FluentFiction - Slovak

The Statue That Barked: A Quirky Encounter

FluentFiction - Slovak

14m 59sFebruary 22, 2024

The Statue That Barked: A Quirky Encounter

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  • Bola nádherná slnečná nedeľa v Bratislave a Lukáš sa rozhodol prechádzať starobylými uličkami Starého Mesta.

    It was a beautiful sunny Sunday in Bratislava, and Lukáš decided to stroll through the ancient streets of the Old Town.

  • Nemal konkrétny plán, jednoducho sa cítil šťastný, že môže vychutnávať teplo slnka a krásu svojho rodného mesta.

    He didn't have a specific plan; he simply felt happy to be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun and the beauty of his hometown.

  • Práve keď prechádzal okolo Michalskej veže, jeho oči zachytili úžasnú sochu psa.

    Just as he was passing by Michael's Gate, his eyes caught an amazing statue of a dog.

  • Bola tak živá a dokonalá, že sa zďaleka zdalo, akoby bola skutočná.

    It was so lively and perfect that from a distance, it seemed as if it were real.

  • Lukáš sa sochu rozhodol zdokumentovať.

    Lukáš decided to document the statue.

  • Vybral mobil a obzrel si miesto, aby načasoval dokonalú selfie.

    He took out his phone and scoped out the spot to capture the perfect selfie.

  • Nevedel sa dočkať, kým fotku pošle kamarátom.

    He couldn't wait to send the photo to his friends.

  • Zuzana, majiteľka psa, sedela na lavičke pár metrov ďalej.

    Zuzana, the dog's owner, sat on a bench a few meters away.

  • Bola ponorená do knihy a ani si nevšimla, že jej pes, ktorý obvykle poslúchal na slovo, sa zastavil, aby si oddýchol, a tváril sa nehybne ako socha.

    She was engrossed in a book and didn't notice that her dog, who usually obeyed her every word, had stopped to catch his breath and was frozen still as a statue.

  • Keď Lukáš pózoval vedľa psa, ktorého pokladal za umelecké dielo, niečo ho zmylilo.

    As Lukáš posed next to the dog, whom he mistook for a piece of art, something puzzled him.

  • Zdalo sa, že "socha" žmurkala!

    It seemed like the "statue" was blinking!

  • Predtým, než stihol spracovať, čo sa deje, pes, s menom Max, zakvičal a odskočil.

    Before he could process what was happening, the dog, named Max, barked and dashed away.

  • Lukáš vystrašene vyskočil vzad.

    Startled, Lukáš jumped back.

  • Uvedomil si, že tento "umelecký kúsok" má život.

    He realized that this "art piece" was actually alive.

  • Zuzana zdvihla zrak od knihy, aby zistila, čo sa deje a videla Lukáša, ako zmätene stojí so svojím mobilom v ruke a pozerá na psa.

    Zuzana looked up from her book to see what was happening and saw Lukáš, looking confused with his phone in hand, staring at the dog.

  • S úsmevom sa Zuzana zodvihla a vysvetlila mu: "Max nie je socha, je to môj pes.

    With a smile, Zuzana got up and explained to him, "Max isn't a statue, he's my dog.

  • Vidím, že si si ho pomýlil a chcel si s ním spraviť fotku.

    I see you mistook him and wanted to take a picture with him."

  • " Lukáš bol najprv trochu hanblivý, ale potom sa začali obaja smiať.

    Lukáš was initially a little embarrassed, but then they both started laughing.

  • Lukáš, už s úsmevom, požiadal Zuzanu, či si môže teraz spraviť selfie skutočne, tentokrát so Zuzanou a Maxom.

    With a smile, Lukáš asked Zuzana if he could take a selfie now, this time with Zuzana and Max.

  • Fotka vyšla krásne a Lukáš poslal fotku kamarátom aj s príbehom o tom, ako jeho očakávania stretli skutočnú živú bytosť.

    The photo turned out beautiful, and Lukáš sent the picture to his friends along with the story of how his expectations met a real living being.

  • V tom okamihu sa Lukáš a Zuzana zahovorili a zistili, že majú veľa spoločného.

    At that moment, Lukáš and Zuzana struck up a conversation and realized they had a lot in common.

  • Rozhodli sa, že túto náhodu oslávia spoločnou kávou v jednej z útulných kaviarní Starého Mesta.

    They decided to celebrate this coincidence with a coffee together at one of the cozy cafés in the Old Town.

  • A tak omyl s "sochou" psa nebol len zábavným prekvapením, ale stal sa aj začiatkom nového priateľstva.

    So, the mistaken "statue" of the dog turned out to be not just a funny surprise, but also the start of a new friendship.

  • Lukáš objavil nielen krásu umenia a histórie Bratislavy, ale aj náhodné stretnutia, ktoré môžu priniesť nečakané príbehové zvraty a nových priateľov.

    Lukáš not only discovered the beauty of art and the history of Bratislava, but also the chance encounters that can bring unexpected twists and new friends.