
Proposing Amid Falling Leaves: Love's Unpredictable Journey
FluentFiction - Latvian
Proposing Amid Falling Leaves: Love's Unpredictable Journey
Vērmanes dārzā zeme klāja bagātīgi zeltainu lapu paklājs.
In Vērmanes garden, the ground was covered with a thick carpet of golden leaves.
Rudens bija pilnā plaukumā.
Autumn was in full bloom.
Saule, slēpjoties aiz pelēkiem mākoņiem, tomēr dažkārt izgāja, lai apspīdētu vecos kokus.
The sun, hiding behind gray clouds, occasionally emerged to shine on the old trees.
Šo skaisto pēcpusdienu Andris, Marta un Ilze nolēma pavadīt šajā parkā.
On this beautiful afternoon, Andris, Marta, and Ilze decided to spend their time in this park.
Viņi lēni pastaigājās, runājot par ikdienišķām lietām.
They walked slowly, talking about everyday matters.
Marta aprakstīja turpmākos ceļojumu plānus, sapņojot par plašu pasaules iepazīšanu.
Marta described her upcoming travel plans, dreaming of exploring the wide world.
Viņas acis mirdzēja, kad viņa runāja par tālajām zemēm.
Her eyes sparkled as she talked about distant lands.
Andris gandrīz neko nedzirdēja.
Andris barely heard anything.
Viņa prātā valdīja pilnīgs satricinājums.
His mind was in complete turmoil.
Kabatas smagums atgādināja par lielo plānu, ko viņš bija įklātis par izdevību.
The weight in his pocket reminded him of the big plan he had been preparing for the occasion.
"Vai ir īstais laiks?
"Is it the right time?"
" viņš jautāja sev atkal un atkal.
he asked himself over and over.
Viņa sirds sita straujāk.
His heart beat faster.
Ilze klusāki smaidīja, mudinot brāli būt drosmīgam.
Ilze quietly smiled, encouraging her brother to be brave.
Viņi pavirzījās uz priekšu.
They moved forward.
Vējš kustināja koku zarus, izraisot zelta lapu lietu.
The wind swayed the tree branches, causing a rain of golden leaves.
Tas bija kā dejas taktīm.
It was like a dance's rhythm.
Ikviena lapa, šķiet, dejodama nolaižas uz zemes.
Every leaf seemed to dance down to the ground.
Marta saelsojās un pacēla lapa, smejoties par tās smalkumu un krāsu.
Marta gasped and picked up a leaf, laughing at its delicacy and color.
Andris pamēģināja sakopot drosmi.
Andris tried to muster courage.
Tas bija īstais moments.
This was the right moment.
Neviena iela nav gara, kad tu esi satraukts par to, kas nāk pēc tam.
No street is long when you are anxious about what comes next.
Andris apstājās blakus strūklakai un uzlika roku uz Martas pleca.
Andris stopped next to the fountain and placed a hand on Marta's shoulder.
"Marta," viņš teica, mēģinot valdīt savas trīcošās rokas.
"Marta," he said, trying to control his trembling hands.
Viņš nobažījās, ka viņas smaids pazudīs, klausoties viņā.
He worried that her smile would disappear as she listened to him.
Viņa viņu skatījās ar zinātkāru skatienu.
She looked at him with a curious gaze.
"Pateikšu ko ļoti svarīgu," viņš turpināja.
"I have something very important to say," he continued.
Miglā asaras savācās viņa acīs.
Tears gathered like mist in his eyes.
Viņš pēkšņi nometās ceļos, noraujot caur gaisa maigumu nelielas lietus pilītes.
He suddenly dropped to his knee, causing small raindrop ripples to form in the air's gentleness.
Marta žigli uzlika roku uz mutes.
Marta quickly put her hand over her mouth.
Likās, ka viņa nesaprata, kas notiek.
It seemed she did not understand what was happening.
Strūklakas mirdzums atspīdoja uz Andra gredzena.
The sparkle of the fountain reflected off Andris's ring.
"Vai tu kļūsi mana sieva?
"Will you become my wife?"
" viņš izteica savus vārdus ar drēgni sirds pulsa sitieniem.
he expressed his words with the dull beat of his heart's pulse.
Marta bija pārsteigta.
Marta was surprised.
Sarunu vārdi apmaldījās.
Conversation words got lost.
Ilze skatījās, gaidot Martas atbildi, cerību pilnām acīm.
Ilze watched, waiting for Marta's answer, her eyes full of hope.
Pēc mirkļa klusuma Marta piegāja pie Andra un pacēla viņu kājās.
After a moment of silence, Marta approached Andris and helped him to his feet.
Viņai acīs bija siltums un maigums.
There was warmth and tenderness in her eyes.
"Es gribētu," viņa teica, "bet man vajag būt daļa no piedzīvojumiem.
"I would like to," she said, "but I need to be a part of the adventures."
"Andris saprata.
Andris understood.
Dzīve ir neparedzama.
Life is unpredictable.
Viņš apskāva Martu cieši, jūtoties atvieglots.
He embraced Marta tightly, feeling relieved.
Viņa sirsnība bija aizkustinājusi viņas sirdi, un tagad viņš zināja, ka spēs iemācīties pieņemt dzīves negaidītības un sapņus, ko viņi turpmāk veidos kopā.
His sincerity had touched her heart, and now he knew he would be able to learn to accept life's unpredictability and the dreams they would create together in the future.
Vējš nesa pēdējās rudens lapas uz priekšu, un pārim bija skaidrs, ka nekā svarīgāka par mīlestību nav.
The wind carried the last autumn leaves forward, and it was clear to the couple that nothing was more important than love.