
Market Mayhem: Cabbage Kick's Comic Chaos
FluentFiction - Latvian
Market Mayhem: Cabbage Kick's Comic Chaos
Kādreiz senā, grauzdētu zivju un svaigu augļu aromātu apvītā Rīgas Centrāltirgū satikās trīs draugi - Liene, Jānis un Aivars.
Once upon a time, in the Riga Central Market, enveloped in the aroma of roasted fish and fresh fruit, three friends - Liene, Jānis, and Aivars - met.
Viņi bija nolemuši šo dienu kopā pavadīt iepērkoties un baudot Rīgas dzīvi.
They had decided to spend the day together shopping and enjoying life in Riga.
Liene bija dzīvespriecīga un aktīva meitene, kam patika sportot.
Liene was a lively and active girl who enjoyed sports.
Jānis bija kluss un domīgs, bet Aivars vienmēr bija pilns ar jokiem un smiekliem.
Jānis was quiet and thoughtful, and Aivars was always full of jokes and laughter.
Tirgus bija kā viņu otra māja - pilna ar dzīvību un pārsteigumiem.
The market was like their second home - full of life and surprises.
Kad pulkstenis sita pusdienlaiku, tirgus bija vispilnībākais.
When the clock struck noon, the market was at its busiest.
Cilvēki steidza garām, pirkdami un tirgojoties, un saule spīdēja cauri tirgus hallei uz pārdevēju galviņām.
People bustled about, buying and bargaining, and the sun shone through the market hall onto the heads of the vendors.
Liene, Jānis un Aivars staigāja starp tirgus stendiem, kad pēkšņi Lienes acīs kaut kas iekrita.
Liene, Jānis, and Aivars strolled among the market stalls when suddenly something caught Liene's eye.
Tā bija liela, zaļa, sulīga kāpostu galva, kas gulēja pie vienas no tirgus soliņiem.
It was a large, green, juicy cabbage head lying at one of the market stalls.
Liene sapņaini nodomāja par futbola bumbu un pēkšņi aizmirsās, kur viņa atrodas.
Dreamily, Liene thought of a soccer ball and suddenly forgot where she was.
Ar smaidu uz lūpām, Liene izdarīja soli atpakaļ un gatavojās izpildīt spēcīgu sitienu pa kāpostiem, kā tas būtu futbola bumba.
With a smile on her lips, Liene took a step back and prepared to deliver a strong kick to the cabbage, as if it were a soccer ball.
Jānis un Aivars redzēja, kas gatavojas notikt, bet viņu saucieni noslīka tirgus trokšņos.
Jānis and Aivars saw what was about to happen, but their calls drowned in the noise of the market.
Viņu draudzene jau bija pacēlusi kāju gaisā... un tad, kā skaņa lēnām filmā, kāpostu galva tika trāpīta un sāka rullēt cauri pūlim, liekot cilvēkiem satriekties un izvairīties no neplānotās šķēršļa.
Their friend had already raised her leg in the air... and then, like the sound in a slow-motion film, the cabbage head was kicked and began rolling through the crowd, making people startle and dodge the unexpected obstacle.
Visi trīs biedri aizrāva elpu, redzot tirgus apmeklētājus mēģinājot noķert celmušos kāpostus.
All three friends held their breath, watching the market visitors trying to catch the rolling cabbages.
Aizkustināti un nedaudz šausmās, viņi skatījās, kā kāpostu galva virzās tieši uz vecāku pāri, kas ar grūtībām nesa iepirkumu somas.
Touched and slightly horrified, they watched the cabbage head heading straight for an older couple struggling to carry their shopping bags.
Bet, laime bija mūsu draugiem līdzās.
But luck was on our friends' side.
Viens vīrs, kurš pa netālu gāja, ar ātrām kustībām noķēra kustīgās zaļumus un ar smaidiem jautāja: "Kas par futbola spēli šeit?"
A man walking nearby quickly caught the rolling greens and with a smile asked, "What kind of soccer game is this?"
Visi sajuta atvieglojumu, kad redzēja, ka neviens nav ievainots.
They all felt relief seeing that no one was hurt.
Liene bija nogalināta no kauna, bet viņas draugi palīdzēja viņai justies labāk.
Liene was mortified with embarrassment, but her friends helped her feel better.
Aivars teica: "Nu, vismaz mēs tagad zinām, ka tev ir laba sitiens!" un visi trīs izjutuši notikušā absurdumu, sasmejās.
Aivars said, "Well, at least we now know you've got a good kick!" and all three felt the absurdity of the situation and laughed.
Jānis piebilda: "Turpmāk mēs spēlēsim futbolu ārā no tirgus, labi?" Liene, joprojām sarkstot, piekrita.
Jānis added, "From now on, we'll play soccer outside the market, okay?" Still blushing, Liene agreed.
Dienu noslēdzot, draugi nopirka jaunu kāpostu galvu, lai aizstātu to, kas bija trāpīts, un solīja, ka vairs nekāda futbola spēlēšana tirgū nenotiks.
As they ended the day, the friends bought a new cabbage head to replace the one that was kicked, and they pledged that there would be no more soccer playing in the market.
Kaut arī diena Rīgas Centrāltirgū sākās ar pārsteigumu, tā beidzās ar smiekliem un labiem atmiņām, par kuras viņi vienmēr varēs stāstīt.
Although the day at the Riga Central Market began with a surprise, it ended with laughter and good memories, which they would always be able to share.