FluentFiction - Slovak

An Unforgettable New Year at the Science Museum

FluentFiction - Slovak

14m 35sDecember 29, 2024

An Unforgettable New Year at the Science Museum

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  • Science Museum žiaril vo svetle novoročných ozdôb.

    The Science Museum shone in the light of New Year's decorations.

  • Deti behali okolo, ich oči sa trblietali od vzrušenia.

    Children ran around, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

  • Milan vstúpil do haly s nadšením.

    Milan entered the hall with enthusiasm.

  • "Pozri, Zuzana, tam je nový výstavný priestor!

    "Look, Zuzana, there's a new exhibition space!"

  • " zvolal a ukázal na veľkú maketu vesmírnej rakety.

    he exclaimed, pointing at the large model of a space rocket.

  • Zuzana kráčala vedľa neho, s miernym úsmevom.

    Zuzana walked beside him, with a slight smile.

  • "Milan, nezabudni, že si musíš dávať pozor na svoje alergie.

    "Milan, don't forget that you have to watch your allergies.

  • Nechcem, aby sa ti niečo stalo," povedala starostlivo.

    I don't want anything to happen to you," she said with concern.

  • Milan len mávol rukou.

    Milan just waved his hand.

  • "Neboj sa, Zuzka, dnes si užijem všetko!

    "Don't worry, Zuzka, today I'm going to enjoy everything!"

  • "Keď prechádzali do ďalšej miestnosti, Milan pocítil zvláštne škrabanie v hrdle.

    As they moved into the next room, Milan felt a strange tickle in his throat.

  • Ignoroval to a sústredil sa na úžasné exponáty.

    He ignored it and focused on the amazing exhibits.

  • Ale jeho dýchanie sa postupne zhoršovalo.

    But his breathing gradually worsened.

  • Zuzana si všimla, že Milan začal kašľať.

    Zuzana noticed that Milan had started coughing.

  • "Milan, si v poriadku?

    "Milan, are you okay?"

  • " spýtala sa, mierne znepokojená.

    she asked, slightly worried.

  • Milan sa snažil zostať pokojný.

    Milan tried to stay calm.

  • "Je to len malé škrabanie, nič vážne," odpovedal.

    "It's just a little tickle, nothing serious," he replied.

  • Ale čoskoro sa mu objavili červené škvrny na koži.

    But soon, red spots appeared on his skin.

  • Zuzana nečakala.

    Zuzana didn't wait.

  • "Musíme ísť k prvým pomociam," rozhodla.

    "We need to go to first aid," she decided.

  • Požiadala najbližšieho zamestnanca múzea o pomoc.

    She asked the nearest museum staff member for help.

  • Rýchlo ich nasmerovali do prvej pomoci.

    They quickly directed them to first aid.

  • Milan sa cítil stále horšie.

    Milan felt increasingly worse.

  • Zuzana sa snažila udržať ho pokojného, zatiaľ čo personál múzea mu poskytol lieky a ošetrenie.

    Zuzana tried to keep him calm while the museum staff provided him with medication and treatment.

  • Po chvíli Milan začal cítiť úľavu.

    After a while, Milan began to feel relieved.

  • "Je mi lepšie, Zuzana.

    "I feel better, Zuzana.

  • Ďakujem, že si zakročila," povedal úprimne.

    Thank you for stepping in," he said sincerely.

  • "Uvedomil som si, aké dôležité je dbať na svoje zdravie.

    "I've realized how important it is to take care of my health."

  • "Zuzana sa usmiala, keď sa naňho pozrela.

    Zuzana smiled as she looked at him.

  • "Pod, strávme zvyšok večera pomaly.

    "Come on, let's spend the rest of the evening slowly.

  • Prišli sme si oddýchnuť a užiť si to.

    We came to relax and enjoy ourselves."

  • "Prešli sa po ostatných častiach múzea opatrne a uvážlivo.

    They walked through the other parts of the museum carefully and thoughtfully.

  • Zastavili sa pri veľkom novoročnom displeji, kde si v tichosti prezerali svetlá a ozdoby.

    They stopped at the large New Year's display, where they quietly admired the lights and decorations.

  • Aj keď ich návšteva neprebiehala úplne podľa predstáv, obaja ocenili túto výnimočnú chvíľu.

    Even though their visit didn't go exactly as planned, both appreciated this special moment.

  • Milan si odniesol dôležitú lekciu o starostlivosti o svoje zdravie a počúvania priateľov.

    Milan learned an important lesson about taking care of his health and listening to friends.

  • Zuzana získala istotu, že vie dobre riešiť aj ťažké situácie.

    Zuzana gained confidence that she can handle difficult situations well.

  • V ten zimný večer, keď sa blížil nový rok, obaja pocítili nádej na nové začiatky.

    That winter evening, as the new year approached, both felt hopeful for new beginnings.