Bratislava Reunion: Bridging Worlds and Hearts
FluentFiction - Slovak
Bratislava Reunion: Bridging Worlds and Hearts
V zime, keď Bratislava bola zahalená do bieleho snehu a svetlá mesta sa leskli ako hviezdy, Marek a Zuzana sa stretli na vyhliadkovej plošine UFO.
In the winter, when Bratislava was covered in white snow and the city's lights glittered like stars, Marek and Zuzana met at the UFO observation deck.
Bolo to miesto, ktoré obaja milovali už od detstva.
It was a place they both had loved since childhood.
Teraz, po dvoch rokoch, keď Marek pracoval v Kanade, sa tu stretli znova.
Now, after two years with Marek working in Canada, they were meeting here again.
Točil sa vietor a vzduch bol sviatočne mrazivý.
The wind was swirling, and the air was festively chilly.
Marek, oblečený v hrubom kabáte, nervózne pozeral na veľkú rieku Dunaj, ktorá ticho plynula pod ním.
Marek, wrapped in a thick coat, nervously looked at the large Danube River flowing silently beneath him.
"Ako sa drží mama s otcom?
"How are mom and dad holding up?"
" opýtal sa Marek ticho.
Marek asked quietly.
Zuzana, so šálom omotaným okolo krku, sa na neho pozrela.
Zuzana, with a scarf wrapped around her neck, looked at him.
"Sú v poriadku, snažia sa.
"They're okay, doing their best.
Ja im pomáham," povedala.
I help them," she said.
V jej hlase bola miešanina hrdosti a únavy.
Her voice held a blend of pride and fatigue.
Na chvíľu sa nechali obklopiť tichom.
For a moment, they were enveloped in silence.
Mestské svetlá žiarili a zdobili siluetu hradného vrchu.
The city lights shone and adorned the silhouette of the castle hill.
"Chýbal si mi," prerušila Zuzana ticho, pozerajúc sa na brata.
"I missed you," Zuzana broke the silence, looking at her brother.
"Bolo to ťažké.
"It was hard.
Ale som hrdá, že si tam, kde si.
But I'm proud that you're where you are."
"Marek sa obrátil, oči plné pocitov, ktoré nechcel ukázať.
Marek turned, his eyes full of emotions he didn't want to show.
"Zuzana, prepáč mi," povedal.
"Zuzana, I'm sorry," he said.
"Chýbali mi Vianoce, narodeniny, všetko.
"I missed Christmas, birthdays, everything.
Chcem to zmeniť.
I want to change that.
Chcem byť tu viac.
I want to be here more."
"Zuzana sa pousmiala.
Zuzana smiled.
"Vidíš túto vyhliadku?
"Do you see this lookout?
Kedysi sme sa sem báli ísť, pamätáš?
We used to be scared to come here, remember?"
" Jemne sa zasmiala.
She laughed gently.
"Vždy som videla, kam patríš.
"I always saw where you belonged.
Si ako tento most, spájaš svet," dodala.
You're like this bridge, connecting worlds," she added.
Vo chvíli, keď obaja stáli na kraji vyhliadkovej plošiny, sa všetko zdalo jednoducho jasné.
In that moment, as they stood on the edge of the observation deck, everything seemed simply clear.
Marek začal chápať, čo je naozaj dôležité.
Marek began to understand what truly mattered.
"Budem viac doma.
"I'll be home more.
Budeme spolu sláviť tieto Vianoce a potom prídem každý štvrťrok," sľúbil Marek.
We'll celebrate this Christmas together, and then I'll come every quarter," Marek promised.
Zuzana prikývla.
Zuzana nodded.
"To by bolo krásne.
"That would be wonderful.
Rozdelíme si povinnosti, budeme rodina," povedala a objala ho.
We'll share the responsibilities, we'll be a family," she said and hugged him.
Vo svetle Bratislavy sa ich srdcia zblížili znova.
In the light of Bratislava, their hearts came closer once more.
Spoločne sa dohodli, že doma, s rodinou, je miesto, kde chcú byť.
Together, they agreed that home, with family, was where they wanted to be.
Rozhliadli sa po tej kráse, ktorá sa rozprestierala pod nimi.
They looked out over the beauty stretching out beneath them.
Od tohto dňa bol Marek rozhodnutejší byť lepším bratom a synom.
From this day on, Marek was more determined to be a better brother and son.
Zuzana sa cítila, akoby jej spadol obrovský kameň zo srdca.
Zuzana felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her heart.
Vianoce budú tento rok iné, lepšie - rodina bude kompletná.
Christmas would be different this year, better—the family would be complete.
A to bolo to najdôležitejšie.
And that was the most important thing.