Rekindling Family Bonds: A Christmas Tale
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Rekindling Family Bonds: A Christmas Tale
Mateja je stala na vrhu Ljubljanskega gradu.
Mateja stood at the top of Ljubljanski grad.
Veter ji je pihal v obraz.
The wind was blowing in her face.
Sneg je počasi padal.
Snow was slowly falling.
Pod njo so bile božične luči Ljubljane.
Below her were the Christmas lights of Ljubljana.
V zraku je bil vonj kuhanega vina in praznične sladice.
There was the scent of mulled wine and festive desserts in the air.
Njeno srce je bilo težko.
Her heart was heavy.
Želela je razčistiti z bratom Klemenom.
She wanted to clear things up with her brother Klemen.
Mateja in Klemen sta bila dolgo odtujena.
Mateja and Klemen had been distant for a long time.
Nekoč sta bila neločljiva, a čas in nesporazumi so jih ločili.
Once they were inseparable, but time and misunderstandings had divided them.
Zala, njuna sestrična, jih je vedno poskušala združiti.
Zala, their cousin, always tried to unite them.
Njena toplina in smeh sta pomagala.
Her warmth and laughter helped.
Toda zdaj je bil Klemen tam, ob njej.
But now Klemen was there, beside her.
Bil je praktičen in čustveno oddaljen.
He was practical and emotionally distant.
Spraševal jo je, kaj si želi za božič.
He asked her what she wanted for Christmas.
Mateja je čutila, da mora povedati resnico.
Mateja felt she needed to tell the truth.
"Želim si, da bi bili spet družina," je rekla.
"I want us to be a family again," she said.
Klemen je pogledal stran, tiho.
Klemen looked away, silent.
Nenadoma je začutila, da ji je slabo.
Suddenly she felt unwell.
Vročina ji je narasla.
Heat surged through her.
Klemen jo je pogledal zaskrbljeno.
Klemen looked at her with concern.
"Si v redu?
"Are you okay?"
" je vprašal.
he asked.
Mateja je vedela, da mora zdaj spregovoriti.
Mateja knew she had to speak now.
Pogoltnila je in rekla, "Želim, da nama je bolje.
She swallowed and said, "I want us to be better.
Oprostiva si.
To forgive each other."
"Klemen je molčal, gledal je mesto pod seboj.
Klemen remained silent, looking at the city below.
Vzdušje je bilo spokojno, praznično.
The atmosphere was calm, festive.
Ljudje so se smejali v daljavi, otroci so peli božične pesmi.
People laughed in the distance, children sang Christmas carols.
Mateja je čakala.
Mateja waited.
Končno je Klemen spregovoril.
Finally, Klemen spoke.
"Žal mi je," je rekel.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Tudi jaz želim, da je drugače.
"I also want things to be different."
"Nasmehnila se je, kljub vročini, ki jo je prevzela.
She smiled, despite the heat that had overtaken her.
Klemen ji je obljubil, da bosta na božični večer skupaj kot družina.
Klemen promised her that they would be together on Christmas Eve as a family.
Začela bosta na novo.
They would start anew.
Stisnil jo je v objem, čutil je njeno ranljivost.
He embraced her, feeling her vulnerability.
Spoznala je, da je pogum odprl pot do njune povezanosti.
She realized that courage had opened the way to their connection.
Ko sta zapuščala grad, je Mateja čutila upanje.
As they left the castle, Mateja felt hopeful.
Zima je bila hladna, a toplina njunega trenutka je bila večja.
Winter was cold, but the warmth of their moment was greater.
Skupaj sta odšla v svetle luči mesta, pripravljena začeti znova.
Together they walked into the bright lights of the city, ready to start again.