keluar dari zona nyamannya, ia bisa lebih dekat dengan orang lain, meski jarak memisahkan.
Rizki learned that by daring to step out of his comfort zone, he could become closer to others, even if distance separated them.
Dan di dalam hatinya, Rizki merasakan perubahan.
And within his heart, Rizki felt a change.
Ia tidak lagi takut berbagi ide.
He was no longer afraid to share ideas.
Bersama Ayu, setiap proyek baru menjadi peluang petualangan dan belajar.
Together with Ayu, every new project became an opportunity for adventure and learning.
Dengan senyum, ia menatap jendela.
With a smile, he looked out the window.
Di luar, taman musim semi berbisik, seiring semangat baru dalam dirinya.
Outside, the spring garden whispered, echoing the new enthusiasm within him.