A Love Lit by Christmas Lights in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak
A Love Lit by Christmas Lights in Bratislava
Na oblohe nad Bratislavou sa vianočné svetlá rozsvietili ako tisíce hviezd a osvetľovali staré mestské ulice.
In the sky above Bratislava, the Christmas lights lit up like thousands of stars and illuminated the old city streets.
Vianočný trh pulzoval životom.
The Christmas market pulsated with life.
Vzduch bol plný vône vareného vína, perníkov a pečených klobás.
The air was filled with the scent of mulled wine, gingerbread, and roasted sausages.
Medzi stánkami kráčali Marek a Zuzana, zahalení v hrubých kabátoch a čiapkach.
Among the stalls, Marek and Zuzana walked, wrapped in thick coats and hats.
Marekovo srdce bilo rýchlejšie.
Marek's heart was beating faster.
Dnes bol deň, kedy plánoval navždy zmeniť svoj život.
Today was the day he planned to change his life forever.
V hlave mal pripravený plán.
He had a plan prepared in his mind.
Všetko malo byť dokonalé – zasnežený večer, svetlá vianočného trhu a trochu ticho, aby mohol Zuzane povedať všetky tie slová, ktoré mu teraz vírili v mysli.
Everything was supposed to be perfect—a snowy evening, the lights of the Christmas market, and a bit of quiet so he could tell Zuzana all the words swirling in his mind now.
Zuzana sa zastavila pri stánku s ručne vyrobenými vianočnými ozdobami.
Zuzana stopped at a stall with handmade Christmas ornaments.
"Pozri, aké sú krásne!
"Look, how beautiful they are!"
" vykríkla nadšene a vzala do ruky malý drevený anjelik.
she exclaimed excitedly and picked up a small wooden angel.
Marek sa usmial, no v hlave mal starosti.
Marek smiled, but he was worried in his head.
Stánok bol opačným smerom, než kam plánoval ísť.
The stall was in the opposite direction of where he planned to go.
Zuzana chcela vidieť všetko, a tak sa tandem pohyboval pomaly dopredu.
Zuzana wanted to see everything, so the tandem moved slowly forward.
"Poďme sa pozrieť na tie svetlá pri fontáne," navrhla Zuzana a Marek vedel, že jeho čas sa kráti.
"Let's go see those lights by the fountain," Zuzana suggested, and Marek knew his time was running out.
Cítil, ako sa mu prstene v vrecku kabáta zarezávajú do prstov.
He felt the rings in his coat pocket digging into his fingers.
Bál sa, že niekto jeho tajomstvo odhalí.
He was afraid someone would reveal his secret.
Keď sa konečne dostali k fontáne, naokolo bolo plno ľudí.
When they finally reached the fountain, it was crowded with people.
Marekovi sa myšlienky pretekali hlavou.
Marek's thoughts were racing through his head.
Pôvodne chcel byť len oni dvaja, ale realita bola iná.
He originally wanted it to be just the two of them, but reality was different.
Stovky ľudí smiali sa, tancovali a spievali.
Hundreds of people were laughing, dancing, and singing.
Nebolo kam uniknúť.
There was no place to escape.
Zhlboka sa nadýchol, otočil sa k Zuzane a pozrel jej do očí, ktoré žiarili rovnako jasne ako všetky tie svetlá okolo nich.
He took a deep breath, turned to Zuzana, and looked into her eyes, which shone as brightly as all the lights around them.
Ucítil náhly pokoj.
He felt a sudden peace.
Pokľakol na jedno koleno, priamo na zasneženú dlažbu.
He knelt on one knee, right on the snowy pavement.
"Zuzana," začal, jeho hlas bol pevný a naplnený láskou, "chceš byť srdcom môjho života, mojimi Vianocami každý deň?
"Zuzana," he began, his voice firm and filled with love, "will you be the heart of my life, my Christmas every day?"
"Zuzana zalapala po dychu, jej prekvapenie sa rýchlo zmenilo na radosť.
Zuzana gasped, her surprise quickly turning into joy.
"Marek, áno!
"Marek, yes!"
" rozosmiala sa so slzami radosti a vrhla sa mu do náruče.
she laughed with tears of happiness and threw herself into his arms.
Dav okolo nich tlieskal, vzduch bol plný spontánnych gratulácií a Marek si uvedomil, že práve svedkoval niečomu krajšiemu, než si kedy mohol predstavovať.
The crowd around them applauded, the air was full of spontaneous congratulations, and Marek realized that he was witnessing something more beautiful than he had ever imagined.
V ten večer sa učil, že život je plný nečakaných radostí, ak sme len ochotní ich prijať.
That evening, he learned that life is full of unexpected joys if we are only willing to embrace them.
Vianočný trh pokračoval v slávnosti, ale pre Mareka a Zuzanu začala nová kapitola ich života.
The Christmas market continued its festivities, but for Marek and Zuzana, a new chapter of their life had begun.
So srdcami plnými lásky a s leskom v očiach sa vrátili späť do teplého svetla trhu, kde každý kút teraz žiaril trochu viac.
With hearts full of love and a shine in their eyes, they returned to the warm light of the market, where every corner now glowed a little brighter.