FluentFiction - Slovenian

Swan Lake Rescue: A Day Matej, Nina, and Borut Won't Forget!

FluentFiction - Slovenian

13m 47sMay 31, 2024

Swan Lake Rescue: A Day Matej, Nina, and Borut Won't Forget!

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  • Bledsko jezero je bilo tistega poletnega dne mirno in prosojno.

    Lake Bled was calm and transparent that summer day.

  • Matej, Nina in Borut so se odpravili na izlet.

    Matej, Nina, and Borut set out on a trip.

  • "Poglej, kako lepo je!

    "Look how beautiful it is!"

  • " je vzkliknila Nina.

    exclaimed Nina.

  • Matej je iz žepa potegnil telefon.

    Matej took out his phone from his pocket.

  • "Naredimo selfie!

    "Let's take a selfie!"

  • " je rekel.

    he said.

  • Stopili so bližje vodi.

    They stepped closer to the water.

  • Matej je stegnil roko, da bi zajel pogled na jezero.

    Matej stretched out his hand to capture the view of the lake.

  • Nenadoma mu je telefon zdrsnil iz rok in padel v vodo.

    Suddenly, the phone slipped from his hands and fell into the water.

  • "Oh, ne!

    "Oh, no!"

  • " je zavpil Matej.

    shouted Matej.

  • Vsi so strmeli, ko je telefon počasi potonil.

    They all stared as the phone slowly sank.

  • Kar naenkrat se je iz jezera priblizal labod.

    All of a sudden, a swan approached from the lake.

  • Videti je bil prijazen.

    It looked friendly.

  • Labod je potegnil potopljen telefon iz vode z svojim kljunom.

    The swan pulled the submerged phone out of the water with its beak.

  • "Poglej ga, pomagati želi!

    "Look at that, it wants to help!"

  • " je rekla Nina.

    said Nina.

  • Labod pa se ni ustavil.

    But the swan didn't stop.

  • Obrnil se je in začel plavati stran s telefonom v kljunu.

    It turned and started swimming away with the phone in its beak.

  • "Neee, labod!

    "Nooo, swan!

  • Vzemi telefon nazaj!

    Bring the phone back!"

  • " je Matej klical za njim.

    Matej called after it.

  • Borut se je zasmejal.

    Borut laughed.

  • "Moramo teči za njim!

    "We have to run after it!"

  • "Smeje se, so začeli loviti laboda okoli obale.

    Laughing, they began chasing the swan around the shore.

  • Labod je hitro plaval, obrnjen proti sredini jezera, nato zopet proti obrežju.

    The swan swam quickly, turning towards the center of the lake and then back to the shore.

  • Matej tekel za njim, ko so v pristanišču našli čoln.

    Matej ran after it, and they found a boat at the dock.

  • "Gremo!

    "Let's go!"

  • " je rekel Borut in vskočili so v čoln ter začeli veslati.

    said Borut, and they jumped into the boat and started rowing.

  • Nina je usmerjala čoln in kmalu so ujeli laboda.

    Nina steered the boat, and soon they caught up with the swan.

  • Labod je skočil iz vode in telefon je padel nazaj v čoln.

    The swan jumped out of the water and the phone fell back into the boat.

  • "Končno!


  • " je dahnil Matej.

    gasped Matej.

  • Vsi so se smejali in sopli od teka.

    They all laughed and panted from running.

  • Matej je obrisal telefon z brisačo.

    Matej wiped the phone with a towel.

  • Na srečo je še deloval.

    Luckily, it still worked.

  • "Izgleda, da imamo tudi prijatelja na jezeru," je rekel in pogledal laboda, ki je plaval okoli čolna.

    "It looks like we have a friend on the lake too," he said, looking at the swan swimming around the boat.

  • "Ampak danes brez več selfiejev," je rekla Nina s smehljajem.

    "But no more selfies today," Nina said with a smile.

  • Vsi so se strinjali.

    They all agreed.

  • Bil je dan, ki ga ne bodo nikoli pozabili.

    It was a day they would never forget.