Snowflakes and Spotlight: A Winter’s Tale of Friendship
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Snowflakes and Spotlight: A Winter’s Tale of Friendship
Ljubljana je pozimi čarobna.
Ljubljana is magical in winter.
Na ulicah svetijo lučke, sneg prekrije strehe in vse diši po cimetu.
Lights shine on the streets, snow covers the roofs, and everything smells of cinnamon.
Sveti Miklavž je pred vrati, v šoli pa vse mrgoli od priprav na predstavo.
Sveti Miklavž is at the door, and the school is bustling with preparations for the performance.
Mateja in Bojan sta zavzeta v učilnici z velikimi starimi okni, ki gledajo na reko Ljubljanico.
Mateja and Bojan are busy in the classroom with large old windows that look out onto the river Ljubljanica.
Mateja je kreativna.
Mateja is creative.
Rada ima gledališče in letos vodi šolsko predstavo.
She loves theater, and this year she is directing the school play.
Je odločena, da bo predstava uspešna.
She is determined that the performance will be successful.
Vsi morajo biti točni in osredotočeni.
Everyone must be punctual and focused.
Bojan je njen najboljši prijatelj.
Bojan is her best friend.
Vedno je nasmejan in vsemu da poseben čar.
He is always smiling and adds a special charm to everything.
On bo igral glavno vlogo.
He will play the lead role.
Ampak, ima težavo.
But, he has a problem.
Zlahka se zamoti.
He gets easily distracted.
V učilnici je toplo.
It is warm in the classroom.
Vsi si pomagajo postavljati kulise in vaje so že v polnem teku.
Everyone is helping to set up the scenery, and rehearsals are already in full swing.
Bojan pa gleda skozi okno.
But Bojan is gazing out the window.
Sneg sneži.
It’s snowing.
Zunaj je vso mesto v praznični vzhičenosti.
Outside, the whole city is in festive excitement.
Mateja ga pokliče: "Bojan, moraš se osredotočiti!"
Mateja calls to him: "Bojan, you need to focus!"
A on le prikima in nato zmoti še druge: "Glejte, kako lepo sneži!"
But he just nods and then distracts others: "Look, how beautifully it’s snowing!"
Mateja zavzdihne.
Mateja sighs.
Razume, da je vse čudovito, a predstava ne sme trpeti.
She understands that everything is wonderful, but the performance must not suffer.
Prišel je trenutek odločitve.
The moment of decision has come.
Bo biti stroga ali... imeti drugačen pristop?
Should she be strict, or... take a different approach?
Ob večerih doma premišljuje, kako prikazati Bojanu vrednost fokusa.
In the evenings at home, she thinks about how to show Bojan the value of focus.
A takrat, med vajami, pride ideja.
But then, during rehearsals, an idea comes to her.
Preoblikuje nekaj prizorov in doda čar te zime in praznikov.
She reworks some scenes and adds the magic of this winter and holidays.
Predstava dobi nov element.
The snow becomes part of the story.
Učenci v vlogi snežink zaplešejo.
Students in the roles of snowflakes dance.
Dnevi hitro minevajo.
The days pass quickly.
Prihaja zadnja vaja.
The final rehearsal is approaching.
Vsi živčni, a navdušeni.
Everyone is nervous but excited.
Bojan se za trenutek znova zamoti ob pogledu na zunanje sneženje.
Bojan gets distracted once more by looking at the snow outside.
Mateja pa reče: "To! To bo naše ozadje!"
But Mateja says: "That! That will be our background!"
Prestavitev je veličastna.
The performance is magnificent.
Starši, prijatelji, vsi so navdušeni.
Parents, friends, everyone is thrilled.
Aplaudirajo, nasmejani in ganjeni od čarobnega trenutka.
They applaud, smiling and touched by the magical moment.
Ko pade zavese, Bojan pogleda k Mateji.
As the curtain falls, Bojan looks at Mateja.
"Hvala, da si my zaupanja," reče.
"Thank you for trusting me," he says.
"Hvala tebi," odgovori Mateja.
"Thank you," replies Mateja.
Razume, da je fleksibilnost prav tako pomembna kot trud.
She understands that flexibility is just as important as effort.
Bojan sprošča in vidi, da so vaje vredne vsake sekunde.
Bojan relaxes and sees that rehearsals were worth every second.
Tako so ob sneženju, vonju po kuhanem vinu in zvoncih v daljavi, zaključili predstavo.
Thus, with snow falling, the smell of mulled wine, and bells in the distance, they concluded the performance.
Ljubljanica tiho žubori, učilnica pa zadiši po toplih pomarančah.
The Ljubljanica quietly murmurs, and the classroom smells of warm oranges.
Razveselili so sebe in druge, pokazali so, kako čudovito je, ko sodeluješ.
They delighted themselves and others, showing how wonderful it is when you collaborate.
Mateja in Bojan, skupaj z vsemi vključeni, so odšli vesel in z novim spoznanjem: življenje je predstava, ko sodeluješ in se prilagodiš.
Mateja and Bojan, along with everyone involved, left happy and with a new realization: life is a play when you collaborate and adapt.
Sveti Miklavž je prinesel več kot darila – prinesel je prijateljstvo in razumevanje.
Sveti Miklavž brought more than gifts – he brought friendship and understanding.