Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park
FluentFiction - Slovak
Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park
Mesto bolo plné života.
The city was bustling with life.
Viktor prechádzal Urban Jungle eco-parkom v Bratislave.
Viktor was walking through the Urban Jungle Eco-Park in Bratislava.
Bolo skoro leto a príroda rozkvitala.
It was early summer, and nature was in full bloom.
Vzduch bol plný vône kvetov a čerstvého ovocia.
The air was filled with the scent of flowers and fresh fruit.
Viktor bol mestským plánovačom.
Viktor was an urban planner.
Mal rád trvalo udržateľný život a prírodu.
He loved sustainable living and nature.
Ale mal aj veľký strach z neúspechu.
But he also had a great fear of failure.
Viktor chcel kúpiť darček pre svojho mentora.
Viktor wanted to buy a gift for his mentor.
Jeho mentor mu veľmi pomohol s projektom.
His mentor had greatly helped him with a project.
Chcel mu poďakovať a požiadať ho o radu.
He wanted to thank him and ask for advice.
Ale mal obavy.
But he was worried.
Bál sa, že nenájde správny darček.
He feared he wouldn't find the right gift.
Mal strach, že ho jeho mentor odmietne.
He was afraid that his mentor would reject him.
Prechádzal sa trhom v eco-parku.
He walked around the market in the eco-park.
Vidí mnoho stánkov plných krásnych vecí.
He sees many stalls filled with beautiful things.
Farebné ovocie, čerstvá zelenina, ručne vyrobené výrobky.
Colorful fruits, fresh vegetables, handmade goods.
Zrazu uvidí stánok mladého remeselníka.
Suddenly, he spots a stall belonging to a young craftsman.
Na stole boli nádherné drevené sochy a dekoračné predmety.
On the table were beautiful wooden sculptures and decorative items.
Viktor sa zastavil a začal sa pozerať.
Viktor stopped and began to look.
„Dobrý deň,“ povedal remeselník.
“Good day,” said the craftsman.
„Môžem vám pomôcť?“
“Can I help you?”
„Hľadám darček pre svojho mentora,“ vysvetlil Viktor.
“I’m looking for a gift for my mentor,” Viktor explained.
„Niečo jedinečné.“
“Something unique.”
Remeselník ukázal na krásnu drevenú sochu.
The craftsman pointed to a beautiful wooden sculpture.
„Táto socha je ručne vyrobená z recyklovaného dreva.
“This sculpture is handmade from recycled wood.
Je to symbol trvalej udržateľnosti.“
It’s a symbol of sustainability.”
Viktor váhal.
Viktor hesitated.
Mal chuť kúpiť radšej niečo bezpečnejšie, niečo masovo vyrábané.
He was tempted to buy something safer, something mass-produced.
Ale cítil, že toto je správne.
But he felt that this was the right choice.
Rozhodol sa riskovať.
He decided to take the risk.
„Vezmem ju,“ povedal rozhodne.
"I'll take it," he said decisively.
Nasledujúci deň, Viktor nervózne čakal v centrálnom pavilóne eco-parku.
The next day, Viktor nervously waited in the central pavilion of the eco-park.
Jeho mentor prišiel a Viktor mu odovzdal darček.
His mentor arrived and Viktor handed over the gift.
Pozrel sa na sochu a usmial sa.
He looked at the sculpture and smiled.
„To je krásne, Viktor.
“This is beautiful, Viktor.
Je to jedinečné a osobné.
It’s unique and personal.
Veľmi ti ďakujem.“
Thank you very much.”
„Potrebujem tvoju radu na projekte,“ priznal Viktor.
“I need your advice on the project,” Viktor admitted.
„Bojujem s niektorými rozhodnutiami.“
“I'm struggling with some decisions.”
„Rád ti pomôžem,“ uistil ho mentor a začal dávať rady.
“I’d be happy to help,” his mentor assured him and began giving advice.
Viktor cítil, ako mu klesá kameň zo srdca.
Viktor felt a weight lifted from his shoulders.
Bol rád, že riskoval a vybral jedinečný darček.
He was glad he took the risk and chose a unique gift.
Jeho mentor bol spokojný a on získal potrebné rady a podporu.
His mentor was pleased, and he gained the necessary advice and support.
Viktor mal novú dôveru v seba.
Viktor had newfound confidence in himself.
Uvedomil si, že strach zo zlyhania mu bráni.
He realized that his fear of failure was holding him back.
Od tej chvíle sa rozhodol veriť svojim rozhodnutiam.
From that moment on, he decided to trust his decisions.
Vedel, že je to cesta k úspechu.
He knew this was the path to success.
A tak Viktor pokračoval vo svojej práci s novým zanietením a istotou.
And so Viktor continued his work with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.
Urban Jungle eco-park bol pre neho teraz nielen miestom oddychu, ale aj miestom, kde našiel svoju silu.
The Urban Jungle Eco-Park was not only a place of relaxation for him but also a place where he found his strength.
The end.