Lost and Found: Life Lessons in Triglav National Park
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Lost and Found: Life Lessons in Triglav National Park
Triglavski Narodni Park je bil čudovit v poletnem času.
Triglav National Park was beautiful in the summer.
Vsa narava je bila v polnem razcvetu.
All of nature was in full bloom.
Sonce je sijalo v vsej svoji lepoti.
The sun was shining in all its glory.
Skupina mladih učencev je bila navdušena.
A group of young students was enthusiastic.
Med njimi so bili Mateja, Andrej in Nika.
Among them were Mateja, Andrej, and Nika.
Mateja je bila vedno radovedna.
Mateja was always curious.
Rada je raziskovala naravo.
She loved exploring nature.
Njena največja želja je bila, da bi našla redko endemično rožo.
Her biggest wish was to find a rare endemic flower.
Upala je, da bo s tem navdušila svojo učiteljico.
She hoped to impress her teacher with it.
Andrej je bil drugačen.
Andrej was different.
Bil je glasen in samozavesten.
He was loud and confident.
Rad je vedno vodil skupino.
He always liked to lead the group.
Nika pa je bila skrbna in vestna.
Nika, on the other hand, was caring and diligent.
Vedno je pazila na svoje prijatelje.
She always watched over her friends.
Na izletu so se učenci učili o naravnem okolju in avtohtonih skupnostih.
During the trip, the students were learning about the natural environment and indigenous communities.
Vodnik jim je pripovedoval o starih običajih in rastlinah v parku.
The guide was telling them about ancient customs and plants in the park.
Mateja je pozorno poslušala.
Mateja listened carefully.
Upala je, da bo našla svojo sanjsko rožo.
She hoped to find her dream flower.
Ko so hodili po poti, je Andrej vzel pobudo.
As they walked along the path, Andrej took the initiative.
"Sledite meni," je rekel.
"Follow me," he said.
Mateja je imela drugačne ideje.
Mateja had different ideas.
Vedela je, da je nekaj posebnega v drugi smeri.
She knew there was something special in another direction.
Ko je to predlagala, jo je Andrej takoj zavrnil.
When she suggested it, Andrej immediately dismissed her.
"Neumno je," je rekel.
"That's foolish," he said.
Pot je postajala vse bolj zahtevna.
The path became increasingly challenging.
Skupina je bila utrujena in zmedena.
The group was tired and confused.
Nenadoma so se znašli izgubljeni.
Suddenly, they found themselves lost.
Andrej je bil zmeden.
Andrej was bewildered.
"Kam zdaj?
"Where to now?"
" je vprašal.
he asked.
Mateja je zbrala pogum.
Mateja gathered her courage.
"Poznam pot," je rekla samozavestno.
"I know the way," she said confidently.
Nika ji je zaupala in je šla za njo.
Nika trusted her and followed.
Po nekaj minutah hoje so prišli do majhnega travnika.
After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a small meadow.
Na sredi travnika je bila redka roža, ki jo je Mateja iskala.
In the middle of the meadow was the rare flower Mateja had been searching for.
Bila je prelepa.
It was beautiful.
Njena srčna želja se je uresničila.
Her heartfelt wish had come true.
"Prav si imela, Mateja," je rekel Andrej s sramežljivim nasmehom.
"You were right, Mateja," Andrej said with a shy smile.
"Hvala, da si nas rešila.
"Thank you for saving us."
"Skupina se je srečno vrnila k preostali skupini.
The group happily rejoined the rest of the party.
Mateja je zdaj vedela, da lahko zaupa svojim instinktom.
Mateja now knew that she could trust her instincts.
Andrej je spoznal, da mora poslušati druge.
Andrej realized that he needed to listen to others.
Oba sta se veliko naučila.
Both learned a lot.
Triglavski Narodni Park je bil zdaj ne le kraj naravnih lepot, ampak tudi kraj pomembnih lekcij in prijateljstva.
Triglav National Park was now not only a place of natural beauty but also a place of important lessons and friendship.