Rainy Adventures: Unplanned Joy at Gunung Bromo
FluentFiction - Indonesian
Rainy Adventures: Unplanned Joy at Gunung Bromo
Hujan turun dengan lebat di sekitar Gunung Bromo.
The rain poured heavily around Gunung Bromo.
Suara gemericik air hujan terdengar jelas di atap kabin kecil yang hangat.
The sound of rainwater trickling was clearly heard on the roof of the warm little cabin.
Di dalam, Dewi dan Arif berusaha menghangatkan diri setelah seharian mendaki.
Inside, Dewi and Arif were trying to warm themselves after a day of hiking.
"Dewi, kita buat mi instan saja ya.
"Dewi, let's just make some instant noodles.
Perutku keroncongan," saran Arif sambil mengeluarkan panci kecil dan bahan-bahan.
I'm starving," suggested Arif while taking out a small pot and the ingredients.
Dewi mengangguk setuju.
Dewi nodded in agreement.
Mereka berdua menuju ke teras kabin, membawa panci dan bahan-bahan mi.
They both headed to the cabin's terrace, bringing the pot and noodle ingredients.
"Ah, Arif, lihat ini.
"Ah, Arif, look at this.
Kita bisa membuat kompor darurat.
We can make an emergency stove.
Aku pernah lihat di video," kata Dewi sambil merangkai beberapa batu dan ranting.
I saw it on a video once," said Dewi as she arranged some stones and twigs.
Tetapi, Dewi agak ceroboh.
However, Dewi was a bit clumsy.
Kompor darurat itu tampak tidak stabil.
The emergency stove looked unstable.
Arif sibuk dengan kameranya.
Arif was busy with his camera.
"Ini momen bagus untuk fotoku nanti.
"This is a great moment for my photos later.
Rasanya magis sekali," katanya sambil mencari sudut yang pas.
It feels so magical," he said while searching for the perfect angle.
Dia mulai memotret kabut, hujan, dan Dewi yang sedang berusaha menyalakan api.
He began taking pictures of the mist, rain, and Dewi trying to light the fire.
Sedikit demi sedikit, aroma mi instan mulai tercium.
Little by little, the aroma of instant noodles began to fill the air.
Namun, api kompor darurat itu tiba-tiba membesar.
However, the fire on the emergency stove suddenly flared up.
" teriak Dewi sambil memundurkan diri.
shouted Dewi as she stepped back.
Mi di panci pun meluap-luap.
The noodles in the pot boiled over.
Suara riuh menarik perhatian sekelompok fotografer yang kebetulan lewat.
The noise attracted a group of photographers passing by.
Mereka menghampiri, mengira Dewi dan Arif sedang demonstrasi masak.
They approached, thinking that Dewi and Arif were having a cooking demonstration.
"Foto masak outdoor ini pasti keren," salah satu dari mereka berkomentar.
"This outdoor cooking photo will surely be cool," one of them commented.
Dewi bingung.
Dewi was confused.
Dia melihat ke arah Arif, meminta bantuan.
She looked towards Arif, asking for help.
Namun, Arif malah asik mengambil foto dari sisi lain.
However, Arif was busy taking photos from another angle.
Dia tertawa melihat kekacauan itu, tetapi malah mendapat sudut foto yang sempurna.
He laughed at the chaos, but he got the perfect photo angle instead.
Akhirnya, Dewi tertawa.
Eventually, Dewi laughed.
"Baiklah, mari kita nikmati kebodohan ini bersama," katanya sambil membagikan mi yang overcooked kepada fotografer yang datang.
"Alright, let's enjoy this silliness together," she said while sharing the overcooked noodles with the photographers who came.
Semua tertawa dan berbagi cerita sambil menikmati mi.
Everyone laughed and shared stories while enjoying the noodles.
Arif tersenyum.
Arif smiled.
"Foto ini akan jadi cerita menarik di blogku," katanya.
"This photo will make an interesting story on my blog," he said.
Dan ternyata, cerita dan foto-foto itu memang membawa banyak kunjungan di blognya.
And indeed, the story and photos brought many visitors to his blog.
Dewi pun menyadari bahwa hidup tak perlu selalu serius, dan Arif mengerti bahwa momen tak terduga sering menjadi yang terindah.
Dewi realized that life doesn't always have to be serious, and Arif understood that unexpected moments are often the most beautiful.
Sore itu, hujan di Gunung Bromo membawa kebahagiaan kecil yang tak terencana.
That afternoon, the rain at Gunung Bromo brought small unplanned happiness.
Di kabin kecil itu, mereka belajar menikmati setiap momen, meski berantakan sekalipun.
In that little cabin, they learned to enjoy every moment, even if it was messy.