Survival Quest: Marek's Risky Rescue Through the Icy Abyss
FluentFiction - Slovak
Survival Quest: Marek's Risky Rescue Through the Icy Abyss
Marekovi sa triasli ruky od zimy, keď kráčal zamrznutou krajinou, ktorej ticho prerušoval len nepríjemný vŕzgajúci zvuk snehu pod jeho ťažkými topánkami.
Marekovi hands were shaking from the cold as he walked through the frozen landscape, the silence interrupted only by the unpleasant creaking sound of snow under his heavy boots.
Všade naokolo nebolo vidieť nič len bielu pustinu, ktorá sa tiahla donekonečna.
Everywhere around there was nothing to see but a white wasteland stretching endlessly.
Staré mestské ruiny stáli ako nemí svedkovia dávneho života, teraz pokryté hrubou vrstvou snehu.
Old city ruins stood as silent witnesses of a past life, now covered with a thick layer of snow.
Zuzana, členka malej skupiny, bola v život ohrozujúcom stave.
Zuzana, a member of the small group, was in a life-threatening condition.
Jej rana na nohe sa zapálila, a situácia nevyzerala dobre.
Her wound on the leg was infected, and the situation didn't look good.
"Marek, čo budeme robiť?
"Marek, what are we going to do?"
" spýtal sa Tomas, pochybujúci o ďalších krokoch.
asked Tomas, doubting the next steps.
Marek vedel, že musí niečo podniknúť, a to čoskoro.
Marek knew he had to take action, and soon.
Jeho rozhodnutie bolo jasné, hoci riskantné.
His decision was clear, albeit risky.
Musel sa dostať do opusteného mesta a nájsť lieky.
He had to get to the abandoned city and find medicine.
Mesto bolo strašidelne tiché.
The city was eerily quiet.
Vetrom ošľahané budovy stáli ako obri, ktorí zabudli dýchať.
Wind-battered buildings stood like giants that had forgotten to breathe.
Marek kráčal opatrne, vediac, že jeho staré zbrojené topánky môžu vzbudiť nežiadanú pozornosť.
Marek walked cautiously, knowing that his old armored boots might attract unwanted attention.
V hlave mal len jeden cieľ - starú nemocnicu.
He had only one goal in mind - the old hospital.
Tam boli jeho posledné nádeje.
There lay his last hopes.
Cestu mu komplikovala nielen neprístupná zima, ale aj vedomie, že nie je jediný, kto sa snaží prežiť.
The journey was complicated not only by the impassable cold but also by the knowledge that he was not the only one trying to survive.
Musel byť ostražitý.
He had to be vigilant.
Keď konečne uvidel budovu nemocnice, zrýchlil krok.
When he finally saw the hospital building, he quickened his pace.
Srdce mu búšilo od očakávania.
His heart pounded with anticipation.
Do nemocnice vstúpil po praskajúcom skle.
He entered the hospital through the cracking glass.
Vo vnútri vládlo šero a chlad prenikajúci až do kostí.
Inside, there was a dimness and cold penetrating to the bones.
Vydal sa smerom ku skladu liekov.
He headed towards the medicine storage.
Po nekonečnom hľadaní našiel starú zásuvku, v ktorej našiel antibiotiká.
After what felt like endless searching, he found an old drawer where he found antibiotics.
Nádej mu zaplnila srdce.
Hope filled his heart.
No práve vtedy začula, že budova je nestabilná.
But just then, he heard that the building was unstable.
Musel sa rýchlo dostať von.
He had to get out quickly.
Cestou k východu sa stretol s inými preživšími, tí však boli rovnakí ako on – vyčerpaní a bez nádeje na boj.
On the way to the exit, he encountered other survivors, but they were just like him - exhausted and with no hope for a fight.
Rýchlo opustil budovu, ktorá sa začala rúcať za jeho chrbtom.
He quickly left the building, which began to collapse behind him.
Keď sa konečne vrátil do úkrytu, jeho víťazstvo bolo oslovené s radosťou.
When he finally returned to the hideout, his victory was met with joy.
Zuzana dostala antibiotiká, ktoré ju zachránili.
Zuzana received the antibiotics that saved her.
Marek sa posadil vedľa nej, pocítil v srdci hrejivý pocit úspechu.
Marek sat down next to her, feeling a warm sense of accomplishment in his heart.
Zdalo sa, že možno má ich malá skupina pred sebou budúcnosť.
It seemed that perhaps their small group had a future ahead of them.
Keď nastala noc, Marek sa zapozeral na ticho za oknom.
As night fell, Marek gazed out at the silence beyond the window.
V tých zasnežených ruinách už nevidel len beznádej, ale aj možnosť prežiť a niečo obnoviť.
In those snow-covered ruins, he no longer saw just despair, but also the possibility to survive and rebuild something.
Vidina budúcnosti bola jasnejšia.
The vision of the future was clearer.