Running into Laughter: A New Year's Adventure at Ibirapuera
FluentFiction - Portuguese 🇧🇷
Running into Laughter: A New Year's Adventure at Ibirapuera
O sol brilhava intensamente sobre o Parque Ibirapuera, em um calor típico do verão brasileiro.
The sun shone intensely over the Parque Ibirapuera, in typical Brazilian summer heat.
Era dia de Ano Novo, e o parque estava cheio de pessoas animadas para participar de um evento de corrida fitness.
It was New Year's Day, and the park was filled with people excited to participate in a fitness running event.
Raquel, Joaquim e Carlos estavam entre os entusiasmados corredores.
Raquel, Joaquim, and Carlos were among the eager runners.
Raquel, cheia de energia, pulava no lugar enquanto fixava seu cabelo em um rabo de cavalo.
Raquel, full of energy, was bouncing in place while tying her hair into a ponytail.
Ela queria provar a si mesma que estava pronta para correr uma maratona naquele ano.
She wanted to prove to herself that she was ready to run a marathon that year.
Joaquim, por outro lado, parecia mais interessado nas barracas de comida ao longo do caminho.
Joaquim, on the other hand, seemed more interested in the food stalls along the way.
"Feijoada seria melhor do que correr," resmungou ele, piscando para Raquel.
"Feijoada would be better than running," he grumbled, winking at Raquel.
Carlos, sempre competitivo, já estava amarrando seus tênis, mas com um problema recorrente: os cadarços nunca ficavam presos direito.
Carlos, always competitive, was already tying his sneakers but with a recurring problem: the laces never stayed tied properly.
A corrida começou, e o grupo estava determinado.
The race began, and the group was determined.
Corriam ao longo do parque, passando por árvores verdejantes e famílias que faziam piqueniques no gramado.
They ran along the park, passing green trees and families picnicking on the lawn.
Raquel liderava o grupo com passos firmes e rápidos.
Raquel led the group with firm and quick steps.
A cada esquina, porém, algo dava errado.
At each corner, however, something went wrong.
Carlos tropeçava nos próprios pés, quase derrubando Joaquim, que apenas sorria e dizia para tomarem um açaí depois.
Carlos tripped over his own feet, almost knocking down Joaquim, who just smiled and suggested having an açaí later.
Depois de mais alguns tropeços e risadas, Raquel teve uma ideia.
After a few more stumbles and laughs, Raquel had an idea.
"Sigam-me," gritou, confiante.
"Follow me," she shouted confidently.
"Conheço um atalho!"
"I know a shortcut!"
O grupo a seguiu, desviando do caminho principal.
The group followed her, veering off the main path.
No entanto, em vez de um percurso mais fácil, acabaram no meio de uma aula de yoga ao ar livre.
However, instead of an easier route, they ended up in the middle of an outdoor yoga class.
O professor parou, olhando surpreso.
The instructor stopped, looking surprised.
"Desculpa, desculpa!"
"Sorry, sorry!"
disse Carlos, tentando imitar uma pose de yoga para não perturbar mais.
said Carlos, trying to mimic a yoga pose so as not to disturb them further.
Joaquim caiu na gargalhada, e logo todos estavam rindo.
Joaquim burst into laughter, and soon everyone was laughing.
Finalmente, após pedirem desculpas e receberem sorrisos compreensivos dos praticantes de yoga, o trio retomou seu caminho.
Finally, after apologizing and receiving understanding smiles from the yoga practitioners, the trio resumed their path.
Perceberam que haviam completado poucos metros da corrida, mas não importava.
They realized they had covered only a few meters of the race, but it didn't matter.
Estavam todos sorridentes e com o espírito leve.
They were all smiling with a light spirit.
Raquel parou, respirou fundo e riu junto com os amigos.
Raquel stopped, took a deep breath, and laughed with her friends.
"Talvez maratonas não sejam tão urgentes," admitiu Raquel, vendo a beleza do parque ao redor.
"Maybe marathons aren't so urgent," admitted Raquel, taking in the beauty of the park around her.
"Ou talvez o caminho para elas seja tão divertido quanto."
"Or maybe the journey to them is as fun as they are."
Ao deixarem o parque, com suas resoluções de Ano Novo um pouco ajustadas e suas expectativas renovadas, o dia se tornara algo mais especial.
As they left the park, with their New Year's resolutions a bit adjusted and their expectations renewed, the day had become something more special.
O importante era dizer que cresceram juntos, e que tudo tinha começado com muito calor, amizade e risadas no Ibirapuera.
The important thing was to say they had grown together, and that it all started with plenty of heat, friendship, and laughter at Ibirapuera.