Fashion Faux Pas: A Wedding Twist
FluentFiction - Slovak
Fashion Faux Pas: A Wedding Twist
Bolo krásne letné ráno v Bratislave.
It was a beautiful summer morning in Bratislava.
Miroslav sa práve zobudil a rozhliadol po svojej izbe.
Miroslav had just woken up and looked around his room.
Dnes bol veľký deň jeho sestry Emy, ktorá sa mala vydávať.
Today was a big day for his sister Ema, who was getting married.
Pozrel na hodiny a zistil, že má dosť času na prípravu.
He checked the time and realized he had enough time to get ready.
Vybral si zo skrine svoj najlepší oblek, ktorý dostal minulé Vianoce.
He picked out his best suit from the closet, the one he got last Christmas.
Oblek bol štýlový, modrý ako obloha a mal ostré biely prúžky.
The suit was stylish, blue like the sky, and had sharp white stripes.
Zodpovedajúco k tomu si zachystal bielu košeľu a modrú kravatu, na ktorej sa hrali malé kvety.
Correspondingly, he laid out a white shirt and a blue tie with small flowers on it.
Usmejúc sa na seba v zrkadle, si povedal: "Dnes budem vyzerať ako hrdina z románu."
Smiling at himself in the mirror, he said, "Today, I will look like a hero from a novel."
Zatiaľ v inom konci mesta sa Jana, jedna z Eminič kamarátiek, s nadšením pripravovala na svadbu.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Jana, one of Ema's friends, was eagerly getting ready for the wedding.
Aj ona si vybrala svoj najlepší kúsok, elegantné modré šaty s bielymi prúžkami.
She also chose her best piece, elegant blue dress with white stripes.
Keď sa pozrela do zrkadla, usmiala sa spokojne na svoj odraz.
When she looked in the mirror, she smiled contently at her reflection.
Cítila sa skvele a tešila sa, že bude súčasťou Emminej veľkej chvíle.
She felt great and looked forward to being part of Ema's big moment.
Kostol Sv. Martina, kde sa svadobné obrady konali, už bol plný vzrušenia a štebotu hostí.
St. Martin's Church, where the wedding ceremonies were taking place, was already full of excitement and chatter among the guests.
Miroslav, ktorý prišiel trochu skôr, sedel medzi priateľmi a čakal, kým sa objaví jeho sestra.
Miroslav, who arrived a little early, sat among friends and waited for his sister to appear.
Hostia chodili sem a tam, keď vtom, ako smeja sa kvety na tejto kravate, vstúpila Jana.
Guests were walking around when suddenly, as the flowers on his tie laughed, Jana entered.
Jej príchod okamžite pritiahol pozornosť, keďže všetci hostia zbadali, že nosí presne ten istý vzor ako Miroslav.
Her arrival immediately drew attention, as all the guests noticed that she was wearing the exact same pattern as Miroslav.
Zrazu boli obaja stredobodom pozornosti a počuť bol len smiech a šepoty.
Suddenly, they both became the center of attention and all that could be heard was laughter and whispers.
"Pozri na Miroslava a Janu, vyzerajú ako dokonalý pár!" rozprávali si hostia so smiechom.
"Look at Miroslav and Jana, they look like the perfect couple!" the guests joked and laughed.
Miroslav a Jana, s červenajúcimi tvárami, sa pousmiali, a potom sa začali rozprávať.
Miroslav and Jana, with blushing faces, smiled and then started talking.
Spočiatku im to bolo trochu trápne, ale potom to vzali s humorom.
At first, it was a bit awkward for them, but then they took it in good humor.
Konečne sa rozhodli spraviť si z celej situácie srandu a spoločne sa smiali so všetkými ostalými.
Finally, they decided to make fun of the whole situation and laughed together with all the others.
Svadba bola krásna, plná radosti a lásky.
The wedding was beautiful, full of joy and love.
Miroslav a Jana boli teraz hovorcom dňa a vďaka ich náhodnej súhre oblečenia sa stali hitom celej udalosti.
Miroslav and Jana were now the talk of the day, and thanks to their accidental clothing coincidence, they became the highlight of the whole event.
Keď sa večer končil, Miroslav ponúkol Jane spoločnosť na ceste domov.
As the evening ended, Miroslav offered to accompany Jana on the way home.
Rozprávali sa o všetkom možnom a zistili, že majú veľa spoločného.
They talked about everything and found that they had a lot in common.
Tá nečakaná zhoda ich oblečenia otvorila dvere k novému priateľstvu.
The unexpected matching of their clothing opened the door to a new friendship.
A kým sa noc skončila hviezdami nad Bratislavou, Miroslav a Jana našli v sebe nielen spoločníkov smiechu, ale aj dvoch ľudí, ktorí mali byť spolu viac než len na jednu svadobnú noc.
And as the night ended with the stars over Bratislava, Miroslav and Jana found in each other not only companions of laughter, but also two people who were meant to be together for more than just one wedding night.
Od toho dňa sa spriatelili a ich neúmyselná zámena sa stala spomienkou, na ktorú ešte dlho spoločne spomínali s úsmevom.
From that day on, they became friends, and their unintentional mix-up became a memory they both fondly remembered for a long time.