Time Travel Under Bratislava Castle: Friends Uncover a Hidden Lab
FluentFiction - Slovak
Time Travel Under Bratislava Castle: Friends Uncover a Hidden Lab
Začalo to jedného slnečného rána.
It started on a sunny morning.
Jana, Peter a Miroslav sa stretli pred hradom Bratislava.
Jana, Peter, and Miroslav met in front of Bratislava Castle.
Boli to najlepší priatelia a milovali dobrodružstvá.
They were best friends and loved adventures.
Tento deň nevedeli, že ich čaká veľké prekvapenie.
On this day, they didn't know that a big surprise awaited them.
"Počuli ste tu legendu?
"Have you heard the legend?"
" spýtal sa Peter.
asked Peter.
"Which one?"
" odpovedala Jana.
replied Jana.
"O tajnom laboratóriu pod hradom," vysvetlil Peter.
"About the secret laboratory under the castle," Peter explained.
Miroslav sa usmial.
Miroslav smiled.
"To znie skvele.
"That sounds great.
Poďme to preskúmať!
Let's explore it!"
"Vstúpili do hradu.
They entered the castle.
Chodili po chodbách, až kým nenašli starožitnú knihu.
They wandered through the corridors until they found an ancient book.
Jana ju otvorila.
Jana opened it.
Boli tam staré mapy a symboly.
There were old maps and symbols inside.
"Pozrite, tá mapa ukazuje tajný vchod," hovorila Jana so vzrušením.
"Look, this map shows a secret entrance," Jana said excitedly.
Čoskoro našli tajné dvere za knihovníkom.
Soon they found a hidden door behind the librarian.
Vstúpili dnu a kráčali tmavým tunelom.
They went in and walked through a dark tunnel.
Tunel bol dlhý a úzky.
The tunnel was long and narrow.
Svetlo z baterky osvetľovalo ich cestu.
The flashlight illuminated their path.
Po niekoľkých minútach prišli k veľkým železným dverám.
After a few minutes, they reached large iron doors.
Peter ich otvoril s veľkým úsilím a odhalil úžasné miesto.
Peter opened them with great effort and revealed an astonishing place.
Vnútri bolo moderné laboratórium plné vyspelej technológie.
Inside, there was a modern laboratory full of advanced technology.
Miroslav obdivoval stroje a obrazovky.
Miroslav admired the machines and screens.
"Tu sa tu musí experimentovať s časom," povedal Miroslav.
"They must be experimenting with time here," said Miroslav.
Jana náhle zbadala podivnú fľaštičku.
Jana suddenly noticed a strange vial.
Bolo na nej napísané: "Do budúcnosti.
It was labeled: "To the future."
""Čo to znamená?
"What does that mean?"
" spýtala sa.
she asked.
"To znamená, že toto laboratórium je z budúcnosti!
"It means this laboratory is from the future!"
" oznámil Peter.
Peter announced.
Zrazu sa ozvalo bzučanie.
Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound.
V blízkosti sa spustila mašina, a dostali sa do víru svetla.
A machine nearby activated, and they got caught in a swirl of light.
Zrazu boli inam.
Abruptly, they were elsewhere.
Objavili sa v Bratislave budúcnosti.
They appeared in a future Bratislava.
Všetko vyzeralo inak, modernejšie.
Everything looked different, more modern.
"Wow," povedala Jana, "ako sa vrátime?
"Wow," said Jana, "how do we get back?"
"Museli nájsť spôsob, ako použiť technológiu z laboratória.
They had to find a way to use the technology from the laboratory.
Hľadali odpovede a nakoniec našli manuál.
They searched for answers and eventually found a manual.
Pomocou neho našli spôsob, ako aktivovať spätný transport.
With it, they discovered how to activate a reverse transport.
Nasledovali pokyny a aktivovali zariadenie.
They followed the instructions and activated the device.
Znovu sa ocitli v tuneli pod Bratislavským hradom.
They found themselves back in the tunnel under Bratislava Castle.
Vzdychli si s úľavou.
They sighed with relief.
"Bolo to úžasné!
"That was amazing!"
" vykríkol Miroslav.
exclaimed Miroslav.
"Áno, ale asi by sme to mali nechať tajomstvom," usmiala sa Jana.
"Yes, but maybe we should keep it a secret," Jana smiled.
Vrátili sa späť na povrch.
They returned to the surface.
Bratislavský hrad teraz vyzeral normálne.
Bratislava Castle now looked normal.
Mali veľké dobrodružstvo a zostali navždy priatelia, spojený tajomstvom pod hradom.
They had a great adventure and remained friends forever, bound by the secret under the castle.
The End.