Whispers and Laughter: Mischief in the Library of Alexandria
FluentFiction - Slovak
Whispers and Laughter: Mischief in the Library of Alexandria
V Alexandrijskej knižnici, kde sa vôňa starovekých papierov miešala s jemným šelestom otočených stránok, sa dejalo niečo nezvyčajné.
In the Alexandrijská knižnica (Library of Alexandria), where the scent of ancient papers mixed with the soft rustle of turned pages, something unusual was happening.
Jozef, Marek a Zuzana sedeli spolu v rohu, medzi vysokými regálmi plnými vzácnych zvitkov a kníh.
Jozef, Marek, and Zuzana sat together in a corner, among tall shelves filled with valuable scrolls and books.
Vzduch bol chladný, plný jarného kvetu prúdiaceho cez otvorené okná.
The air was cool, full of the spring blossom flowing through the open windows.
Slnko maľovalo svetelné škvrny na kamennom podlaží, no kúzlo tohto miesta krásne umenšovala prítomnosť prísneho knihovníka.
The sun painted light spots on the stone floor, but the presence of a strict librarian beautifully diminished the magic of this place.
"Chcete sa zahrať na hru?
"Do you want to play a game?"
" šepol Marek, rozprávaním prerušil ticho.
whispered Marek, interrupting the silence with his speech.
Zameral sa na prítomných priateľov svojimi iskrivými očami.
He focused on his present friends with his sparkling eyes.
"Vyhráva ten, kto urobí najtichšie kýchnutie.
"The one who makes the quietest sneeze wins.
Nechceme predsa, aby nás tá prísna knižníková zazrela.
We don't want that strict librarian to spot us."
"Zuzana sa sklonila nad zvitkom, ale úsmev sa jej pohrával na perách.
Zuzana bent over a scroll, but a smile played on her lips.
"Marek, si nerozumný," pošepla, "ale som pripravená," dodala tichým, ale zábavným tónom.
"Marek, you're silly," she whispered, "but I'm ready," she added in a quiet yet amused tone.
Jozef, srdcom učenec, zaváhal.
Jozef, a scholar at heart, hesitated.
Miloval písma na tých starých listoch, no nezbedný tvor coctívesť kamarátov ho zlákal.
He loved the scripts on those old pages, but the playful mischief of his friends enticed him.
Napriek tomu mal z knihovníka rešpekt.
Despite this, he had respect for the librarian.
"Teraz alebo nikdy," pomyslel si.
"Now or never," he thought.
Marek bol prvým na rade.
Marek was the first to go.
Pohladkal si tvár a naraz predstieral kýchnutie, ktoré nebolo nič viac ako tiché vzdýchnutie.
He stroked his face and suddenly pretended to sneeze, which was nothing more than a silent sigh.
Zuzana mrkla a odpovedala podobne.
Zuzana blinked and responded similarly.
Došlo na Jozefa.
It was Jozef's turn.
Atmosféra bola napätá.
The atmosphere was tense.
Pozrel sa okolo seba, aby pohľad knihovníka neupadal na nich.
He looked around to ensure the librarian's gaze wouldn't fall upon them.
Náhle zadržal dych.
Suddenly, he held his breath.
Keď kýchnutie konečne prišlo, bolo to ako jemné zašumenie vetra.
When the sneeze finally came, it was like a gentle whisper of the wind.
No práve v tom okamihu buchol z regálu veľký zvitok a spadol priamo pred ich stôl.
But just at that moment, a large scroll thudded from the shelf and fell directly in front of their table.
Knihovník, vysoký ako starý cedr, zdvihol pohľad spoza pultu.
The librarian, tall as an old cedar, raised his gaze from behind the counter.
Všetci zatajili dych.
Everyone held their breath.
Namiesto hnevu sa knihovníkovu tvár roztiahla v úsmeve.
Instead of anger, a smile spread across the librarian's face.
"Nikdy som nepočul tak tiché kýchnutie," dodal pobavene.
"I have never heard such a quiet sneeze," he added amusedly.
Marek sa posmiešal.
Marek chuckled.
Ukázal na padlý zvitok, ktorý sám z dôvtipu pripravili.
He pointed to the fallen scroll, which they had cleverly prepared.
"To bol len trik," vysvetľoval so smiechom.
"It was just a trick," he explained with laughter.
Zuzana len krútila hlavou, ale nedalo jej nezasmiať sa.
Zuzana just shook her head but couldn't help but laugh.
Jozef sa usmial, trochu nervózne, ale spokojne.
Jozef smiled, a bit nervously but contently.
Zistil, že trocha spontánnosti môže priniesť smiech a radosť do vzácnych chvíľ.
He realized that a bit of spontaneity could bring laughter and joy to cherished moments.
Nakoniec, nie každý narušenie muselo byť zlé, pokiaľ prinieslo úsmev na tvár.
In the end, not every disturbance had to be bad, as long as it brought a smile to the face.
V Alexandrijskej knižnici ten deň neznamenal len štúdium, ale aj trochu zábavy.
In the Alexandrijská knižnica that day meant not only study but also a bit of fun.