Chuseok at Gyeongbokgung: Family, Tradition & Memories
FluentFiction - Korean
Chuseok at Gyeongbokgung: Family, Tradition & Memories
가을 하늘이 맑고 푸른 날, 민준과 지혜, 수영 가족은 경복궁에 왔어요.
On a clear and blue autumn day, Minjun, Ji-hye, and their family went to Gyeongbokgung Palace.
오늘은 추석이에요.
Today is Chuseok.
추석은 큰 명절이에요.
Chuseok is a major holiday.
가족이 함께 모여요.
Families gather together for Chuseok.
경복궁은 아주 크고 아름다워요.
Gyeongbokgung is very large and beautiful.
건물이 웅장해요.
The buildings are grand.
날씨도 좋고 사람들도 많아요.
The weather is nice, and there are many people.
민준은 10살이에요.
Minjun is 10 years old.
지혜는 8살이에요.
Ji-hye is 8 years old.
수영은 엄마에요.
Sooyoung is their mother.
가족은 먼저 근정전을 갔어요.
The family first visited Geunjeongjeon.
근정전은 경복궁에서 가장 큰 건물이에요.
Geunjeongjeon is the largest building in Gyeongbokgung.
"이곳에서 왕이 회의를 했어요," 수영이 말했어요.
"The king held meetings here," Sooyoung said.
"정말 멋져요!" 지혜가 말했어요.
"It's really awesome!" Ji-hye said.
그 다음에 가족은 경회루로 갔어요.
Next, the family went to Gyeonghoeru.
경회루는 물 위에 떠 있는 건물이에요.
Gyeonghoeru is a building that floats on water.
"정말 예뻐요," 민준이 말했어요.
"It's really pretty," Minjun said.
호수에는 물고기들도 많아요.
There are many fish in the lake.
경복궁을 다 구경한 후, 가족은 잔디에 앉았어요.
After touring all of Gyeongbokgung, the family sat on the grass.
수영은 송편을 꺼냈어요.
Sooyoung took out some songpyeon.
송편은 쌀로 만든 떡이에요.
Songpyeon is a rice cake.
"맛있어요!" 지혜가 말했어요.
"It's delicious!" Ji-hye said.
갑자기 민준이 말했어요, "엄마, 할아버지는 왜 여기 안 계세요?"
Suddenly, Minjun asked, "Mom, why isn't Grandpa here?"
수영은 잠시 조용했어요.
Sooyoung was silent for a moment.
"할아버지는 작년에 하늘나라로 가셨어요," 수영이 말했어요.
"Grandpa went to heaven last year," Sooyoung said.
민준과 지혜는 슬퍼 보였어요.
Minjun and Ji-hye looked sad.
"하지만 할아버지는 우리를 보고 계실 거예요," 수영이 다독였어요.
"But Grandpa is watching over us," Sooyoung comforted them.
민준은 눈물을 닦고 말했어요. "할아버지는 우리가 행복한 모습을 좋아하실 거예요."
Minjun wiped his tears and said, "Grandpa would like to see us happy."
가족은 서로를 꼭 안았어요.
The family hugged each other tightly.
그 후에 민준과 지혜는 뛰어놀기 시작했어요.
After that, Minjun and Ji-hye started running and playing.
수영은 미소를 지었어요.
Sooyoung smiled.
"행복한 추석이야," 수영이 말했어요.
"It's a happy Chuseok," Sooyoung said.
가족은 함께 경복궁을 나서면서 하늘을 쳐다보았어요.
As the family left Gyeongbokgung together, they looked up at the sky.
하늘은 여전히 맑고 푸르렀어요.
The sky was still clear and blue.
할아버지도 함께 있는 것만 같았어요.
It felt as though Grandpa was with them too.