Miroslav's Serendipitous Zoo Venture
FluentFiction - Slovak
Miroslav's Serendipitous Zoo Venture
Miroslav sa jedného slnečného dňa prechádzal uličkami starého mesta v Bratislave.
Miroslav was walking through the alleys of the old town in Bratislava on a sunny day.
Domáce ulice poznať ako vlastné dlane a predsa, jeho kroky zaviedli k zastávke električky, kde sa často nestaval.
He knew the streets of his hometown like the back of his hand, yet his steps led him to a tram stop where he didn't often find himself.
Bez jasného plánu kam ísť, nasadol do prichádzajúcej električky.
Without a clear plan of where to go, he boarded the approaching tram.
Vlak pomaly vchádzal do zelene, a Miroslav si uvedomil, že nevie presne kam.
The tram slowly entered the countryside, and Miroslav realized that he didn't know exactly where he was headed.
Postupne sa voziček vyprázdnil, až zostal úplne sám, len so svojou zvedavosťou.
Gradually, the tram emptied until he was completely alone, with only his curiosity.
Električka zrazu zastavila a Miroslav vystúpil.
Suddenly, the tram stopped and Miroslav got off.
Nevedel, že sa ocitol v bratislavskej zoo.
He didn't know that he had ended up in the Bratislava zoo.
Okolo neho bolo ticho a žiadne ľudské hlasy.
There was silence around him, with no human voices.
Miroslav zmätený obzeral naokolo a zbadal čudnú skupinu 'cestujúcich'.
Confused, Miroslav looked around and noticed a peculiar group of "passengers."
Veľký medveď malavo pozeral na oblohu, kým zebra zvedavo hľadela na Miroslava.
A big bear lazily gazed at the sky, while a zebra curiously looked at Miroslav.
Miroslav cítil, ako sa mu mihal úsmev na tvári pri pohľade na túto nezvyčajnú spoločnosť a pomyslel si, že možno i zvieratká môžu niekedy chcieť prejsť na električke.
Miroslav felt a smile spread across his face as he looked at this unusual company and thought that maybe animals sometimes also want to take the tram.
Nasledovali momenty údivu a pobavenia.
What followed were moments of amazement and amusement.
Mal pocit, ako keby sa všetky zvieratá snažili prísť na to, kam majú ísť, rovnako ako on.
He felt as if all the animals were trying to figure out where they were supposed to go, just like him.
Ale potom si Miroslav uvedomil svoju chybu.
But then Miroslav realized his mistake.
Tá električka bola úplne zlá.
That tram was completely wrong.
Neboli to cestujúci, ale obyvatelia zoo!
They were not passengers, but inhabitants of the zoo!
Aj keď na začiatku cítil zmätok, Miroslav sa rozhodol túto neočakávanú návštevu v zoo užiť.
Although initially feeling bewildered, Miroslav decided to enjoy this unexpected visit to the zoo.
Smial sa na výrazy opíc a obdivoval slony, a keď konečne prišla električka späť do civilizácie, pokračoval vo svojich bratislavských dobrodružstvách s novým príbehom, ktorý môže rozprávať.
He laughed at the expressions of monkeys and admired the elephants, and when the tram finally returned to civilization, he continued his Bratislava adventures with a new story to tell.
A tak sa Miroslavova omylom získaná výprava stala jednou z jeho najpamätnejších.
And so, Miroslav’s mistakenly acquired zoo expedition became one of his most memorable.
Na koniec dňa sa Miroslav bezpečne vrátil do starobylých ulíc starého mesta, kde už vedel, že každé zlyhanie môže byť príležitosťou pre niečo nečakané a krásne.
By the end of the day, Miroslav safely returned to the ancient streets of the old town, where he already knew that every failure can be an opportunity for something unexpected and beautiful.
A túto lekciu si odniesol so sebou do každej ďalšej cesty, ktorú kedy podnikol.
And he took this lesson with him on every journey he ever undertook.