When the Mountain Teaches: A New Year's Journey to Remember
FluentFiction - Slovak
When the Mountain Teaches: A New Year's Journey to Remember
V Tatrách bola hlboká zima.
In the Tatras, it was deep winter.
Všade okolo vládlo ticho, len snežný vietor ševelil medzi stromami.
Silence reigned all around, only the snow-laden wind whispered among the trees.
V túto novoročnú noc, keď sa každý radoval doma, Jozef a Marta sa rozhodli zdolať vrch, aby privítali nový rok so východom slnka.
On this New Year's Eve, when everyone was celebrating at home, Jozef and Marta decided to climb the mountain to welcome the new year with the sunrise.
Jozefovi to bol tradičný zvyk.
For Jozef, it was a traditional custom.
Symbol jeho sily a odhodlania.
A symbol of his strength and determination.
Ale tento rok všetko bolo iné.
But this year, everything was different.
Boli už v polovici cesty, keď sa tragédia stala.
They were already halfway when tragedy struck.
Jozef zle stúpil.
Jozef stepped poorly.
Pod ním sa zaborilo do snehu.
The snow caved under him.
On pocítil ostrú bolesť v členku.
He felt a sharp pain in his ankle.
“ zasyčal, ale prehltol bolesť a chcel pokračovať.
he hissed, but swallowed the pain and wanted to continue.
Marta bola vedľa neho.
Marta was beside him.
Videla jeho odhodlanie, ale ešte viac jeho utrpenie.
She saw his determination, but even more, his suffering.
„Jozef, nemôžeme pokračovať.
"Jozef, we can't continue.
Tvoj členok je zranený,“ povedala starostlivo.
Your ankle is injured," she said with concern.
Vedela, že je tvrdohlavý.
She knew he was stubborn.
Ale teraz išlo o ich bezpečie.
But now it was about their safety.
„Nie, Marta.
"No, Marta.
Musíme ísť ďalej.
We must go on.
Musím dosiahnuť vrchol,“ namietal Jozef.
I have to reach the top," Jozef protested.
Potreboval ten pocit naplnenia.
He needed that feeling of fulfillment.
Ale sneženie zosilnelo a teplota klesala.
But the snowfall intensified, and the temperature was dropping.
„Pozri sa okolo seba,“ upozornila Marta.
"Look around you," Marta warned.
„Počasie sa mení.
"The weather is changing.
Nebude to bezpečné.
It won't be safe."
“ Jozef si vzdychol.
Jozef sighed.
Zvádzal vnútorný boj.
He battled an internal struggle.
Na jednej strane jeho túžba po vrchole, na druhej jeho zdravie a ich prežitie.
On one side, his desire for the peak, on the other, his health and their survival.
Pomáhala mu prekonávať každý krok.
She helped him overcome each step.
Sychravý vietor bol stále silnejší, a Jozefova bolesť zhoršovala každý pohyb.
The chilling wind was ever stronger, and Jozef's pain worsened with every movement.
Už nemohol skryť, že by dnes bolo lepšie pozastaviť svoje ambície.
He could no longer hide that it would be better to set aside his ambitions today.
Konečne, keď sa dostali na úpätie vrcholu a búrka ich obklopila, Marta náhle zastavila.
Finally, when they reached the foot of the peak and the storm enveloped them, Marta suddenly stopped.
„Už stačí.
"That's enough.
Musíme to nechať tak.
We must stop here.
Pozrime sa na východ tu, kde sme,“ povedala priateľsky.
Let's watch the sunrise from here," she said kindly.
Jozef hľadel na Martu.
Jozef looked at Marta.
Jej oči boli plné starostlivosti.
Her eyes were full of care.
„Máš pravdu, Marta,“ pripustil nakoniec.
"You're right, Marta," he finally admitted.
Spolu sa posadili na malú vyvýšeninu.
Together they sat on a small rise.
Pohľad na východ bol krásny aj tak.
The view of the sunrise was beautiful nonetheless.
Slnko sa pomaly začalo ukazovať cez oblačné zhluky.
The sun slowly began to show through the clusters of clouds.
„Niekedy cesta, ktorou si prejdeš a ľudia, ktorí sú s tebou, sú dôležitejší ako cieľ,“ dodal Jozef s novým pochopením.
"Sometimes the journey you take and the people who are with you are more important than the goal," Jozef added with newfound understanding.
Užili si tu chvíľu pokoja.
They enjoyed that moment of peace.
Nie na vrchole, ale blízko k nemu, náležite si ctili krásu krajiny a hodnotu priateľstva.
Not at the peak, but close to it, they duly honored the beauty of the landscape and the value of friendship.