Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion
FluentFiction - Slovenian
Home for the Holidays: A Sibling's Heartfelt Reunion
Luka je nervozno stopal po terminalu Letališča Jožeta Pučnika v Ljubljani.
Luka nervously paced through the terminal of Letališče Jožeta Pučnika in Ljubljana.
Na stenah so bile obešene svetle lučke in velika božična smreka se je bleščala v svojem kotičku.
Bright lights were hung on the walls, and a large Christmas tree sparkled in its corner.
Bil je božični večer, a v njegovem srcu je bilo mraz.
It was Christmas Eve, but his heart felt cold.
Luka živi v tujini že več let.
Luka had been living abroad for several years.
Družino je obiskoval le občasno, a medtem so se odnosi ohladili. Posebej z Matejo, njegovo mlajšo sestro, ki je vsa družinska bremena nosila sama.
He visited his family only occasionally, but in the meantime, relationships had cooled, especially with Mateja, his younger sister, who bore all the family burdens alone.
Kajti Luka ni bil tam, ko ga je najbolj potrebovala.
For Luka wasn't there when she needed him most.
Zato je bil ta obisk še posebej pomemben.
That's why this visit was especially important.
Luka si je želel ponovno vzpostaviti vez z Matejo.
Luka wanted to reconnect with Mateja.
Občutek krivde ga je grizel in zelo si je želel popraviti izgubljeni čas.
Guilt gnawed at him, and he deeply wished to make up for lost time.
Anže, njegov vedno nasmejan bratranec, je pomagal načrtovati družinsko srečanje.
Anže, his always smiling cousin, helped plan the family gathering.
Anže je vedel, kako je pomembno, da družinski člani ohranijo povezanost, zlasti v času božičnih praznikov.
Anže knew how important it was for family members to keep their connection, especially during the Christmas holidays.
V terminalu so ljudje hiteli na vse strani.
People rushed in all directions in the terminal.
Sneg je naletaval zunaj, letala so zamujala, gostilne so bile polne izčrpanih potnikov.
Snow was falling outside, flights were delayed, and the cafés were full of exhausted travelers.
Luka je opazil Matejo v kavarnici pri izhodu.
Luka noticed Mateja in a small café near the exit.
Bila je videti zmatrana, a še vedno lepa z zimskimi rdečimi licami.
She looked tired, yet still beautiful with her winter-red cheeks.
Zbral je pogum in stopil k njej.
He gathered courage and approached her.
»Mateja,« je začel tiho.
"Mateja," he began quietly.
Pogledala ga je in v očeh ni bilo zamere, ampak nekaj bolj čustvenega, morda upanje.
She looked at him, and in her eyes was no resentment, but something more emotional, perhaps hope.
»Luka,« je odvrnila.
"Luka," she replied.
Glas ji je bil nežen, a zadržan.
Her voice was gentle, yet reserved.
»Zakaj si prišel?«
"Why did you come?"
Luka je globoko vdihnil.
Luka took a deep breath.
»Tukaj sem, ker te pogrešam.
"I'm here because I miss you.
Vem, da sem bil odsoten, ko si me potrebovala.
I know I was absent when you needed me.
Želim to popraviti.
I want to make it right."
Mateja je dolgo gledala v njegovo usodo, zadržano tišino je prekinilo stiskanje njene šalce.
Mateja looked into his future for a long time, the silence broken only by the clinking of her cup.
Nato se nasmehnila, čeprav skromno.
Then she smiled, though modestly.
»Veš, vedno sem si želela, da si tukaj,« je rekla.
"You know, I've always wanted you to be here," she said.
»Samo upala sem, da ti to ni preveč breme.«
"I just hoped it wouldn't be too much of a burden for you."
Luka je odložil svojo šalico kave in jo prijel za roke.
Luka put down his coffee cup and took her hands.
»Nisem imel pravega izgovora, samo želim si biti boljši brat.«
"I had no real excuse, I just want to be a better brother."
Mateja se je naslonila nazaj na stol in globoko izdihnila.
Mateja leaned back in her chair and exhaled deeply.
V tistem trenutku sta oba razumela, da se načrtuje nov začetek, ki bo zahteval trud z obeh strani.
In that moment, they both understood that a new beginning was being planned, one that would require effort from both sides.
Objela sta se, njune pretekle zamere so se topile kot sneg na toplem soncu.
They hugged, their past grievances melting away like snow in the warm sun.
Po dolgem času sta bila spet brat in sestra, tik pred pričetkom božične večerje, kjer bosta lahko razveselila preostanek družine.
After a long time, they were brother and sister again, just in time for the Christmas dinner where they could delight the rest of the family.
Ob božičnem drevescu sta jih čakala Anže in ostali sorodniki.
By the Christmas tree, Anže and other relatives waited for them.
Vzdušje je bilo toplo in dobrodošlo, kot takrat, ko je bila družina še celotna.
The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, like when the family was still whole.
Z Anžetovo vedrino in njuno novo obljubo sta Mateja in Luka stopila čez preteklost v novo prihodnost.
With Anže's cheerfulness and their new promise, Mateja and Luka stepped beyond the past into a new future.
Z roko v roki, pripravljena na vsa dokazovanja, ki jih bo prinesel ta praznični čas.
Hand in hand, ready for all the challenges this festive season would bring.