The Great Lutefisk Challenge: A Tale of Friendship and Stomachaches
FluentFiction - Norwegian
The Great Lutefisk Challenge: A Tale of Friendship and Stomachaches
Ole og Lars er venner.
Ole and Lars are friends.
De bor i Oslo.
They live in Oslo.
De liker lutefisk.
They like lutefisk.
I julen, har de en konkurranse.
During Christmas, they have a competition.
Hvem kan spise mest lutefisk?
Who can eat the most lutefisk?
Det er tungt nå, men begge gleder seg.
It is heavy now, but both are excited.
De sitter hjemme i Oles leilighet.
They are sitting in Ole's apartment.
Utenfor snør det.
It is snowing outside.
Ingrid kommer på besøk.
Ingrid comes to visit.
Hun har med lutefisk.
She has lutefisk with her.
"Ingrid, ser du oss?"
"Ingrid, do you see us?"
Ole har et stort smil.
Ole has a big smile.
"Lars og jeg skal spise mye lutefisk."
"Lars and I are going to eat a lot of lutefisk."
Lars ler høyt.
Lars laughs loudly.
Han er klar.
He is ready.
Ingrid ser på dem.
Ingrid looks at them.
"Er dere klare?"
"Are you ready?"
Ole og Lars nikker.
Ole and Lars nod.
De har skjeer, de har servietter.
They have spoons, they have napkins.
Ingrid lager lutefisk.
Ingrid makes lutefisk.
Det lukter godt i Oles leilighet.
It smells good in Ole's apartment.
Ingrid serverer lutefisken.
Ingrid serves the lutefisk.
Ole og Lars begynner å spise.
Ole and Lars start eating.
De spiser raskt.
They eat quickly.
De spiser mye.
They eat a lot.
Ingrid klør seg i hodet.
Ingrid scratches her head.
"Dere spiser for mye!"
"You are eating too much!"
Ole og Lars stopper ikke.
Ole and Lars don't stop.
De spiser mer og mer.
They eat more and more.
Ingrid ler høyt.
Ingrid laughs loudly.
Så blir Ole stille.
Then Ole becomes quiet.
Han ser på Lars.
He looks at Lars.
Lars ser på Ole.
Lars looks at Ole.
Begge stopper.
They both stop.
Begge ser ned på lutefisken.
They both look down at the lutefisk.
Begge ser opp på Ingrid.
They both look up at Ingrid.
"Ingrid, vi klarer ikke mer."
"Ingrid, we can't eat anymore."
Begge har vondt i magen.
Both have stomachaches.
Men de smiler fortsatt.
But they still smile.
"Ingrid, vi vil dele seieren."
"Ingrid, we want to share the victory."
Ingrid ler igjen.
Ingrid laughs again.
"Okei, gutta.
"Okay, guys.
Dere er begge vinnere."
You are both winners."
Som premie får de hver sin pepperkake.
As a prize, they each receive a gingerbread cookie.
Slik ender konkurransen i julen.
This is how the competition ends during Christmas.
Ole og Lars deler seieren.
Ole and Lars share the victory.
De er venner.
They are friends.
De bor i Oslo.
They live in Oslo.
De liker lutefisk.
They like lutefisk.
Men kanskje ikke så mye lenger.
But maybe not as much anymore.