FluentFiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹

Unearthing Lisboa's Lost Cure: Joana's Daring Quest

FluentFiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹

13m 47sJanuary 24, 2025

Unearthing Lisboa's Lost Cure: Joana's Daring Quest

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  • Durante o inverno frio em Lisboa, uma sombra pesada cobria a cidade.

    During the cold winter in Lisboa, a heavy shadow covered the city.

  • Uma doença misteriosa espalhava-se, causando desmaios frequentes entre as pessoas.

    A mysterious disease was spreading, causing frequent fainting spells among the people.

  • Diziam que somente um antigo livro, escondido numa biblioteca abandonada, poderia conter a chave para a cura.

    It was said that only an ancient book, hidden in an abandoned library, could hold the key to the cure.

  • A biblioteca, esquecida no tempo, ficava num bairro velho e esquecido.

    The library, forgotten over time, was located in an old, forsaken neighborhood.

  • Era um lugar tenebroso, com longas estantes cheias de livros empoeirados.

    It was a gloomy place, with long shelves full of dusty books.

  • Pouca luz conseguia passar pelas janelas sujas, lançando sombras longas e assustadoras sobre o chão rachado.

    Little light managed to pass through the dirty windows, casting long and frightening shadows over the cracked floor.

  • Mesmo assim, a grandiosidade e a história viviam nas suas paredes.

    Even so, grandeur and history lived within its walls.

  • Joana, uma jovem estudiosa e curiosa, dedicou-se a resolver este mistério.

    Joana, a young studious and curious woman, dedicated herself to solving this mystery.

  • Amava história e acreditava firmemente na existência do livro.

    She loved history and firmly believed in the existence of the book.

  • Sentia-se responsável pela salvação dos doentes.

    She felt responsible for the healing of the sick.

  • Miguel e Rui, seus amigos, estavam cépticos.

    Miguel and Rui, her friends, were skeptical.

  • "Joana, é perigoso e talvez em vão," repetia Miguel.

    "Joana, it's dangerous and perhaps in vain," repeated Miguel.

  • Rui concordava, apontando o perigo de entrar num edifício instável.

    Rui agreed, pointing out the danger of entering an unstable building.

  • Mas Joana não ouvia.

    But Joana didn't listen.

  • Decidiu entrar sozinha na biblioteca.

    She decided to enter the library alone.

  • Respirou fundo e empurrou a porta pesada, rangente de ferrugem.

    Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the heavy, rusted door.

  • O ar lá dentro era frio e doce de pó.

    The air inside was cold and sweet with dust.

  • Avançou cautelosa pelas salas, evitando os buracos traiçoeiros no chão.

    She advanced cautiously through the rooms, avoiding the treacherous holes in the floor.

  • No fundo da biblioteca, encontrou uma sala escondida, cheia de manuscritos raros.

    At the back of the library, she found a hidden room full of rare manuscripts.

  • Tremendo de expectativa, revirou as estantes.

    Trembling with anticipation, she rummaged through the shelves.

  • Sentiu o solo tremer.

    She felt the ground tremble.

  • O chão embaixo dos pés começava a ceder.

    The floor beneath her feet began to give way.

  • Em pânico, percorria as prateleiras enquanto livros caíam à volta.

    Panicked, she scoured the shelves while books fell around her.

  • Finalmente, os seus olhos encontraram um livro gasto e coberto de couro.

    Finally, her eyes found a worn, leather-covered book.

  • Joana agarrou-o com força.

    Joana clutched it tightly.

  • Com o chão quase desabando, correu até a saída, o coração batendo acelerado.

    With the floor nearly collapsing, she ran to the exit, her heart pounding.

  • Emergiu da biblioteca, coberta de pó mas radiante.

    She emerged from the library, covered in dust but radiant.

  • Com o livro precioso nos braços, procurou os investigadores médicos.

    With the precious book in her arms, she sought out the medical researchers.

  • Estes começaram a desvendar os segredos antigos, espreitando a esperança possível de cura.

    They began to unlock the ancient secrets, glimpsing the possible hope of a cure.

  • Joana ganhou confiança em suas convicções.

    Joana gained confidence in her convictions.

  • Os seus amigos, antes duvidosos, agora admiravam a sua determinação.

    Her friends, once doubtful, now admired her determination.

  • Afinal, mostrara que a coragem e a perseverança, mesmo quando desacreditadas, podiam fazer a diferença no mundo.

    After all, she had shown that courage and perseverance, even when doubted, could make a difference in the world.