Picnic Folly: Stone or Spud Slip-Up?
FluentFiction - Latvian
Picnic Folly: Stone or Spud Slip-Up?
Rīgas Centrāltirgū saule spēlējās uz krāsainajiem paviljoniem.
The sun played on the colorful pavilions at the Riga Central Market.
Anna ar draugiem – Zani un Juri – šurp bija atnākuši pēc svaigiem dārzeņiem savam piknikam pie Daugavas.
Anna and her friends - Zane and Juris - had come here for fresh vegetables for their picnic by the Daugava.
Tirgus bija dzīvs, pārdotāji sauca pievērst uzmanību savai precei.
The market was lively, with sellers calling attention to their wares.
"Tas būs lielisks pikniks!
"It's going to be a great picnic!"
" Zane teica, smaidīdama.
Zane said, smiling.
Anna apstājās pie kādas kaudzes ar kartupeļiem.
Anna stopped at a pile of potatoes.
"Šie izskatās īpaši labi," viņa sacīja.
"These look especially good," she said.
Juris pārlūkojās dārzeņus, un viņa roka nejauši aizrāvās pie kādas dīvainas formas kartupeļa.
Juris looked over the vegetables, and his hand accidentally grabbed a potato of a strange shape.
"Zane, paskaties!
"Zane, look!
Izskatās kā kārtīgs akmentiņš!
It looks just like a proper little stone!"
" Juris sajukumā čukstēja, rādot atlaseito "akmeni".
Juris exclaimed in confusion, holding up the selected "stone".
Zane uz viņu paskatījās ar smaidu.
Zane looked at him with a smile.
"Jurīt, kartupelis tas, nevis akmens!
"Juris, that's a potato, not a stone!"
"Juris, kurš vienmēr bija mazliet mītisks, paziņoja: "Es parādīšu jums, cik tālu akmentiņš var aizlēkt, kad es to mestu pāri Daugavai!
Juris, who had always been a bit whimsical, declared, "I'll show you how far this 'stone' can skip when I throw it across the Daugava!"
"Draudzene nāca klajā ar skumjām, bet Juris bija nolēmis.
His friends came forward with reluctance, but Juris was determined.
Viņi nopirka dažus kartupeļus piknikam un devās uz upes krastu.
They bought some potatoes for the picnic and headed to the riverbank.
Pie upes, Juris uzņēma spēku, klaudzāja un ar visu spēku meta kartupeli uz ūdens virsmas, gaidot, ka tas aizlidos pāri upes krastam.
There, Juris gathered his strength, took aim, and with all his might, he threw the potato onto the water, expecting it to skip across to the other side.
Kartupelis stīvi ieskrēja Daugavā un pāris reizes atlēca, pirms noslīkt.
The potato splashed into the Daugava and jumped a few times before sinking.
Annas un Zanes brīnums nevarēja beigties, bet viņi nevarēja ne arī pasmieties par šo jocīgo notikumu.
Anna and Zane's amazement couldn't stop, but they couldn't help laughing at this funny incident either.
"Varbūt nākamreiz labāk paturēsim kartupeļus piknikam?
"Maybe next time, we'll hold onto the potatoes for the picnic?"
" Anna ieteica, un Zane piekrita ar smiekliem.
Anna suggested, and Zane agreed with laughter.
Juris, nosarkanis, bet ar labu humora izjūtu, piekrita.
Juris, slightly red-faced but with a good sense of humor, agreed.
"Labi, jūs uzvarējāt.
"Okay, you win.
Bet atzīstiet, ka tas bija labākais akmentiņš, ko jūs esat redzējuši!
But admit that it was the best stone you've ever seen!"
" visi nosmējās un turpināja savu ceļu uz piknika vietu.
Everyone laughed and continued on their way to the picnic spot.
Dienas beigās pikniks pie Daugavas noritēja mierīgā un jautrā gaisotnē, un šis nelielais piedzīvojums kļuva par smieklīgu stāstu, ko atcerēties.
At the end of the day, the picnic by the Daugava unfolded in a peaceful and joyful atmosphere, and this little adventure became a funny story to remember.
Juris nolēma, ka turpmāk viņš dārzeņus un akmeņus centīsies nejaukt, bet Annas un Zanes draudzība un kopā pavadītais laiks bija svarīgākais no visa piedzīvoto.
Juris decided that from now on, he would try not to mix up vegetables and stones, but the friendship and time spent together by Anna and Zane was the most important part of it all.