The Tokyo Station Vending Machine Chronicles
FluentFiction - Japanese
The Tokyo Station Vending Machine Chronicles
東京の喧騒に包まれた駅で、ハルは自動販売機の輝きに目を引かれた。大都会の真ん中で一人、ハルは駅の labyrinth(迷路)のような通路に迷っていた。彼の横には親友の葵が、お互いの瞳を見つめながら、同じく道に迷っていた。
In a station enveloped by the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, Haru was captivated by the gleam of a vending machine. Alone in the heart of the metropolis, Haru found himself wandering through the labyrinthine corridors of the station. Beside him, his best friend Aoi also seemed lost, their eyes meeting in confusion.
"I wonder where we are..." Haru pondered, turning to Aoi for guidance. With a chuckle, Aoi suggested, "Shall we ask the vending machine?"
Perplexed by Aoi's suggestion, Haru tilted his head, but Aoi had already moved towards the vending machine. She selected a 500-yen can of coffee, handing it to Haru with a smile, saying, "Let's give this a try."
Placing her ear against the vending machine, Aoi whispered words of flattery or perhaps gibberish to the world's largest market partner. Haru could only stare in amazement at her actions. However, when Aoi handed him a can of cola, she directed him, "That way leads to the platform."
Unbelievably, following Aoi's directions, the two arrived at the platform and quickly recognized their surroundings. The place where they had been lost was actually a passage connecting to the platform they used daily. While amazed by the complexity of Tokyo Station's underground, Haru felt grateful for the enjoyable little adventure.
Haru returned to the vending machine, purchasing another 500-yen can of coffee. With the coffee in hand, he smiled at Aoi and handed it to her, saying, "Thank you, let's have this together."
From that day on, the two of them often asked for directions at the vending machine. It became a mini adventure to unknown places, fostering a deep bond between Haru and Aoi. Seeking guidance from the vending machine continued to add color to their daily lives at Tokyo Station.